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Devs need to be aware of this Reddit Thread

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In other words, instead of providing a link where Bioware clearly states that the Expansion is still coming this year, other than the Producer's Roadmap, you go for that route.


It's like Galactic Strongholds wasn't delayed for an additional two months, not to mention some stuff pertaining GSF, which was delayed indefinitely(!!!).


Insightful but also predictable.


I have given you proof before and you continue to ignore it.


But even if I was wrong and they have only said it once (which isn't true, others have mentioned the cantina tour in this thread) they still said it and they haven't said otherwise.


As far as not digging it up right now I am at work and only on here while waiting or a script to finish running.

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I have given you proof before and you continue to ignore it.


But even if I was wrong and they have only said it once (which isn't true, others have mentioned the cantina tour in this thread) they still said it and they haven't said otherwise.


As far as not digging it up right now I am at work and only on here while waiting or a script to finish running.


Of course you are. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I think it was at least 2 months ago probably more they said in a cantina event that level cap increase will be announced very soon.(I saw it in a chat transcript at dulfy). that didn't happen And then producer's roapmap was a total disaster. It did not say anything. It was not a roadmap at all, which in my opinion is a sign that everything is delayed if not cancelled


And just last week Eric told us we'd hear more about GSH around the end of June...it's the freaking 25th. With so little coming from Bioware, it's no shock their game is crashing.

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Not at all. I'm just curious who it is we are chatting with. I mean, if he feels his opinions are solid and factual, why hide behind a brand new account?????????


Why are you defending the use of spoof accounts?




That is unconstructive, not to mention off-topic and nosy. Stop pretending that you are entitled to someone else's account info. or history beyond the truly excellent tools which Bioware has kindly provided for your use. :)

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To be fair he did say end of June early July...

To be fair...it better freaking be this week Reno. This is a game that has a plethora of freaking competitors AND it's a fee based game. People are sick of the stagnation and extreme secrecy. EA has more secrets than the NSA.

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Here's what he actually said.


Hey Reno,


I know so far we have been mainly dropping broad details without specifics. We will start diving more into the specifics around GSH in the next few weeks, specifically the end of June into July! Hope that answers your question.




If we take his word literal that would be inbetween next monday and tuesday.

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To be fair...it better freaking be this week Reno. This is a game that has a plethora of freaking competitors AND it's a fee based game. People are sick of the stagnation and extreme secrecy. EA has more secrets than the NSA.


Maybe EA is the corporate arm of NSA. :D

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To be fair he did say end of June early July...


He also said he will make sure producer's roadmap will address expansion, level increase etc.. I do not have much confidence on him to be honest. I don't think devs and him are an effective team (hehe, Oblivion bad movie but watched it couple times already)

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To be fair...it better freaking be this week Reno. This is a game that has a plethora of freaking competitors AND it's a fee based game. People are sick of the stagnation and extreme secrecy. EA has more secrets than the NSA.


And they're in a great place (or we're drooling chumps, pick whichever suits your mood). We're provide recurring rev., they're providing F2P quality releases.

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So the general complaint from some of those in this topic about this topic is that this is only a small subset of hardcore players complaining about this and everyone else is happy.


Because, as we all know, the only new operations released since October being Nightmare content is bad for the hardcore guilds and good for everyone else.


Critical thinking.

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Claiming that delaying Strongholds for an additional two months may have caused the other expansion to be delayed is not senseless, but rather both rational and reasonable.


Also, I know people are adamant in refusing to acknowledging reality around these parts but here:



Official release for Strongholds is October 14.


If 3.0 is meant to hit this year still, it will be around December 16... Right before Christmas.


That does seem a logical scenario, truth be told, not to mention having them releasing two digital expansions back-to-back. Again, the denial is STRONG around here. :rolleyes:


I'm not saying it's not happening that way I'm just saying it's not nailed on.


For instance I assume they know they have a content drought problem. They know housing will not be everyone's cup of tea. I think the assumption they wouldn't want to release both the new planet and the strongholds relatively close together is a rather cynical one.


I think that pace will be dictated by the performance of the teams on the yet unannounced projects originally scheduled to follow up the new planet. if those are on track there is no reason to push both the planet and the stuff behind it, is there. We've seen by now things change. Your arguments about which ancient dev quote should be taken as gospel is humorous to say the least. The company will decide what to do based on all the info they have at the time, not based on old forum posts. Since people are already moaning to high heaven and population did take a noticeable hit with wildstar and whatnot, I don't think they'll necessarily opt for preserving the 9 week cushion as opposed to possibly having 2 quickife DLCs "back to back" at the end of the year. Not if other projects are on track.


So I guess it boils down to whether you're a glass half full or sky is falling type of a guy. A strongholds pushback + GSF ship shelling might have been made to add more features than planned/shore up deadlines for more important projects. Or it could be the entire studio is in meltdown and we're getting nothing but strongholds till Q3 2015.

Edited by aeterno
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So the general complaint from some of those in this topic about this topic is that this is only a small subset of hardcore players complaining about this and everyone else is happy.


Because, as we all know, the only new operations released since October being Nightmare content is bad for the hardcore guilds and good for everyone else.


Critical thinking.


Some of those in this topic pretend to critically think but always speak from the same fixed perspective, don't expect too much. Just record the name of the issue at hand on their cassette then pull the string.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I'm not saying it's not happening that way I'm just saying it's not nailed on.


For instance I assume they know they have a content drought problem. They know housing will not be everyone's cup of tea. I think the assumption they wouldn't want to release both the new planet and the strongholds relatively close together is a rather cynical one.


I think that pace will be dictated by the performance of the teams on the yet unannounced projects originally scheduled to follow up the new planet. if those are on track there is no reason to push both the planet and the stuff behind it, is there. We've seen by now things change. Your arguments about which ancient dev quote should be taken as gospel is humorous to say the least. The company will decide what to do based on all the info they have at the time, not based on old forum posts. Since people are already moaning to high heaven and population did take a noticeable hit with wildstar and whatnot, I don't think they'll necessarily opt for preserving the 9 week cushion as opposed to possibly having 2 quickife DLCs "back to back" at the end of the year.


"Cynical" is messing up the drop ratio for the latest pack INTENTIONALLY, under the guise of "experimenting" and increasing the Account wide CC unlocks.


That which I said is ACCURATE.


Also, you're apparently ignoring the fact that Bioware choose to overextend the release of Galactic Strongholds from August to October, if only to try and mask the fact they have no other content to offer... Which is what they did already with GSF(!).


Again, I'm the cynic here? Overstretching content for months on end and then expecting them to release two digital expansions back-to-back, all of the sudden?


Yeahhh, right. Thanks for a good laugh though.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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"Cynical" is messing up the drop ratio for the latest pack INTENTIONALLY, under the guise of "experimenting" and increasing the Account wide CC unlocks.


That which I said is ACCURATE.


Also, you're apparently ignoring the fact that Bioware choose to overextend the release of Galactic Strongholds from August to October, if only to try and mask the fact they have no other content to offer... Which is what they did already with GSF(!).


Again, I'm the cynic here? Overstretching content for months on end and then expecting them to release two digital expansions back-to-back, all of the sudden?


Yeahhh, right. Thanks for a good laugh though.


Actually you are being Cynical https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=define%3A+Cynical


Regardless of the fact that the only news from Bioware about the expansion has been that it is coming this year... you continue to believe that since they haven't said anything else that it is not coming this year.... That is Cynical


But I am done. Keep believing what you want to believe based on absolutely nothing.

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Also, does anyone remember about this big announcement? It was also on the chat transcript from the cantina event where they talked about level cap and expansion. That did not get the attention it deserves. Probably that was about the expansion. What can happen is, they will announce expansion in November-December time frame that will be released around April-May.
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Also, does anyone remember about this big announcement? It was also on the chat transcript from the cantina event where they talked about level cap and expansion. That did not get the attention it deserves. Probably that was about the expansion. What can happen is, they will announce expansion in November-December time frame that will be released around April-May.


Good, that gives me til May to finish Makeb, once.

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