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EA CEO Says Company Is Changing to Become "Player-First"


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From today's press


Under the new direction of CEO Andrew Wilson, Electronic Arts is shifting its mentality to become a more "player-first" company.


Also in the interview, Wilson revealed a broader EA strategy where the company will now move away from one-off releases, and instead focus on building games that people can play for months and months.


"I want to move us away from just a straight hit-driven business," Wilson said. "I want to move us into the live services business. If you think about Star Wars, I don't want them to come in and play a Star Wars game two weeks or three weeks or four weeks, I want them to come in and be part of a universe, immersed in an interactive experience they play for six months, eight months, ten months."

Edited by tanerb
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its really ceo speak and i dont really put too much weight into these type of speeches one way or another. In terms of what he said he could mean several things and it could just be simply we are going to release more dlc's with games now then before
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From today's press


Under the new direction of CEO Andrew Wilson, Electronic Arts is shifting its mentality to become a more "player-first" company.


Also in the interview, Wilson revealed a broader EA strategy where the company will now move away from one-off releases, and instead focus on building games that people can play for months and months.


"I want to move us away from just a straight hit-driven business," Wilson said. "I want to move us into the live services business. If you think about Star Wars, I don't want them to come in and play a Star Wars game two weeks or three weeks or four weeks, I want them to come in and be part of a universe, immersed in an interactive experience they play for six months, eight months, ten months."


Post a link please to the interview, because right now what you are saying is, Just Hear Say.....

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If they really want to make a game people will play for months and months they should focus more financial and physical resources into TOR then just making new games that are longer or make people want to play them more then once.
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The culture of EA is so ingrained that he's going to have to fire a lot of VP's through middle managers to make that happen.


If you read what he said carefully.... no, not really. Why? Because all he is really saying is that he wants his game labels to be more persistent with players...to not have them played through one time and discarded. Seeing as most of what EA produces and publishes is exactly that.... single player or small scale multi-play franchise game properties...it's definitely an area for them to work on.


What he is really saying is that he wants to produce and release content that will encourage players to stick with EA games longer, and play more of them. Basically.. the same desires pitched by every large game holding company in the business. He believes this will earn more revenue and make customers more happy. Let's see him prove it, IMO. :)


The reality is that MMO players in particular, like to root for the underdogs so they have a natural grudge against the large holding companies like EA and Blizzard and a need to express it on the internet. Nothing any CEO does can in any way materially change this behavior. He could however drive his development studios to produce more persistence of play in their single player boxed titles..... but I'm not exactly sure how they would go about this unless they stream new content regularly. That said.. that would be in line with their business model.. so I'm not at all surprised by his emphasis..even though he packaged it in sweets with his wording.

Edited by Andryah
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The culture of EA is so ingrained that he's going to have to fire a lot of VP's through middle managers to make that happen.


This. It's amazing, I've seen GMs and CEOs who say, strive for, and believe all the right things be completely undermined by the middle management, who are comfortable and content with how it's always been. Here's hoping EA's CEO kicks some serious butt and gets things turned around.

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yay, player-first. Now reduce collection unlock prices and cc costs by at least 4 times. kthxbai. and give us jedi robes plsx


He only said players first, that means those people on the dev team who play the game, he didnt say player base.

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