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Ok, I have to ask this (and a BIOWARE mod reply is requested!!) (No it's not a rip)


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Wait... we have a community manager???

The OP got it slightly wrong.


Eric Musco is the community manger. We just got a new community coordinator. I dunno if Amber Green is still here but another one is Courtney Woods. Outside of them I think this forum has no other moderators due to the fact that back in the day before F2P moderators used to post by locking threads. Threads were never really deleted back then and the forums were a lot better.


Now we just get "CommunitySupportEU" as a poster when a thread is locked (and that RARELY happens) and "CommunitySupport" from PMs if we are sanctioned with an infraction or a warning.


TBH I think the community team is just a professional way to describe who we have left. This forum is so much quieter than what it was back in 2012 that there really isn't need for a "team" anymore.

Edited by Blind-Defender
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Still, my original point is valid... Are we, as a community *THAT* hard to get along with? I remember Dallas Dickenson, Stephen Reid, james Ohlen then Amber Green... Now we have Eric Musco, Tait, Courtney and now the new one, Hillary Nicole... I guess you could call them the "faces of SWTOR"...
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Every MMO where I've participated in its forums has went through a number of Community Staffers over the game's lifetime. Honestly, I just think people move on for reasons having nothing to do with the game or its community. I can't imagine these jobs pay very well and I would imagine a good number of these people try to transition over to design if they can.
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Every MMO where I've participated in its forums has went through a number of Community Staffers over the game's lifetime. Honestly, I just think people move on for reasons having nothing to do with the game or its community. I can't imagine these jobs pay very well and I would imagine a good number of these people try to transition over to design if they can.

^This. Basically managing a forum and interacting with the community? Excuse me for sounding so depressing but that sounds like it pays like a part-time job. Now if it is a fun job (which is sounds like it!) that is a different matter, but I can't imagine this job paying well.


Also don't forget the massive EAware layoffs during 2012. ;)

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We've had what, 5 community "coordinators" (Managers..), in the 3 years the game's been out? Is the SWTOR community *THAT* hard to get along with, that there's such a high turnover?
It's a job, not a religion.

Are you telling me that people don't come and go all the time where you work?

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Yes we are.


If they started to give feedback here on the forums things would be much easier.


This community is not that bad, it is mostly frustration of lack of information that produces threads that "turn hostile"


Communication is the key

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Still, my original point is valid... Are we, as a community *THAT* hard to get along with?
TBH ...yes.


Being the 'community liaison' just makes you a target for constant, incessant COMPLAINING and CRITICIZING and it can really wear a person down after a while. I'm actually a little surprised turnover has been that low. You couldn't pay me enough to do that job.

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We've had what, 5 community "coordinators" (Managers..), in the 3 years the game's been out? Is the SWTOR community *THAT* hard to get along with, that there's such a high turnover?


Considering half the time I come here all I see people doing is either complaining about one thing or another, insulting the Dev team, making empty threats to cancel their subs/stop playing, or making absurd suggestions for additions to the game that would unbalance it. I'd have to say yes We are hard to get along with.

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If they started to give feedback here on the forums things would be much easier.



No, they wouldn't. People will always find a reason to complain. Some of us don't even like the game anymore and sub just to complain here. Some of us have created more than one account to complain if our primary gets banned. You'd be surprised the length some people go to, just to spoil the fun of other people.

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The OP got it slightly wrong.


Eric Musco is the community manger. We just got a new community coordinator. I dunno if Amber Green is still here but another one is Courtney Woods. Outside of them I think this forum has no other moderators due to the fact that back in the day before F2P moderators used to post by locking threads. Threads were never really deleted back then and the forums were a lot better.


Now we just get "CommunitySupportEU" as a poster when a thread is locked (and that RARELY happens) and "CommunitySupport" from PMs if we are sanctioned with an infraction or a warning.


TBH I think the community team is just a professional way to describe who we have left. This forum is so much quieter than what it was back in 2012 that there really isn't need for a "team" anymore.


duh when *someone* derails a thread by attacking the people in it who disagree and starts causing fights saying they are "justified" of course a mod is going to notice you can't just attack people...

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And there are only like 4 or 5 mods left for this forum... Back them they had a company while right now they have what, just a fireteam... there is no community team now. It's just Eric Musco and the 4 coordinators.


And do you have proof? evidence? or is this speculation :rak_02:

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So, now that the thread is sufficiently derailed, can we get a lock?


So that was your intention... to get the thread locked? :rolleyes:


So, now that the thread is sufficiently derailed, can we get a lock?


1) she has a public presence in gaming, recognized quickly here by forum members when she first posted.


2) she has the resume for the job... if you are going to condemn her without even getting to know her.... shame on you.

Edited by Andryah
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So that was your intention... to get the thread locked? :rolleyes:

1) she has a public presence in gaming, recognized quickly here by forum members when she first posted.

2) she has the resume for the job... if you are going to condemn her without even getting to know her.... shame on you.

3) She's more tempermentally suited to the job than NightFall. :p

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No, they wouldn't. People will always find a reason to complain. Some of us don't even like the game anymore and sub just to complain here. Some of us have created more than one account to complain if our primary gets banned. You'd be surprised the length some people go to, just to spoil the fun of other people.


Ofcourse it would be easier if they communicated with us. Many of the threads derail because someone asks about something and without proper feedback the topic gets lost.

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