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Please Bioware Do Not give GMs sole power to pilot guild flagships

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GSF will prove to be one of this games biggest mistakes imo. THREE update cycles for something very few people wanted, followed by stagnation. GSF wasn't what PvPers wanted, it wasn't what PvEers wanted. Personally, I love it...but I'm in the extreme minority.


While I disagree that it was a mistake cause new content systems is always good. I will say GSF is not for everyone. Also


this is a bit off topic. Let's get back to the discussion at hand

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(...) Bioware could very easily add additional features and changes post release of strongholds.


Regardless, my original point is that they chose - yet again(!) - to delay indefinitely something to a feature they had released. It's not exactly the first time either, since I can't remember the last time they released or added new Space Missions.

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GSF will prove to be one of this games biggest mistakes imo. THREE update cycles for something very few people wanted, followed by stagnation. GSF wasn't what PvPers wanted, it wasn't what PvEers wanted. Personally, I love it...but I'm in the extreme minority.


I don't know man, I play it everyday all my Guild do, some lots some just once a day,quick Que pops on my server, I think people like it.

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GSF will prove to be one of this games biggest mistakes imo. THREE update cycles for something very few people wanted, followed by stagnation. GSF wasn't what PvPers wanted, it wasn't what PvEers wanted. Personally, I love it...but I'm in the extreme minority.


Lots of people wanted it, but they wanted it for PvE. That is the biggest problem with GSF. They did the right thing, but for the wrong audience. Getting it half right is something this team excels at.

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Some details on housing that I heard in the Ootinicast that the OP linked.


- Three dimensional item placement is in. You'll be able to rotate and even tilt items.

- You will have autonomy in what sort of rooms you unlock. You'll be able to choose from several templates of rooms, making your Stronghold very distinct from others.

- You will be able to give keys to your Stronghold to other players for permanent access to it. Of course, you can also ban players.



While I don't want to stray too much from the main topic but these are some other fum info from the podcast


Every planet is available for guild conquest


Guild who completes the conquest will control the planet for the duration of the event


There will be special rewards for guilds who control planets including special walkers available only during the event


Open world PvP is encourage in the event even though its pve oriented

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Regardless, my original point is that they chose - yet again(!) - to delay indefinitely something to a feature they had released. It's not exactly the first time either, since I can't remember the last time they released or added new Space Missions.


You are dwelling on what try didn't release.


I am pointing out that they have iterated on features, improving them over time.



But obviously they are just going to release GSH and forget about it. >.>

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You are dwelling on what try didn't release.


I am pointing out that they have iterated on features, improving them over time.


I'm not dwelling but rather pointing out that which was SUPPOSED to be released with 2.8 and was delayed indefinitely.


But obviously they are just going to release GSH and forget about it. >.>


You're the one who said it, not me. For the lack of a better argument...

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If your guild master communicates so little to the guild that this is a problem, then you're probably in the wrong guild. A guild that has pitched battles over where to take a guild ship is probably imploding anyway and that's the least of its problems. Edited by errant_knight
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This post is a preemptive warning to Bioware based on what was stated by Jack Wood at the Los Angeles Cantina Tour. Was


listening to one of my favorite podcast, Ootinicast, recent episode (147) and they were running down some of the information that was received by one of the community members who spoke to Mr Wood after the Q&A.


A lot of good small info that has me really excited. However this one info has me concern, which is currently only GMs will have the power to pilot the guild flagship from one place to the next.


If this is apart of your testing then I would strongly encourage against it as it put too much owness on one person as well as limits the use of the flagship if the GM is not on when the guild needs it. At the very least allow the GM to give authority to a few of their high ranking officers so it gives more flexibility


The question I have is control guild ship is to go where and do what? Last I checked, it was purely cosmetic which renders the whole "control" pointless.

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My experience with MMO's is fairly limited but even so, one can see from a mile away the kind of person that the GM usually is, unless he suffers from the RARE psychotic outbreak whenever a new feature is released.


I understand if you have limited knowledge of MMOs but in my experience guilds do not always know the guildmaster.


MMOs are designed to protect the players, if the guild only knows the player by his/hers ingame name it is fair. It is not by a longshot enough though to know if that person will handle a item worth millions of credits with responsibilty or not.


If they limit this to one person only, I predict alot of drama here on the forums.

Edited by Icestar
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The question I have is control guild ship is to go where and do what? Last I checked, it was purely cosmetic which renders the whole "control" pointless.


Yeah. People are acting like they have free space control over their guild ships. I've seen no evidence of this at all so far. You can apparently meta-travel and meta-park your guild ship in orbit around a planet. In other words..... guild ships will navigate exactly like our personal ships.


So... with that in mind... I personally would not give any other player in the game control over my personal ship. Why on earth would I expect a guild master would let recruits move the guild ship around?


That said..... it remains to be seen if guild_ship-navigation_control is a line item in the permissions table for the guild. Personally, I bet it is. Since the ship only meta-navigates, it's really no different then setting permissions on guild cargo as far as I am concerned.

Edited by Andryah
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Why on earth would I expect a guild master would let recruits move the guild ship around?


That goes for players that think they own the guild. If I had a guildmaster that treated the guildship like his/hers own property and moved at will I would leave, instantly.

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If they limit this to one person only, I predict alot of drama here on the forums.


There is going to be a lot of drama in the forum no matter what.


I'm basing this on the drama we see from time to time when some guild got their guild cargo holds ripped off because the GM did not properly manage permissions. Or the drama when someone comes into the forum to complain that their GM won't let them have full permissions to everything. Or <insert any of a dozen common guild drama performances, some Oscar worthy>.


But hey.. at least drama about guild ships will be kind of novel here. :D

Edited by Andryah
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Don't you think this is a tad overly dramatic for something that has virtually no effect on gameplay? The odds are pretty good that you'll be able to QT to your own ship from the guild ship, so it's not like you'll be stranded on Hoth, lol. Edited by errant_knight
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Don't you think this is a tad overly dramatic for something that has virtually no effect on gameplay?


It has, didnt they speak of buffs on the ground for the players on the targeted planets etc etc....


Dailys that can be made when guildship is orbiting the planet


I read this somewhere, it might be wrong it might be right

Edited by Icestar
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I do not think all members would need the ability. I believe it should be like our guild banks it would depend on your rank on what access you should have. Guild leaders and officers should have the ability to move the ship. Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Don't you think this is a tad overly dramatic for something that has virtually no effect on gameplay? The odds are pretty good that you'll be able to QT to your own ship from the guild ship, so it's not like you'll be stranded on Hoth, lol.


I'm actually expecting for each guild ship to have hangar access similar to the orbital station for Makeb.


Could be wrong though.

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In any case, it will be great to have a place for the guild to gather, one that will probably have all the amenities of fleet. Either gm movement or gm/officers movement would work fine in a functional guild. Neither will work in a guild that's split by factional infighting or massive egos. It really wouldn't matter what they did in that case. A bad guild is a bad guild, wherever you are. Edited by errant_knight
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I think they should do something like LOTRO did with housing (guild and personal) where the 'owner' can set various permissions, not just by guild rank but also by character name, so there would be a permission option for decorating so that various people can decorate the ship; a permission for controlling the ship; a permission to allow others to set permissions (though they can't remove permissions from the 'owner'); stuff like that.


We should get a nice permissions panel for our personal houses, as well, so that trusted friends/guildmates can decorate or even access the storage containers.

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Don't you think this is a tad overly dramatic for something that has virtually no effect on gameplay? The odds are pretty good that you'll be able to QT to your own ship from the guild ship, so it's not like you'll be stranded on Hoth, lol.


Unless BW **** it up with the patch that it gets released with, they have a habit of breaking / mending / breaking things again in future patches. So you may very well get stranded. :D

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Yeah. People are acting like they have free space control over their guild ships. I've seen no evidence of this at all so far. You can apparently meta-travel and meta-park your guild ship in orbit around a planet. In other words..... guild ships will navigate exactly like our personal ships.


So... with that in mind... I personally would not give any other player in the game control over my personal ship. Why on earth would I expect a guild master would let recruits move the guild ship around?


That said..... it remains to be seen if guild_ship-navigation_control is a line item in the permissions table for the guild. Personally, I bet it is. Since the ship only meta-navigates, it's really no different then setting permissions on guild cargo as far as I am concerned.


As stated before the guild ships provide buffs to all guild members who are on the planet the ship orbits

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