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If GSF ships were Game of Thrones characters... (TV spoilers through season 4)


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Since the last thread was such a hit...


Blackbolt (T1 Scout) - Oberyn Martell - agile and nimble, but prone to sudden explosive death


Flashfire (T2 Scout) - Jamie Lannister - quick, lethal, and invincible, until he suffered a grievous nerf; still feared and cursed for his dishonorable past


Bloodmark (T3 Scout) - Loras Tyrell - beautiful to look at and skilled in tournaments, but not as effective in real battle


StarGuard (T1 Strike) - Robb Stark - the iconic hero, the one everyone roots for, but doomed in the end


Pike (T2 Strike) - Theon Greyjoy - Robb's surrogate brother, overeager to prove his worth; missing expected components (also he's from Pike :p)


Clarion (T3 Strike) - Brienne of Tarth - a skilled and honorable protector, her determination makes her hard to defeat


Quarrel (T1 Gunship) - Braun the Sellsword - more concerned with winning than having an honorable, fair fight; tires opponents out until he can make the killing blow


Jurgoran (T3 Gunship) - Jon Snow - a bastard of mixed lineage, but capable and adaptable in many forms of combat


Rampart (T1 Bomber) - The Mountain - slow and heavily armored, with such strength that he ignores most defenses


Sledgehammer (T3 Bomber) - The Hound - slow and heavily armored, but faster than his brother; has an asymmetrical, ungraceful appearance


Legion (T2 Bomber) - Daenerys Targaryen - her real power comes from her pets; takes her a long time to get where she's going


Dustmaker (T2 Gunship) - Joffrey Baratheon - pretty decent at killing helpless targets from range, but hopeless in a real fight; everyone hates him

Edited by Nemarus
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uh, when was the flashfire nerfed into oblivion?


Well, 2.6 was a pretty dire nerf to Evasion + addition of mines and drones. T2 Scouts went from being invincible to just overpowered :p And who knows, maybe the next balance patch will finish the chop.


But it's amazing you took a silly joke thread I wrote in five minutes as an invitation for ship balance debate. Come on man. Not every thread is a battle that you must try to win.

Edited by Nemarus
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this isn't a ship balance debate, it's game of thrones character appropriateness debate. far more important.


Well, Jamie had to be in the list, and I couldn't think of any ship which suffered as big a nerf as the pre-2.6 Flashfire :) And ... thematically it just works in my opinion :p Especially the cursing.

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Well, Jamie had to be in the list, and I couldn't think of any ship which suffered as big a nerf as the pre-2.6 Flashfire :) And ... thematically it just works in my opinion :p Especially the cursing.


Mangler and 2.7 barrel roll comes to mind. But I agree, Jaime fits perfectly as the battlescout.

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"When you play the Game of GSF, you either win or you die. There is no middle ground."


"GSF isn't a pit. GSF is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, they cling to the faction or the devs or premades. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is."


"Any man who must say 'I am an Ace' is no true Ace."

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"When you play the Game of GSF, you either win or you die. There is no middle ground."


"GSF isn't a pit. GSF is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, they cling to the faction or the devs or premades. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is."


"Any man who must say 'I am an Ace' is no true Ace."




"The man who calls for the nerf should play the class. If you would take a ship's power, you owe it to it to fly in its cockpit and see its final killcount. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the ship does not deserve to be nerfed."


"Patches are coming."

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If I only watched the show, I'd know who is that woman who is supposed to impersonate my Clarion. Google time. :)


She's without a doubt the most true-hearted and honorable character on the show--and despite this, she's undefeated against three of the best fighters (Jamie, Loras, and the Hound). She's basically always on a quest to protect or rescue someone, also.


Though perhaps I should've called her the Imperium, since (in the show at least), she's regarded by other characters as quite ugly. Lots of lines like, "Good gods is that a woman?!" Though to be honest, in the book she was described as much uglier than the actress who plays her in the show.

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"A gunship always pays their debts."

"The things I do for repair probes."

"I learned how to slug a long time ago."

"When Flashfires and worse come hunting … you think it matters who sits on the satellite?"

"The Manglers send their regards."


Tyrion's trial:

"You admit you destroyed the two-shipper?"

"No. Of that I'm innocent. I am guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I am guilty of being a gunship."

"You are not on trial for being a gunship."

"Oh, yes I am. I've been on trial for that my entire life."

"Have you nothing to say in your defense?"

"Nothing but this: I did not do it. I did not kill the two-shipper but I wish that I had. Watching your whining newbie die gave me more relief than a thousand bad strike fighters. I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough railgun shots for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it."

"Ser Nemarus, escort the prisoner back to his cell--"

"I will not give my life for a two-shipper's murder. And I know I'll get no justice here, so I will let the game decide my fate. I demand a trial by matchmaking!"

Edited by TrinityLyre
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