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looking for a little guidance


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i'm in the process of building my sentinel dps im currently at level 20 wondering what ability rotation does anyone recommend at my current lvl till 55 my current rotation is force leap>force sweep>force kick>zealous strike>slash>crippling throw>cauterize>blade storm im focusing my main build on watchman any help is appreciated
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Expunge "rotation" from your SWTOR vernacular. It's useless. There are openers and combinations, but there are no immutable "rotations" in the game--one person claims there are for GS/Snipers.


Second, Force Kick is an interrupt. You should *NOT* be including that in a sequence of attacks. It is to be used to interrupt cast or channeled abilities (those that can be--master strike is immune to this kind of interruption).


Third and lastly, your priority should be to use Overload Saber as soon as and as often as possible. Your burns are about 40% of your damage and burns that critically hit are going to heal you. With Zen active as Watchman you're going to guarantee those burns will crit.


The rest you need to figure for yourself.

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