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Balance Shadow PvE Guide by MKnightRider


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Yeah ok but it's negligible imho, you could crit more without it with rng.


By that argument, I shouldn't use Recklessness at all, because I could crit more without it due to some good RNG. If you, as a DPS, have the option to increase your damage at no cost to you, you do it.

Edited by Aelanis
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By that argument, I shouldn't use Recklessness at all, because I could crit more without it due to some good RNG. If you, as a DPS, have the option to increase your damage at no cost to you, you do it.


well this isn't properly the same thing, you know.


Of course this is a right point ad I agree with you, and maybe I'm underestimating it, but Idk..for 1 hit I'm feeling I could jump it. If I need a burst phase yeha i pick it for sure

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well this isn't properly the same thing, you know.


Of course this is a right point ad I agree with you, and maybe I'm underestimating it, but Idk..for 1 hit I'm feeling I could jump it. If I need a burst phase yeha i pick it for sure


It's not just one hit, though, it's an extra stack every 45 seconds. It's an extra 3.5-4k damage every 45 seconds, or an extra almost 80 dps. It's less for Serenity/Hatred, but it's still good.

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It's not just one hit, though, it's an extra stack every 45 seconds. It's an extra 3.5-4k damage every 45 seconds, or an extra almost 80 dps. It's less for Serenity/Hatred, but it's still good.


uhm 80dps..right. never thought about that. ok then! It's more than what I thought :D

Edited by IInox
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A couple of quick questions about the spec as I'm a bit new to it in 3.0. As a shadow are you opening with Sever Force or Vanquish? While the immediate buff from vanquish is nice it seems to put you a bit in the hole force-wise and it feels smoother to wait a couple of GCDs for the proc. Secondly, I take it mind crush is essentially replaced by vanquish any time the proc comes up, even if we're not close to expiring the 45 second buff yet simply because it does more damage than mind crush, right?
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A couple of quick questions about the spec as I'm a bit new to it in 3.0. As a shadow are you opening with Sever Force or Vanquish? While the immediate buff from vanquish is nice it seems to put you a bit in the hole force-wise and it feels smoother to wait a couple of GCDs for the proc. Secondly, I take it mind crush is essentially replaced by vanquish any time the proc comes up, even if we're not close to expiring the 45 second buff yet simply because it does more damage than mind crush, right?


Once you get Vanquish, you can basically remove Mind Crush from your bars. You may very situationally use them both, but that's highly situational. Opening with Vanquish is easy now with the 30 meter range, but only if you can time it to land as the tank pulls. If playing solo, it's a slow way to open, but maximizes burst.

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Yeah, I was trying to time it with the tank opener, but I was more curious about the force tradeoff by waiting a bit. I wish we had the force regen buff out of stealth, it would be a no brainer then.


You can manage it just fine. Practice on the dummy. You have enough force to Vanquish > Creeping Terror > Death Field > Discharge > Thrash > Assassinate > Vanquish > Leeching Strike, so go crazy with it. From there, you'll have to Saber Strike twice over the next few GCDs to get back to a safe level of Force, but it's very doable. If you really want to burst something, take out the second Vanquish, Creeping Terror and Discharge from there, and you actually burst fairly hard (especially with the 6 piece set bonus).

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Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. One more question before I spend more time on the dummy. Why don't you use Leeching strike prior to thrash since it's the same amount of force but more damage?


Because, with the set bonus, Thrash gives you an auto-crit, and if you don't Thrash and immediately Assassinate right there, you miss out on a double-relic proc, adrenal fueled critical Assassinate.

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How does Force Strike's new proc cd ( 9 sec instead of 7.5 ) affect our rotation?


Do we maintain the odd number separation between SF & FB ?


From what i noticed after 4 rotation Vanquish bumps into either SF & FB or FiB...


It means you can delay Vanquish by 2 GCDs and not be punished for it, though delaying by 2 means you need an instant reapplication next time. You still keep the odd number of GCDs between SF and FB. Also, Vanquish should never bump into them. My rotation looks like:


FB > X > melee > X > SF > X > Y > X > melee > X > Y > X


Where X is a place that Force in Balance can fall or I use a melee move, and the italicized ones are specifically where I use Vanquish or I use Vanquish. Y is always a melee move, and where the word melee is is exactly when I trigger an instant Vanquish every single time. With a 9 second rate limit, it should happen at the same 2 points in your 18 second rotation every single time, making it very easy to work around. It will only get delayed when Force in Balance runs into it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It means you can delay Vanquish by 2 GCDs and not be punished for it, though delaying by 2 means you need an instant reapplication next time. You still keep the odd number of GCDs between SF and FB. Also, Vanquish should never bump into them. My rotation looks like:


FB > X > melee > X > SF > X > Y > X > melee > X > Y > X


Where X is a place that Force in Balance can fall or I use a melee move, and the italicized ones are specifically where I use Vanquish or I use Vanquish. Y is always a melee move, and where the word melee is is exactly when I trigger an instant Vanquish every single time. With a 9 second rate limit, it should happen at the same 2 points in your 18 second rotation every single time, making it very easy to work around. It will only get delayed when Force in Balance runs into it.


Tbh it's not really clear, wroten like this ^^' btw so basically you are desying Fb and SF by 4GCD?

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