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BW is forcing tanks to use accuracy?


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Really, folks.

This problem was already discussed in a few threads, but i still don't see any response or actions from BW.

And then im started to think about it in a different course.

As you know tanking gear have some absolutely useless stats. Like alacrity and accuracy.

Not to mention crit ratings (yeah i saw it).

Also you all know that community was already tryed to force BW to fix this crap.


So... What if BW decided not to fix their mistakes, but force tanks to use this crappy gear?


Seriously - how interrupts can miss? HOW?

Same thing happens with force pull and push.

Damn, even stealth stun can miss when you play as shadow or sin tanks!

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Really, folks.

This problem was already discussed in a few threads, but i still don't see any response or actions from BW.

And then im started to think about it in a different course.

As you know tanking gear have some absolutely useless stats. Like alacrity and accuracy.

Not to mention crit ratings (yeah i saw it).

Also you all know that community was already tryed to force BW to fix this crap.


So... What if BW decided not to fix their mistakes, but force tanks to use this crappy gear?


Seriously - how interrupts can miss? HOW?

Same thing happens with force pull and push.

Damn, even stealth stun can miss when you play as shadow or sin tanks!


Interrupts missing(?) their target makes no sense whatever; That I agree and they should be akin to Taunts or Heals, which have absolute 0% chance of missing nowadays.


Targets resisting, deflecting or parrying stuff such as Force Pull, Push, etc etc, makes perfect sense to me however.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Really, folks.

This problem was already discussed in a few threads, but i still don't see any response or actions from BW.

And then im started to think about it in a different course.

As you know tanking gear have some absolutely useless stats. Like alacrity and accuracy.

Not to mention crit ratings (yeah i saw it).

Also you all know that community was already tryed to force BW to fix this crap.


So... What if BW decided not to fix their mistakes, but force tanks to use this crappy gear?


Seriously - how interrupts can miss? HOW?

Same thing happens with force pull and push.

Damn, even stealth stun can miss when you play as shadow or sin tanks!


you must be a new player.


Accuracy was an important stat for tanks till the last level cap raise I guess. Since then, the occasional miss is considered an acceptable loss compared to the gained secondary stats in defence/shield/absorb.


Now at some point you could decided to add accuracy if you want to make sure you never miss, but it's a trade off. At higher level gear this is easier because you have sufficient secondary stat points to do it. Not sure if it's worth doing, but there you are. It's all about choices in the end.


Also people should stop focussing on endurance. If you use mods and enhancements with less endurance you get higher secondary stats, which at higher level gear is better. That way you can trade off some of that unnecessary endurance. Seriously, I see tanks with 47k hp and stuff like that. Total gearing mistake.


I reckon when you trade it off properly at 168+ gear you should be able to get some accuracy in as well. I'll let the number crunchers figure out where the right cut off points are.

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you must be a new player.


Accuracy was an important stat for tanks till the last level cap raise I guess. Since then, the occasional miss is considered an acceptable loss compared to the gained secondary stats in defence/shield/absorb.


Now at some point you could decided to add accuracy if you want to make sure you never miss, but it's a trade off. At higher level gear this is easier because you have sufficient secondary stat points to do it. Not sure if it's worth doing, but there you are. It's all about choices in the end.


Also people should stop focussing on endurance. If you use mods and enhancements with less endurance you get higher secondary stats, which at higher level gear is better. That way you can trade off some of that unnecessary endurance. Seriously, I see tanks with 47k hp and stuff like that. Total gearing mistake.


I reckon when you trade it off properly at 168+ gear you should be able to get some accuracy in as well. I'll let the number crunchers figure out where the right cut off points are.




When you have a log like this you will never consider stacking accuracy under any circumstance. How can you trade if off properly when the two adds on bestia nim, on a shadow tank, full kinetic of course, oscilate from 2200 dTPS to 3700 dTPS. Which stat do I drop in my gear ?

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well, companion buff is a good start, and the same way you are going to loose aggro if a bursty dps has a lucky crit sequence, you are going to loose it if a guardian slash/force breach/shockstrike misses/it's resisted in the first seconds of a fight, said that, if at boss switching target you taunt+dps pop threat drop, you will never loose aggro again. then it depends on the content, HM/NiM doesn't leave space for taunt fluffing, but when it's so, there's often a tank swap, which starting with a taunt put's you in a safe spot. i could see the accuracy problem only during heavy transition/mechanic fights and also involving bad luck..which i wouldn't consider while i gear my tank..
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I can agree when tanks are miss with attacks.

But definatly not with their utility.


Also for those who want to stack accuracy...

Please tell me when accuracy has oficially become "important" stat?


It hasn't. Never was really.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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mm i don't remember interupt missing..which fight are you talking about? were you able to recreate the miss? did you see it happen in other occasions?


Yeah its true.

A few examples that happen with me personally (im not gonna tell about my friends with their incidents).

1. False emeror HM. Healer and one dps died becouse my interrupt missed during Unlimited power.

2. Athiss HM. Force pull offten not working when need to pull Guardians.

3. Same Athiss. Missed with stealth CC on dogs (not Guardians of course - they immune :D).


This are only few of them.

Edited by Kingsbount
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mm i don't remember interupt missing..which fight are you talking about? were you able to recreate the miss? did you see it happen in other occasions?


Happens to me quite often on various characters. My scoundrel will use Dirty Kick, I see the animation, the ability goes on CD but my target is not even stunned.


Now I guess it's not about the regular Miss, most likely the server not registering the CC but that happens way too often.

Edited by demotivator
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When you have a log like this you will never consider stacking accuracy under any circumstance. How can you trade if off properly when the two adds on bestia nim, on a shadow tank, full kinetic of course, oscilate from 2200 dTPS to 3700 dTPS. Which stat do I drop in my gear ?


Just saying you can, but I never said it was a good idea.


But you have to consider that most people don't do NiM content and they might have different concerns as we see here. In essence a juggernaut tank was said to roughly have 20/40/30. With the new higer levels gear this is easily achieved and you could then use spare points for accuracy IF YOU WANT TO. Again not saying it's the best idea but for SM and even HM it will be enough. I've seen tanks with worse stats do HM content as it is.


It's just a matter if you go for perfect itemization or not. I can tell you that my juggernaut tanks is at 20/40/30 and doesn't have perfectly itemized gear and hasn't got much 180 gear yet. It's mostly Underworld. But then my tank is not my main character so it's not a toon I've spent a ton of effort on. As it stands my juggernaut already has 4% accuracy from the skill tree and the companion buff, so it won't take much accuracy to raise it anyways. I haven't done that either because to me there is no problem.


The question is always what do you want? Are you a hardcore player who wants to maximize to the t or are you not as hardcore and is missing the occasional attack a priority? But let's be honest, considering the OP's post, I hardly think he's a hardcore player or he wouldn't have posted this here...so for him if he gets higher level gear, doing his not so high level content, he could stack accuracy and still manage just fine.


That's all I'm saying.

Edited by Tsillah
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Accuracy is an utterly lame stat. I wish they would just remove it from all gear and give us passive accuracy talents appropriate our classes.


World of Warcraft is removing hit/expertise in their upcoming expansion. Please do the same, Bioware.

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Accuracy is an utterly lame stat. I wish they would just remove it from all gear and give us passive accuracy talents appropriate our classes.


World of Warcraft is removing hit/expertise in their upcoming expansion. Please do the same, Bioware.


It's not a lame stat.


Plus, unless you're really into HM and NiM, it's not like having Accuracy around or over 100% is that fundamental. Same with Surge or Critical for that matter.


Plus, isn't itemization one of the main occupations, Elder-Game wise?


Such a weird statement quite honestly.


Also, the fact that WoW is doing something doesn't mean that everyone else should follow suite. If Bill Gates jumped from a cliff, you'd do it as well?

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Also, the fact that WoW is doing something doesn't mean that everyone else should follow suit. If Bill Gates jumped from a cliff, you'd do it as well?

If Bill Gates was the head of Blizzard, people would do it with their lips super-glued to his behind.

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Happens to me quite often on various characters. My scoundrel will use Dirty Kick, I see the animation, the ability goes on CD but my target is not even stunned.


Now I guess it's not about the regular Miss, most likely the server not registering the CC but that happens way too often.


Grapple misses more than it works these days. It's kind of frustrating. The line goes out, the target is tangled, but they just keep on going like nothing happened.

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When you have a log like this you will never consider stacking accuracy under any circumstance. How can you trade if off properly when the two adds on bestia nim, on a shadow tank, full kinetic of course, oscilate from 2200 dTPS to 3700 dTPS. Which stat do I drop in my gear ?


You have no clue what you are talking about. Accuracy was NEVER a stat that tanks stacked. Also, before 2.0 force and tech attacks had 100% base accuracy so taunts, interrupts and other utility did not rely on accuracy. Then in 2.0 with the cap increase they moved force and tech down a bit and them able to miss. In 2.0 beta taunts could miss. If anything 2.0 made accuracy more important not less. However, there is still no room in the budget for it.

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It's not a lame stat.


Plus, unless you're really into HM and NiM, it's not like having Accuracy around or over 100% is that fundamental. Same with Surge or Critical for that matter.


Wait, that's news to me...people actually stack accuracy for HM/NiM content on their tanks now?

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Grapple misses more than it works these days. It's kind of frustrating. The line goes out, the target is tangled, but they just keep on going like nothing happened.


This is exactly what im talking about!

Its obviously that BW made some hiden changes to hide their bloopers with gear.

I believe it was done like this:

1st dev - People don't use tanking gear we offered... :(

2nd dev - What can we do about it? :mad:

3rd dev - I know! I know! Lets make skills less accurate! :cool:

1st dev and 2nd dev - Thats BRILLIANT! :sul_evil:

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You have no clue what you are talking about. Accuracy was NEVER a stat that tanks stacked.


Yes it was. Remember the patch that made it so taunts wouldn't miss anymore regardless of accuracy? The time before that patch I certainly remember stacking enough accuracy to make sure taunts would always work.

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They did respond to this in the PTS forums but since they have been removed the specific quote is no longer available because those forums have been purged.


Basically broke down to "working as intended"

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