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Imperial Dream Team for NiM DP (Leftovers Thread Copy)


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gah alright Gag and I will try and run some sort of HM runs so you can see it. its rough though cuz we have no time to raid so we will try and work around it


Let me know before the 22nd if you can't though, thanks.

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Alright here is soem of my parses over the past week, or well today and yesterday I think. For the 1st 4 bosses they are in NiM DF the last boss brontes is HM:


DrunkenSailor [(Commando)(will be using Lint'Licker which is mercenary):


NiM Nefra: 3627.18


NiM Draxus: 3135.46


NiM Grob'Thok: 3876.25


NiM Curruptor Zero: 2547.45


HM Brontes: 2634.92


I don't know if you need HM DP as well but my dps is pretty much on key for any ops in this game. You have seen me raid before zuzu and raided with me a while ago. but anyways. only thing that is different from drunken to Lint'Licker is drunken has a 186 offhand and dreadmaster earpiece and implants. I am missing 1 implant being master on lint'licker but it is dreadforged, still need the ear piece and relics though in dreadforged for maximized dps. other then that I can legacy the rest of my commandos gear to my merc and nearly mirror the dps. for mechanics...its not that hard... :p

Edited by BeetleGiuse
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List has been updated, thanks for the parse links guys. Just want to make sure everyone can take a peak into what your potential as an ops players entails, and I want to make sure this selection of a team doesn't turn into a game of favorites.


Also, I posted Gag's app based on the two parses he linked me on Enjin of his 3.7k DPS on NiM Grob'thok and ~3.6k on NiM Nefra. He won't be available until the 8th, and because the majority of the people will undoubtedly have July 4th plans, I figure this is a good time to go ahead and focus on the team being assembled for the content then.


On the 22nd, I'll select the team and I'll be individually contacting you all through in game mail, to develop a schedule that works well for everyone. When we have a schedule, I would like us to use the time before July 10th to run things as a team and get any necessary gear pieces for people who need them.

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Name: Caveh

Class: Operative

Spec: Medicine. I can DPS, but unless you're willing to spend money on wipes then I suggest you don't let me DPS. Ever.

Guild: <Constant Rage>


If the Healer spots are already taken I wouldn't mind being a backup.

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Name: Caveh

Class: Operative

Spec: Medicine. I can DPS, but unless you're willing to spend money on wipes then I suggest you don't let me DPS. Ever.

Guild: <Constant Rage>


If the Healer spots are already taken I wouldn't mind being a backup.


Gonna need some parses from you as well Cavy. Try to see if you can get into a HM run of DF or DP before the 22nd, my guild also may be putting a run for it together sometime this weekend if there aren't any Leftovers groups running that can take you.


If not, I also have a backup plan, don't worry.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Name: Caveh

Class: Operative

Spec: Medicine. I can DPS, but unless you're willing to spend money on wipes then I suggest you don't let me DPS. Ever.

Guild: <Constant Rage>


If the Healer spots are already taken I wouldn't mind being a backup.


I get off work at 5:30pm-6pm server. Mostly I am on at 6pm latest and usually on earlier. this is monday-friday that is.

Just in case you can not reach me zuzu, also if you can message me on pub side on Drunkensailor that would be awesome Cuz I am on him more then any other toon thanks!

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Spacebar here I could possibly move my merc back over if you guys need a healer and just legacy all of my mando gear over. I'd need implants and ear piece though. Just keep it in mind and ask drunken about my heals, he knows me Pub side :p

Character name: Ctrl-z

Class/spec:Merc healer

Experiance I run with DWBI prog 1 team with my mando healer, Kolto-winfrey. I'll send you a mail on Jarg my PT.

Edited by Chyanis
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List has been updated, will be making selections for the team tomorrow.


Would really like someone to enter an assassin tank for the team that is confident in their abilities, please sign up guys!

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Alrighty gents, I have made my decision for the team and based on who applied, here is our current team:



-Madelene, PT




-Zuhara, Madness Sin

-Lint'licker, Merc DPS

-Gag's Marauder, all specs

-Camel's Sniper, MM and Engineering



-Caveh, operative

-Koltowinfrey's Merc


I wanted to post this here first because in all reality, I'd like to address the lack of a second tank. I know you mentioned you can bring your Jug tank back Caveh if we need one for the run, but I'd like to first off ask:


-What's your tanking experience for ops?

-Are you confident in your ability to tank NiM DP?


If so, I will probably pull in PerseausDCW to heal and you can tank. If not, then I also have a good chance of possibly securing a really good tank for this team, as a sin so we can get the best comp possible in there.


So to those of you who are in this list, I'll be sending you an in game mail so we can at least start forming a schedule that all of us can meet. I know people here have multiple groups they run with and things can be tight, so I would like to also ask people to be ready to possibly drop a few runs for this group in order to make schedules work should the need arise.


For scheduling, I put aside this week for the purpose of getting schedules arranged and forming the full team. I'd like us to begin farm runs for next week in HM DF and Nefra NiM in order to get people who still need a few pieces min maxed from legacy taken care of. We will spend the time up to July 10th working on gearing out(Possibly having to farm CZ NiM for people to get 186 offhands) along with running HM level content in order to get a feel and cohesion in the team before beginning our first run into NiM DP.


Don't worry about posting your times in here, I'll be sending out a mail later today. Just start thinking about it until the mail comes :)

Edited by ZooMzy
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Alrighty gents, I have made my decision for the team and based on who applied, here is our current team:



-Madelene, PT




-Zuhara, Madness Sin

-Lint'licker, Merc DPS

-Gag's Marauder, all specs

-Camel's Sniper, MM and Engineering



-Caveh, operative

-Koltowinfrey's Merc


I wanted to post this here first because in all reality, I'd like to address the lack of a second tank. I know you mentioned you can bring your Jug tank back Caveh if we need one for the run, but I'd like to first off ask:


-What's your tanking experience for ops?

-Are you confident in your ability to tank NiM DP?


If so, I will probably pull in PerseausDCW to heal and you can tank. If not, then I also have a good chance of possibly securing a really good tank for this team, as a sin so we can get the best comp possible in there.


So to those of you who are in this list, I'll be sending you an in game mail so we can at least start forming a schedule that all of us can meet. I know people here have multiple groups they run with and things can be tight, so I would like to also ask people to be ready to possibly drop a few runs for this group in order to make schedules work should the need arise.


For scheduling, I put aside this week for the purpose of getting schedules arranged and forming the full team. I'd like us to begin farm runs for next week in HM DF and Nefra NiM in order to get people who still need a few pieces min maxed from legacy taken care of. We will spend the time up to July 10th working on gearing out(Possibly having to farm CZ NiM for people to get 186 offhands) along with running HM level content in order to get a feel and cohesion in the team before beginning our first run into NiM DP.


Don't worry about posting your times in here, I'll be sending out a mail later today. Just start thinking about it until the mail comes :)


Oh. So I am DPSing. Time to start leveling! :D


Also, if you could, send a mail to Wackycamel, for he will be the toon I'll be bringing and spending most of my time on.

Edited by Camelpockets
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Oh. So I am DPSing. Time to start leveling! :D


Yep, out of the 2 snipers who have applied, I decided you were the best choice because not only are you the top parsing DPS for the slingers and snipers, you also have the most experience in NiM content out of the people who have applied. If all it takes is for us to get a few pieces so you can mirror that slinger on this side and wait for a few days to get you leveled up to 55, I'm all for it.


So while it would be nice to have you tank, we need a sniper DPS in the ops team first and foremost (Sorry Magnis, wasn't planning on taking you because you never gave me any links). And secondly, we need one who is top notch and capable of facerolling bosses.


Also guys, I might just have Drunken sit down with all of you guys from DWBI so you can just get me a all in one message of when you guys are free for doing this kind of raiding.




I just got word from Madelene that they will be stepping down from the run, as Dark Hunters is planning on attempting DP NiM sometime before buff is gone. So right now, we're going to need 2 tanks instead of just one.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Frankly speaking good tanks are hard to find in this game.

My advice would be to take the best tanks you can find and fill the dps spots later.

If your tanks suck you won't be clearing any NIM content without extreme pain and agony.

Edited by rsuhandy
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Frankly speaking good tanks are hard to find in this game.

My advice would be to take the best tanks you can find and fill the dps spots later.

If your tanks suck you won't be clearing any NIM content without extreme pain and agony.


I do have a PT tank as well who's already 55, and can legacy my gear over from Klehitt. Just in case. I would need to work on my left side on both toons as well.

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Unfortunately for NiM, I can not just "work with what I have" in order to make a team possible, as I would rather shut a project down than waste everyone's time with an instance a few guilds may be interested in at least trying. I am going to want to have the best possible shot I can make in clearing that instance, and to do that, that means I will be taking into account what someone does and where they excel at over who I can recruit from.


In the current situation, we have one tank left who applied for the role officially: Camel's PT. And here's the dilemma:


Getting in an experienced PT tank from NiM DF (don't know the full extent of your tanking experience, but it sounds like you've at least tanked some NiM DF from what Druken has told me).




The only sniper DPS who officially applied, and on top of that, is currently the highest parsing Sniper that is a main in progression raiding for the current top PvE guild on BC, DWBI.


I refuse to attempt NiM DP without at least one sniper DPS, and to pass up on the best one currently on BC is another negative to the mix that I can't justify in trading off in order to gain one tank. Good tanks are about as hard to find as good DPS and good healers, and the reason why I choose Camel's sniper is because the best DPS, tanks and healers are even harder to find than the good ones (which, if you feel more confident in tanking than DPSing, let me know Camel. You seem like you are a DPS main, so correct me if this analyzation of you is off).


So far now, I'm going to need to find two tanks that are interested, possibly one if my sources tell me we're good. Right now, it looks like our schedules currently allow only Tuesdays and Saturdays as raid days for the group, based on who has responded so far. So if you aren't dedicated indefinitely on those nights, interested in tanking DP NiM, and capable of tanking it, please apply!

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Unfortunately for NiM, I can not just "work with what I have" in order to make a team possible, as I would rather shut a project down than waste everyone's time with an instance a few guilds may be interested in at least trying. I am going to want to have the best possible shot I can make in clearing that instance, and to do that, that means I will be taking into account what someone does and where they excel at over who I can recruit from.


In the current situation, we have one tank left who applied for the role officially: Camel's PT. And here's the dilemma:


Getting in an experienced PT tank from NiM DF (don't know the full extent of your tanking experience, but it sounds like you've at least tanked some NiM DF from what Druken has told me).




The only sniper DPS who officially applied, and on top of that, is currently the highest parsing Sniper that is a main in progression raiding for the current top PvE guild on BC, DWBI.


I refuse to attempt NiM DP without at least one sniper DPS, and to pass up on the best one currently on BC is another negative to the mix that I can't justify in trading off in order to gain one tank. Good tanks are about as hard to find as good DPS and good healers, and the reason why I choose Camel's sniper is because the best DPS, tanks and healers are even harder to find than the good ones (which, if you feel more confident in tanking than DPSing, let me know Camel. You seem like you are a DPS main, so correct me if this analyzation of you is off).


So far now, I'm going to need to find two tanks that are interested, possibly one if my sources tell me we're good. Right now, it looks like our schedules currently allow only Tuesdays and Saturdays as raid days for the group, based on who has responded so far. So if you aren't dedicated indefinitely on those nights, interested in tanking DP NiM, and capable of tanking it, please apply!


Finding tanks good enough for doing NIM content is harder than finding dps good enough for NIM content.

This is because dps checks in this game are an utter joke, but you are right to look for good dps as NIM Bestia is a relatively strict DPS check compared to other fights in NIM DP. My point is you don't need the best DPS to clear NIM, maybe our definition of best and good enough are different, but if your DPS can sustain over 3600 while doing mechanics then you should be fine for NIM. Yes having good dps makes fights easier, but having one mediocre dps is much worse then having one mediocre tank.

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Unfortunately for NiM, I can not just "work with what I have" in order to make a team possible, as I would rather shut a project down than waste everyone's time with an instance a few guilds may be interested in at least trying. I am going to want to have the best possible shot I can make in clearing that instance, and to do that, that means I will be taking into account what someone does and where they excel at over who I can recruit from.


In the current situation, we have one tank left who applied for the role officially: Camel's PT. And here's the dilemma:


Getting in an experienced PT tank from NiM DF (don't know the full extent of your tanking experience, but it sounds like you've at least tanked some NiM DF from what Druken has told me).




The only sniper DPS who officially applied, and on top of that, is currently the highest parsing Sniper that is a main in progression raiding for the current top PvE guild on BC, DWBI.


I refuse to attempt NiM DP without at least one sniper DPS, and to pass up on the best one currently on BC is another negative to the mix that I can't justify in trading off in order to gain one tank. Good tanks are about as hard to find as good DPS and good healers, and the reason why I choose Camel's sniper is because the best DPS, tanks and healers are even harder to find than the good ones (which, if you feel more confident in tanking than DPSing, let me know Camel. You seem like you are a DPS main, so correct me if this analyzation of you is off).


So far now, I'm going to need to find two tanks that are interested, possibly one if my sources tell me we're good. Right now, it looks like our schedules currently allow only Tuesdays and Saturdays as raid days for the group, based on who has responded so far. So if you aren't dedicated indefinitely on those nights, interested in tanking DP NiM, and capable of tanking it, please apply!


All points are very true. My PT is again just an option if we happen to find another great sniper from out of the blue.

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Well actually if you need a good tank i can bring my Juggernaut unfortunately he has one or two 168 pieces though has full set bonus. He's tanked some hm's and could use a slight bit more experience though i haven't been a problem when i've tanked in any hms before. If you want to give it a try you can message my character sigefrid in game.

I am available almost any day and can work around the nightmare teams schedule if you guys are interested. If you want to run a hm with me as a tank to test my skills let me know and we can setup a date.

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Finding tanks good enough for doing NIM content is harder than finding dps good enough for NIM content.

Yes having good dps makes fights easier, but having one mediocre dps is much worse then having one mediocre tank.


Like you know anything about mediocre tanking! Leave me my one little corner of the world you sonofa...:D

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