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Praise where praise is due


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You merely implied.


Regardless, I have no issue whatsoever with it. Better to be a realist than believing in Santa.




I ask again: Where exactly have they ever stated that 3.0 will be released in December?


Suggesting or implying that the Producer's Road Map is of an indication would be a gross understatement, seeing that "outdated" doesn't even begin to describe it.


I'm being pessimistic when I say December. It also makes sense to give them enough time after 2.9 to get the level-increase expansion done right. They could have it ready to go in November, maybe.


Point is, they listed it in the Road Map for 2014. Until they throw up a post going "Hey, gonna have to move it back to Feb because of X, Y and Z" then I'm going to go with their initial statement of it launching in 2014.


Also, it bears repeating that they've been careful to keep focus on the imminent patch with each of their bits and pieces of info. They're not jumping ahead 2 or 3 patches down the road. Managing expectations, I imagine.


Lastly, I find it endlessly fascinating that you're doom and glooming up the place over the rate of release of new content when most games are content to let games coast for 8-12 months or longer at the end of an expansion cycle. But, TOR apparently has to be head and shoulders above the rest or some people will insist, endlessly, how the game is terrible.


It's both sad and hilarious at the same time. But that's what you get with some gamers. Such is life.

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Regardless, I have no issue whatsoever with it. Better to be a realist than believing in Satan.


There, fixed it for you. *winks*


But on a more serious note...

I see nothing to praise quite honestly.


Some may try to point out that which they feel it's positive... While actually praising something that should be a full-time feature(!!!) present in the game 365 days a year, NOT for two months, only to magically disappear...


For no reason.


In addition to this, 2.8 was that update where Early Access to Strongholds was supposed to hit; It got delayed an additional two months. Ok, I can understand that.


A new GSF ship(?) was also bound to hit but Eric then pointed out that they would focus their attention on the two upcoming expansions and as such, the new ship would stay in limbo... Indefinitely. Ok, I can understand that too.


But then...


The Group Finder for 16-SM - which was pretty much the only MAJOR and PERMANENT thing they were going to add to the game - went bonkers and now they're back to where they started.


Praise? You want me to praise them for filling up the entry hall for the Casinos with machines, while disregarding pretty much 90%(!!!) of the actual place where the gambling should take place? In addition to the fact it's only an event and NOT a permanent feature, as stated already? On Nar Shaddaa?


No offense but you've got to be joking.




Not even the 30 Ultimate comms reward for completing operations using the GF is working. Again, good times.


Completely agree.


The event rewards are very nice, some I don't care about, other stuff I love.

But I can't really call the way of getting them a real event.


They could at the very least have put the slot machines inside and use the entry hall to display the magnificent prizes they want to draw you in with, pretty much how it looked before the event.

Would have been really nice if they had added gambling games that actually required real player input, even if you'd be betting on a Womp Rat to cross the finish line first (which would only be a little bit better than what we got, but an improvement).


Rewards for actually doing it then could be a container offering a direct reward or the second tier token for use in the VIP games section. The player side action taking longer and be more entertaining, requiring some input, not needing the "try again" reward which most of the slot rewards seem to be now.

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I'm being pessimistic when I say December. It also makes sense to give them enough time after 2.9 to get the level-increase expansion done right. They could have it ready to go in November, maybe.


You're not being pessimist when you say December but rather wanting to ignore the reality of things.


Galactic Strongholds


If the official release for GS is bound for October 14 and they already stated that every single major update would be released every nine weeks, how is it that expecting it to hit in December is being - as you call it - a "pessimist"?


Do explain.


Point is, they listed it in the Road Map for 2014. Until they throw up a post going "Hey, gonna have to move it back to Feb because of X, Y and Z" then I'm going to go with their initial statement of it launching in 2014.


The point is that they haven't confirmed that it will be released in December.


That's pretty much an assumption of yours.


In other words, kinda pointless to state it out loud, as if the expansion is already dated, which it isn't.


Also, it bears repeating that they've been careful to keep focus on the imminent patch with each of their bits and pieces of info. They're not jumping ahead 2 or 3 patches down the road. Managing expectations, I imagine.


That's not what's being discussed. Focus on the subject at hand.


Lastly, I find it endlessly fascinating that you're doom and glooming up the place over the rate of release of new content when most games are content to let games coast for 8-12 months or longer at the end of an expansion cycle. But, TOR apparently has to be head and shoulders above the rest or some people will insist, endlessly, how the game is terrible.


And yet again, you're definitely trolling...


If the new update is bound to be released at December at the earliest(!!!), it will signify a full year without a new daily area, a new flashpoint outside the tactical ones or a new operation.


There's no doom and gloom here, outside some people stating that which is FACTUAL and those who, for the lack of a better argument, prefer to attack indiscriminately other games.


It's both sad and hilarious at the same time. But that's what you get with some gamers. Such is life.


Sad is denying reality and in this thread, I'm not the one doing that.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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If we go by Oct 14th and count 9 weeks that puts the next update at Dec. 23rd.


Now let's consider this.


Do we know they are going to add 2.9 or skip from 2.8 to 3.0?


Other MMO's do it. Correct me if I'm wrong but they went from 1.7 to 2.0 for ROTHC.


Does that seem plausible to expect?

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If we go by Oct 14th and count 9 weeks that puts the next update at Dec. 23rd.


Now let's consider this.


Do we know they are going to add 2.9 or skip from 2.8 to 3.0?


Other MMO's do it. Correct me if I'm wrong but they went from 1.7 to 2.0 for ROTHC.


Does that seem plausible to expect?


I find it really hard to believe they would release the two digital expansions back-to-back but then again, with GS being delayed an additional two months, who knows? It's Bioware.


Right now, my stance remains the same: Hope for the best, except the worse.


I'll admit that I no longer expect 3.0 to be released this year but if I'm proven wrong, I'll be as glad as a Bantha on the beaches of Corellia.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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1, there were a ton of class changes that were really, really needed. Atm, though power is still relative, dp guardians, with 3800 dps are the bottom of the barrel, while Mercs (i think) are the top at 4200. That's really good across the board, it's not like it was where dps sins/sorcs/vanguards were just kinda useless compared to the other dps available assuming player skill was roughly even. That is worthy of some major praise, at least as far as PvE goes, all on it's own, because keeping every dps class viable for end game PvE is no mean feat (or it would have been prefected a very long time ago.) Some trees need some help, but every class is in a good place atm, and that's fantastic.


Yes, server stuff breaking sucks. The PTS doesn't exactly have 30000 players on it though, that kind of issue is hard to forsee without stresstesting that they couldn't really do. It's completely understandable, if not good, and It's a good bet a fix is incoming ASAP.


2. Have you been paying attention to the modles and textures of the last couple packs? Look at the dashing hero and daring rouges upper bodies [/url] and then compare it to the Unfettered treanchcoat See all that terrible streaching instead of fitting it to the character in the rogues and heros chests? It also moves the belly button for who knows what reason and the rouges is terribly blocky.


Now go look at the kingpin weapons and new armor in the packs. Some of it is reskinned old stuff, but is a HUGE improvement in texture quality. That they stopped being lazy and stepped up thier textures instead of using lazy money grab items in the packs is awesome beyond beliefe, many companies that start that crap never stop. Definitely worthy of praise.


3. I wouldn't be against the slots staying permanently with rotating rewards, in fact I even suggested it. It's still a well done event with a bunch of cool and high quality stuff to get. That it "should have been in game in the first place" is not only your opinion, but it doesn't detract from it being well done now and doing anything well, even if you feel it's late, is also worthy of praise.

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You're not being pessimist when you say December but rather wanting to ignore the reality of things.
(emphasis added)


Nonsense. There is no "reality" for the future until the future becomes the present. Right now, we have a present reality which includes BW being pretty upfront about notifying us of schedule slips. They let us know that Strongholds would slip well in advance. They have not said that the level-increasing expansion has slipped. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that Strongholds have slipped and the level increasing expansion has not.


You may disagree, but to call people are "ignoring reality" because they don't share your pessimistic outlook is without basis in fact. "Past result do not guarantee future performance," after all.


Let's also be clear as to why Strongholds slipped: they increased the requirements for them, deciding to expand what Strongholds allowed players to do, possibly in response to player feedback. So slipping Strongholds could easily be because the devs at BW are doing their jobs well, and if so then the Stronghold slip provides no reason to believe that any other expansion will slip.


Now, the 2.8 fiasco may argue to the contrary, or may not, but again "Past result do not guarantee future performance." I can hypothesize that the 2.8 fiasco may be attributable to a single bad algorithm choice made long ago by devs who don't work for BW anymore, which came back to bite the present devs when they tried to use it for something (16m Ops) it had not been designed to handle. Might be true, might not, but if my hypo is correct, the 2.8 fiasco is not a useful predictor of whether the level-up expansion will slip.


TL;DR: It is reasonable for you to be pessimistic, but it also reasonable to believe BW will, as it has in the past, notify us as soon as there is any slip to an announced expansion, and they have not done that with the level-increasing expansion yet. Therefore, I don't think you are doing yourself or your position any favors by accusing anyone who doesn't agree with your pessimism of being delusional.

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well said.


really more people need to stop acting like drones and start seeing how bad this game is.

Exactly, f2p in LESS than a year, over 2 million subs lost, PvP community DEAD, hardcore PvE community DEAD, focus on cash shop to gouge remaining customers, lack of endgame content, appalling phone support, etc.

Edited by TORtanked
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Exactly, f2p in LESS than a year, over 2 million subs lost, PvP community DEAD, hardcore PvE community DEAD, focus on cash shop to gouge remaining customers, lack of endgame content, appalling phone support, etc.


And yet despite all those silly claims, you and Ash are still here. :rolleyes: Pretty sad.

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People get really defensive about this game, having invested so much time and money on it. For those in that boat? Take the blinders off!!!! One gambling room with two types of slot machines and re skinned vanity gear. That's it. And if you think this event is boring as hell, wait until GSH comes out. You'll get to stand in your own generic sky palace being bored, with your companions. Even little kids get bored of playing house and eventually want to go out and use their Nerf guns.


BW bumped up comm rewards to encourage you to gear up alts. Why? Because there's nothing left to do in the game, and that's all they have to offer right now besides this gambling event. But as some of you know, they took that out because they broke it. Even 8man group finder doesn't offer the comms for completing it. Why? Because they broke that too?


And if you think there's going to be another xpack in December? GL with that. It won't be out until early spring of 2015, provided they aren't stuck fixing the mess GSH is going to create. If they weren't riding on the coat-tails of the Star Wars franchise, this game would've been dead a long time ago. In a galaxy far away.

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Exactly, f2p in LESS than a year, over 2 million subs lost, PvP community DEAD, hardcore PvE community DEAD, focus on cash shop to gouge remaining customers, lack of endgame content, appalling phone support, etc.


you repeat this stuff like a parrot, that is my critical analysis.


got actual proof hardcore pve is dead? because the forums on the pve servers still have ads for that stuff, when the nightmare mode dread palace stuff came out, there are videos of guilds who tested it out on pts and who played it on live on youtube, and that is recent so clearly some hardcores are still out there. And as for pvp, last week or the week before I think there was a thread announcing a pvp event on the bastion (something involving bounty hunting pvp guild event I think) anyway go over there the thread is still there and it still went on, so we got people still pveeing, still pvping (including a few people who never gave up on ranked somehow, I know I gave up on that long ago too long of a wait, I might just do it before the season ends though if the rewards are good). As for bad phone support, lets see, who does have good phone support? AT&T customer service is horrible, Comcast phone service sucks, Direct TV, Time Warner, yet guess what, they all still make millions despite their awful phone service, because, well, barely anyone ever has decent phone customer service anymore (actually I think it depends on who you get, like one time I got this lady who clearly sounded like she did not give a crap, another time I got a polite lady who guided me through getting my account fixed when I had a security question thing from back before one time passwords) so stop acting like this is the only company with bad phone service.

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Wow I want whatever the OP is taking, as I haven't seen anything in this patch to praise. Are you sure you aren't looking at this patch through beer goggles or a haze of Colorado smoke?


The 'event' as it is called is pretty lame, nothing more than a bunch of boxes with no interactivity, sitting in the foyer of the existing casino, just to part credits from fools.


Maybe if it was a little more casino like, interactive, and in the real casino itself I might be mildly impressed (in fairness I would still most likely consider it fluff content).


And I have to say, if this 'do as little as possible' and call it an event gets people excited, they must have very low expectations. And with such low expectation from many of the players, I can't imagine this game ever bothering to take on the challenge of trying to deliver something truly exceptional.


As for the GF change, it totally failed and caused major problems for the game. Sure, give them credit for making quick changes and reversals to lesson the impact of the failure, but a failure is still a failure.

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People get really defensive about this game, having invested so much time and money on it. For those in that boat? Take the blinders off!!!! One gambling room with two types of slot machines and re skinned vanity gear. That's it. And if you think this event is boring as hell, wait until GSH comes out. You'll get to stand in your own generic sky palace being bored, with your companions. Even little kids get bored of playing house and eventually want to go out and use their Nerf guns.


BW bumped up comm rewards to encourage you to gear up alts. Why? Because there's nothing left to do in the game, and that's all they have to offer right now besides this gambling event. But as some of you know, they took that out because they broke it. Even 8man group finder doesn't offer the comms for completing it. Why? Because they broke that too?


And if you think there's going to be another xpack in December? GL with that. It won't be out until early spring of 2015, provided they aren't stuck fixing the mess GSH is going to create. If they weren't riding on the coat-tails of the Star Wars franchise, this game would've been dead a long time ago. In a galaxy far away.


^Someone who gets it

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The 'event' as it is called is pretty lame, nothing more than a bunch of boxes with no interactivity, sitting in the foyer of the existing casino, just to part credits from fools.

In RL, those are called "slot machines," and lots of people play them, and casino make lots of money as a result.

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People get really defensive about this game ...

I think people defending the things they enjoy and value is far more commendable than people trying to tear down the things they do not. I understand the motives of the former group, but what drives the latter? Anger? Jealousy? Sadism? Poor self-esteem?


If you think the game is so flawed and has no future, why invest so much effort attacking it?

Do you think it will make a difference? Do you think your efforts will make it die faster, or miraculously save it?

I do not think those are realistic expectations. You are not that important.

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Thanks for proving my point.


yes, you have proven that there are many people who pay money to play a game over a long period of time happen to like the game and who think it has good qualities which is the reason they spend said money in the first place. Bravo, congratulations for making this bold new discovery :p

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