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Why did you get rid of 16 man group finder?

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Question's in the title. Why did you get rid of the 16 man group finder operations queue? Everyone loved it and in group finder the difficulty level is far more appropriate. It also makes it easier to find a group since tanks are always in short supply.


It seems like either a troll or a deliberate slap in the face to people after offering them something nice. It meant casual players could still cap on ultimate comms with the brief time window they have to play as well. I don't see any reason to get rid of it especially after it was implemented.

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Hey everyone,


We have identified a fix to the ongoing area transition/instancing and connectivity issues that players have been seeing since the release of Game Update 2.8. In order to alleviate these issues, we are going to be doing unscheduled maintenance tomorrow morning (Friday, June 13). During this maintenance, we are going to take the Group Finder Operation queue from 16-Player to 8-Player, as we have found that due to tech issues the servers do not perform well under the load caused by the 16-Player queue. Going forward, we are going to evaluate our options in regards to the Group Finder system to see what the best course of action to take is.


Thank you all for your continued patience while we get this resolved!





Bioware broke the game with the 16-man GF ops

Edited by Kmscmt
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Also the GF idea is a bit broken. At least at TRE it is.

People are making premade opses on fleet via spamming chat and than massqueue.

I set for 1,5 hour in the queue with 5 friends, no pop. I go to the fleet, see someone advertising for a GF run and decided to join in with my friends. Ops filled up in about the next 5 minutes, hitted queue and off we went.


This is NOT the idea of groupfinder but we can't blame bioware for this. We can only blame ourselves the community for it. If the 16 people from my opsgroup had queued by themselves we would have gotten a pop too. But we screwed ourselves over :(


To answer your question:

Its a temporary solution because of load issues. Easiest to see it is that during the day TRE is 100% fine but at primetime it went crazy (50 minutes to get your opsteam assembled crazy). Dont worry 16 man will be back.

Meanwhile do those HM55 dailies and ticket the 30 missing ulticomms after a run. You will get those back.

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[shadowlands] I dunno, I didn't see any server issues. I did several 16 GF OP runs and they were perfectly fine. 1 person out of 4 runs had a phases issue but was fixed easily and we continued on our merry way. There will be almost always 1 person that d/c... even in 4 man group FP and tactical FP which I has been seen since beta. So, I really feel the load issue is more or less a crap excuse and people having issues should look at their ISP for answers; not necessarily their problem but should look and make certain. Every 2 days or so it seems my ISP chokes too. The game can barely be run without serious lag. I've checked it numerous times and its my ISP. While the d/l test sometimes says its ok it but it can't handle any kind of serious load such as gaming. Music is fine most of the time but downloading things drops from its normal 1mbps or so to about 40kbps, sometimes much lower; connection to swtor when like this is hit and miss.


There are still many people signing up for ops including tanks and healers; so instead of 1 large 16 man we now will get 2 8 mans so what exactly is accomplished? So far 16 man was easier for everyone, now they only made it harder to succeed with stupid people (don't and won't follow mechanics). 2 of those in a 16 man won't really matter (bolster) so they'll die but we can continue; but 1 in a 8 man will make it harder than it needs to be, 2 will make extremely difficult, sometimes impossible as I have already seen twice now. Yes, we explained the mechanics but those people still do not follow them and then the tanks usually leave after that. I have a life and don't get to play until mid/late afternoon; by the time I finish my dailies on my 6 55 toons its already pretty late. Then a 40 minute op queue and its already around 9-10PM so re-queuing I can't do as it's too late.

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I see bioware replying on the server "issues" on the GF Q`s in game and bad load times ect. I hate to say this but perhaps its not the GF that's causing the problems, maybe its the 10,000 people all on nar shadaa spamming the new casino games causing problems.


I had no troubles what so ever with the 16 man GF. in fact it popped rather fast and no real glitches nor problems. so I must say to all the whiners this: ya`ll are full of crap or run on toasters. facts are, no one uses the 8 man GF for ops. with 16 man it was actually viable and fun and a exceptional way to make new friends. and now its gone.

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I thought the 16 man was great. I had an incredible group we did a good run through SnV. I do not see myself using group finder for 8 man ops there are fewer comms and I prefer to do the 8 man content with people I know and have played with before.


I did not experience any issues in game that I do not experience with normal pugs in fleet. Whatever server side problems they have need to be fixed and the 16 man put back on the group finder.


The wait I have in group finder for an op was no different than I have experienced with hm flash points.

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I thought the 16 man was great. I had an incredible group we did a good run through SnV. I do not see myself using group finder for 8 man ops there are fewer comms and I prefer to do the 8 man content with people I know and have played with before.


I did not experience any issues in game that I do not experience with normal pugs in fleet. Whatever server side problems they have need to be fixed and the 16 man put back on the group finder.


The wait I have in group finder for an op was no different than I have experienced with hm flash points.


Actually if they fix the comm reward, queuing through group finder will give you more comms.

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I see bioware replying on the server "issues" on the GF Q`s in game and bad load times ect. I hate to say this but perhaps its not the GF that's causing the problems, maybe its the 10,000 people all on nar shadaa spamming the new casino games causing problems.


I had no troubles what so ever with the 16 man GF. in fact it popped rather fast and no real glitches nor problems. so I must say to all the whiners this: ya`ll are full of crap or run on toasters. facts are, no one uses the 8 man GF for ops. with 16 man it was actually viable and fun and a exceptional way to make new friends. and now its gone.


I'm on Jedi Covenant. No problems with lag at all.




There we have it.


They didn't want to give away 70 ultimate coms for a full SV run.

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I'm on Jedi Covenant. No problems with lag at all.

Yeah well that's cool and all but I can tell you that on TRE the game was absolutely unplayable tuesday, wednesday and thursday until late in the evening. Somehow after friday's patch all problems disappeared.

So I guess I'll trust the dev's words on what was actually causing the problem, rahter than your theories.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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so MitchPB youre saying that in 8 man gf ops the bosses drop ultimate comms? because if that's what youre saying I call bull on that. I arranged a 8 man with guildies for gf and no ults dropped. wouldn't call that more.


16 man gf was better hands down. was great for casual players and great for regulars as well. 8 man just sucks to boot.

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so MitchPB youre saying that in 8 man gf ops the bosses drop ultimate comms?


No, he's saying the 30 ultimates comms from the group finder are more than what drops from all the bosses combined in 16-man.

Or they would be, if it worked...


8 man just sucks to boot.

I get the feeling you only say that because it doesn't drop comms.

I'd love to see how both modes would fare if the rewards were identical.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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I've never had any lag issues since the patch. And if they think it's bad sport to form premade groups for ops then clearly it's bad sport to form 4 man groups for group finder HMs and they should take that out as well. Except that people like the option of playing with their friends and it's wrong to punish them for wanting to do so.
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btw, they are crap, way too easy. healing i was fallign asleep every boss, didn't see anyone dropping lower than 60-70% hp and i went dps after a while..


So, extremely experienced plyers want Newbie content to be destroyed because they feel booored by that ?


Elites destroying anything they don't feel challenged by ? Nice understanding of the term "MMO".

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Yeah well that's cool and all but I can tell you that on TRE the game was absolutely unplayable tuesday, wednesday and thursday until late in the evening. Somehow after friday's patch all problems disappeared.

So I guess I'll trust the dev's words on what was actually causing the problem, rahter than your theories.


QFT. There were so many issues after the patch it wasn't even funny. We were trying to raid Nightmare DF and we had players constantly getting kicked, being unable to send/receive group invites, guildmates not appearing in the guild, chat lag, etc.


Unless they can iron out those issues, they shouldn't put this change in. Maybe some other servers weren't affected, but Shadowlands made it hard to want to log on to play.

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QFT. There were so many issues after the patch it wasn't even funny. We were trying to raid Nightmare DF and we had players constantly getting kicked, being unable to send/receive group invites, guildmates not appearing in the guild, chat lag, etc.


Unless they can iron out those issues, they shouldn't put this change in. Maybe some other servers weren't affected, but Shadowlands made it hard to want to log on to play.


And I still believe server issues are with 6 instances of 100 people RNGing the slot machines... NOT the GF!

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So I guess I'll trust the dev's words on what was actually causing the problem, rahter than your theories.

I get the sense that the devs don't quite have a good handle on Knuth. Or even 21 days.


I'm having difficulty wrapping my head about how utterly broken their queuing system has to be for it to cause any additional lag much less significant enough to have to back out the change. That this seems to be beyond their capabilities is just flat out disheartening.

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Loc_n_lol, itll never be even because of the incompetence bioware has in MMO`s. the 30 comms you get from the GF doesn't compare to the rewards of the 16 man groups everyone forms. teams work better and the ops go smoother! fact is the rewards will never be fair, if it was fair the 8 man ops would be semi-easier instead of more difficult. but that's to do with the earlier statement of biowares incompetence.


p.s. don't suck up to the enemy

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Best choice in-game for ages and then they decide to remove it. Wow...just wow...


Fix your servers for the love of god. And fix the bad framdrops, no other mmo out there have so much issues with server/fps-lag/drops. ESo and Wildstar runs smoth on 60fps+ all the time, even when we are 20 players PvP'ing around each other with masive aoes. In Swtor theres a big chance one of those 20 guys crashes his game lol.

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