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Enough is enough!


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Every single name I try and pick for any new character is "Taken by another player...blah blah blah!"


I am absolutely SICK OF IT!!!


I finally chose this hgjklrzdnjklz for a name and even that is taken!!!


Finally, I log on to one of my old characters and log in game and it's not hard to see why all the good names are taken, the damn gold farmers/spammers have all the good names!!!


I demand the Devs take some accountability here and take all those good names away from the spammers and give them back to the PLAYERS!!!

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Hahaha, I feel ya, brother. I spent an hour googling names for an alt this morning........just to, in the end, go with an alt character. I even went out of my way and tried really random names just to get "name not available". One thing that really would help would be if we could use capital letters more than for the first characters, I had some ideas but it simply doesnt look good when it turns out as "Xxxx-xxxx" or "Xxxx'xxx". Edited by MidichIorian
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Since I took a long break until recently, I had several characters from launch who had lost their original names. I got back Hughson (Imperial Agent), Pekra (Trooper), and Malvontus (Sith Inquisitor), no problem. Maybe the OP just needs to try unusual names instead of the same old same old.
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Ther OP aside, it's still a legitimate topic. Is BW continously purging after X days or was the last purge a one time thing?


I don't know they probably will do it again in my opinion but probably not for a long while or something

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Ther OP aside, it's still a legitimate topic. Is BW continously purging after X days or was the last purge a one time thing?


I was under the impression that it was a one time thing, done simply due to the server mergers. I could be wrong though.

Edited by Wraiven
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If by "good" you mean "unoriginal" or "common" then, yes.


As for the random characters, it probably wasn't actually taken but ran afoul of the filter in some other way, possibly length.

The error messages aren't exactly precise.

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Shhhh....you ruins it! :D


You played it extremely well though Wraiven. :D The tell however was that you used a credit spammer style name in your example (hgjklrzdnjklz) :cool:


I bet this thread becomes popular necro-food in the forum in coming months...so you have that going for your efforts. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Everyone knows the OP is just trying to get Skywalker, he wants to be Luke's great, great,great,great,great....um there's probably some more greats in there, Grand-daddy.


Be Free OP Skywalker, may the Force be with you....or at least the Farce. Cheap imitation Farce

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It's pretty obvious the naming policy sucks in this game, Bioware/EA should take notes fro Pirates of the Burning Sea online, where you can pick anyone name and surname you want just as long as it isn't an identical match, meaning there can't be two Jack Blacks or John Doe, but there can be a Jack Doe and a John Black, sure POTBS isn't the greatest MMO out there but it has one heck of a naming policy which I would rate a 10/10 while SWTOR gets a sloppy 2/10. Edited by RaithHarth
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It's pretty obvious the naming policy sucks in this game, Bioware/EA should take notes fro Pirates of the Burning Sea online, where you can pick anyone name and surname you want just as long as it isn't an identical match, meaning there can't be two Jack Blacks or John Doe, but there can be a Jack Doe and a John Black, sure POTBS isn't the greatest MMO out there but it has one heck of a naming policy which I would rate a 10/10 while SWTOR gets a sloppy 2/10.


Besides naming, PotBS also has the deepest crafting mechanism of any current MMO. Alas, it's another of SOE's orphans that was picked up by a private, uber undercapitalized studio. Pretty good ship-based PvE and PvP, but really horrible AVCOM (land-based combat).

Edited by scratcha
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