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The BC Nightmare Team


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Howdy folks. This is Klehitt from <Don't Worry Bout It> (and <X-Wing>).


The BC Nightmare team (pub side) is being shutdown. Sorry to those who applied, but we did not have enough people for the team.

Edited by Camelpockets
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Honestly, at this point I'm looking for an excuse to get my gunslinger off pot5. If I get off my hiatus in three weeks and you are still looking for a DPS, please shoot me a PM on enjin @mevarek or on here. Also, my schedule is a bit botched this summer for raiding as I do have some other things aside from this hiatus.
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Hey i posted this in the imp thread for Joss, but she wants to put together something similar. Maybe you could guys could team up, Im far from the best raider on this server but down to help given the chance.


I'll keep that in mind Jake, thanks!

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DoA sends her regards, as we sincerely hope Begeren Colony will come together and tackle on the Nightmare contents.


As summer approaches, it, too, comes the hiatus of DoA raiding. Maybe I'll see some of you guys posting on the progression thread, bearing good news, ya?


Raid on,


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