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The Official Ebon Hawk Ranked Arena Thread


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Who did you duel? Wasn't me I was watching that bad *** GOT Finale last night.


Pics or it didn't happen. Lets see dem photoshop skillz bra!


all i have gotten from you is, someone with excuses and exploits lol.


stop lying and making up excuses for your poor performances in 1v1


I knew you were bad but this is beyond a joke now.

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stop lying and making up excuses for your poor performances in 1v1


I knew you were bad but this is beyond a joke now.


Lol you are so bad at trolling. Would you like lessons. As I would have streamed it, if it had occurred. But your history with exploits, explains your misleading and poor ethics.


Also I don't duel exploiters, so yeah not going to happen anytime soon.

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Lol you are so bad at trolling. Would you like lessons. As I would have streamed it, if it had occurred. But your history with exploits, explains your misleading and poor ethics.


Also I don't duel exploiters, so yeah not going to happen anytime soon.


all i have gotten from you is, someone with excuses and exploits lol.


Keep em coming for dem losses


6-0 :rolleyes:

Edited by eerinbastile
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Quit Warzone.


sorry I had an Aneurysm when I saw you using full auto on cd


(internet dc lol nonfactors)


once more the regstars have returned to the ranked 4s thread, jfc


Serious question to all the people attempting to flame here.


Will any of you queue ranked 4s?












































I already know the answer :rak_03:

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Don't see my name on that scoreboard, bro.


Would be above yours. Ragequitter.


Oh ... so you're only bragging because I disconnected from the warzone and all you did was running around the middle platform killing people.


Queue 4s?


I'm better pyro than you :*

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What would dueling or playing ranked prove? I've never once questioned your ability to play the game, or your guilds yet you keep seem to poke at me trying to get a response like I am some kind of easily baited imbecile.


This game is not competetive. This game will never be competetive. This game has a pretty low skill cap. This game has a low population. All of these factors come into play when it comes to ranked.


I could list a bunch of reasons why ranked is not worth playing in this game, but what is the point in writing any kind of mature, logical and reasonal post when all it resorts to is people being arrogant wankers wanting to prove they are better than everyone? I used to measure the size of my wang and fight over ratings in a game called WoW (A game with actual players!) when I was a virgin too.


Yes there are people better than me at this game. No I don't care. It's a game. A casual game. If I wanted to play a game and take it serious when it comes to ranked I would play DotA, League, WoW, SC2 etcetc. So I pose a serious question to you, if you're so interested in ranked and proving yourself better than everyone; why are you on one of the least competetive games around? Why did you pick this server, to come and stir the hornets nest?


Oh and I would like to point out you never "farmed" us in regs, I would say most games went back and forth pretty evenly. I've even beat your group when I was solo signed, in a complete pug too; did I make a big fuss and start trash talking? No, I carried on. Because sometimes **** happens and you lose a few warzones here and there. Get over it.


I think you need to take Morderca's advice.

Edited by Lemmis
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lol... I think all this thread has proven is everyone on this server hates you guys. If you really want ranked you should probably look elsewhere, both for competition and people who actually want to play with you (since this is, you know, a game).


Also there's nothing wrong with using full auto situationally as a Vanguard, obviously its not a rotational ability, but there are circumstances where its superior to your other options, and to not recognize this is a failing as a player.


Also Peyton's really good.

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We produced 129 raging replies over a weekend. This is what BW gets for closing the hate thread. Closing the hate thread does not kill the hate, but it simply diffuses into every other thread in the forum. #wewillcomplainnomatterwhatyoudolol
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