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The Official Ebon Hawk Ranked Arena Thread


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Well I am back from work, and wow things are progressing.


Shout to to Pete, for his long but also great choice of words IMO.


I was trying to rationalize Muppet's behavior and the only thing I can think of is he is trying to be another one of australia's main exports... ACTORS

(see Mel gibson, Heath Ledger, Paul Hogan)


That is the only reason he would make up the lunacy that he continues to belch forth. I mean you know things have turned when the 99% of the server who despise me start listening... (the 1% that don't despise me no longer play or are the other member in my guild... but i think he despises me as well)



I will enlighten you and pretend and act like you are... starting now!


I dub thee Muppet, of Tattoine Swim Team......


Your struggle against me is futile and you will just end up being weighed down by

around your neck


I do not understand your post. Better to be infamous than famous in a video game IMO. I feel like you are just spouting words now to continue a dead conversation.


Any who, anyone watching the world cup? I sure do hate soccer most of the time but this event is fun to watch.


Since the derailment of this thread (no help by me of course), I see that nobody wants to do team ranked for the most part. Yolo Queues anyone?

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I do not understand your post. Better to be infamous than famous in a video game IMO. I feel like you are just spouting words now to continue a dead conversation.


Any who, anyone watching the world cup? I sure do hate soccer most of the time but this event is fun to watch.


Since the derailment of this thread (no help by me of course), I see that nobody wants to do team ranked for the most part. Yolo Queues anyone?


I'm playing Battlefield with james right now but i'll log in a few

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As he stated he doesn't have any friends 99% of the server doesn't like him. Please stop bating the forum troll. He will continue to try hard if you do.




I don't have friends you are correct. I que solo ranked though broseph.


Just saying btw the excuses were still flowing while I was at work today. I mean the whole disconnect excuse.. while getting rolled is so played out. Should have used one I would have believe like dingo's chewed up your peripherals, or Abo's came in and boomrang'd your monitor.

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your point? please don't tell me that because you play solo ranked, you think you're good?




I think we're done here.


Let me guess because you think you have assembled a team of like minded exploiters who have been playing together and eating vegemite sandwiches for months on end, only to face fresh and new teams. Then proclaim things were fair and you are about the spirit of competition.


Edit: after you left a pvp server to come here for competition?


Do you think winning those makes you good?

Edited by Dreadlordwisco
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Let me guess because you think you have assembled a team of like minded exploiters who have been playing together and eating vegemite sandwiches for months on end, only to face fresh and new teams. Then proclaim things were fair and you are about the spirit of competition.


Edit: after you left a pvp server to come here for competition?


Do you think winning those makes you good?


i guess Begeren Colony is a pvp server now, who knew :confused:


as I've stated before, we didn't come here for ranked. You'd know that if you bothered to read anything instead of flying off the handle everytime someone proves your point to be that of a moron.


and how dare you talk down about vegemite, it's way better than the nutella you muricans cram down


still waiting to see your team in group queue :cool:

Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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maybe growing up as the descendants of criminals in your country makes you less of a scholar. But they only point i have seen your guild prove so far in this thread that nearly all of my assumptions have come to fruition. Yet you are still blind to the fact and continue demanding that people play your ranked team so you can stream your exploits?


No one wants you here, and no one will ever respect you. You guys have bigger egos and shadier tactics than kim jong un. I know no one respects me, i am a douche. However, there is the notion that at least I am not in denial of it like your merry band of seamen.


You are still trying too hard. Nobody is stupid enough to use "pyroguard" in a team ranked game. So your **** excuse to queue ranked is thrown out the window. But like I said you could never put a team together as "nobody likes you". Nor would you ever beat us hence why you would never queue as it would just add to our fire to mock how bad you are since all you can do is spout ******** on a server forum thread. You are scared and use "exploits" as a tactic to dodge us in ranked queue ( if you could queue, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt). Games 2 hard though. If you can't make friends on a video game where people can't even see how ugly you are, I am sure you have a hard time in real life. I feel sorry for you:( I will pray for you tonight that you get a friend. I think everyone deserves a friend.

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You are still trying too hard. Nobody is stupid enough to use "pyroguard" in a team ranked game. So your **** excuse to queue ranked is thrown out the window. But like I said you could never put a team together as "nobody likes you". Nor would you ever beat us hence why you would never queue as it would just add to our fire to mock how bad you are since all you can do is spout ******** on a server forum thread. You are scared and use "exploits" as a tactic to dodge us in ranked queue ( if you could queue, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt). Games 2 hard though. If you can't make friends on a video game where people can't even see how ugly you are, I am sure you have a hard time in real life. I feel sorry for you:( I will pray for you tonight that you get a friend. I think everyone deserves a friend.


I was talking about your speed hack not the pyro exploit lol. Nice try though.

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i'd really rather not include in my sig that I play with a server full of *******s


We came here because we thought this was a chill community that we could play casual games with and meet new people.


Bull-**** harder.


Get mad.

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Bull-**** harder.


Get mad.


You confuse what Ammut says with the rest of us. We claim him as a step child. But hey Peytona (are you are girl)? Are you guys gonna queue up with us babyboo? I hear you are good (snicker). Who are you again? I never see Peytona in a warzone. I assume you are one of those people that can only play Vanguard though and have perfected that super hard class to play and suck at all the rest. Are my assumptions off base or are you super pro on something besides EZmode? Don't get me wrong I have a Fresh 55 PT but I have all adv classes. I am just curious because you strike me as that type of player. Games2hard though.


Forum Troll, I am done with you...I keep forgetting your name. I will go with Mr. Irrelevant. Speed Hacks...lmao. I am still laughing. That is what bads say and the worst excuse I have ever ever ever seen on this game. SPEED HACKS.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hold on a second. I have a couple more ha's for you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. FFS stupid asses. /thread already.


PS. I <3 you all.

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