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reverse engineering problem


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  • 6 months later...
I have also problems with reverse engineering. I have biochem crew skill. I made one iteam from green to purple one adreanl but stims and medicament I cant. Some of them I could learn for blue ones but some I cant learn from green juzst on them I see "NO RESEARCH AVAILABLE" without reason i have every each stack minimum 20 samples. I can reverse and after get components but I dont have idea why I see on red colour this warning. Especially I don't understand why some items I cant learn from reverse on greens and some on blue ones I doesn't find any key which explain me what I doe's wrong. I only found one reason that bugged my crew. I don't want reset my biochem and try improve from beginning because I spend for training for max to much time and money and still I am not sure that it will help.
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  • 2 months later...

Again, there's currently a problem Reverse Engineering items. An item such as Arkanian gear when either armor, mods or enhancements when pulled from the gear shows an available "Chance to Research Schematic" for the item but when it's reverse engineered the result is a "No Reverse Engineering Information" exists for that item.


I've submitted a ticket for this issue and received a response that does not acknowledge this issue or provides a resolution, it only directs me to a forums message board that may or may not be read by the people who can actually correct this issue.


I am a subscriber paying to play this game and expect to have this functionality fixed since I am paying for it; and as a crafter this non-functionality issue really detracts from the enjoyment of game play.


Dev's, please re-visit and fix this game issue.

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No Reverse Engineering Information means you don't get mats from what you were r/eing. If the tooltip says you have a chance to learn a schematic, you can still learn the schematic. Unfortunately there are tons of items in game that aren't associated with any mats from r/eing including many that give schematics so this pops up quite a bit. Edited by FireFoxed
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For [most] items, when you RE something with a % chance to learn a new schematic, you get mats back (and no message) if you fail. What FF is saying is that for some items (like endgame stuff), you may not get any mats when you fail, and in those cases, you get the message you saw. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it makes sense that the devs would have the system give you *some* feedback if you RE'd and failed. I'd agree that "You failed to learn the schematic" would be a better message.
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Close. No Reverse Engineering Information has NOTHING to do with learning a schematic. You will see the message if you RE an item that doesn't give mats regardless of whether you can learn a schematic from it or not. In fact, if you successfully learn a schematic from an item that doesn't give mats, you will get both the red No Reverse Engineering Information message and the green you have learned a new schematic message.


Tdlr: No Reverse Engineering Information means item doesn't give mats. Has no connection to RE schematics.

Edited by FireFoxed
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