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BioWare: Fix Guarded by the Force


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The nerf bat to Guarded by the Force was too much. I can understand that perchance a nerf was needed since at the time Smash spec was so strong. But no more. Smash is now nerfed and Sentinel survivability is down the tubes.


Currently one either uses GbtF the end of life for a sure death, just to get an extra 5 seconds to try to kill someone or one uses GbtF and Camo's just before the end of the duration in order to medpack and get back to the HP one had when one just popped GbtF to begin with, if your lucky. This is not how a defensive cd mechanic is supposed to work.


My suggestion to fix it is this: either remove the healing debuff or remove the health lost when popping GbtF. It still will be nerfed compared to its original version, since the health is still taken at the end of the DCD. Which means this, you pop GbtF, get healed to 100% and drop down to 50% when the dcd ends or you cant get healed when you pop it but you dont lose HP.


Right now using Camo after GbtF essentially removes a needed DCD, since we have to use 2 for 1. What class has to use 2 DCDs back to back for one of them to be effiective? Fix this.

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Operative also has to use evasion before cloaking screen....lest the dots yank you back into the fray.


I propose changing the debuff associated with GBTF to simply reduce all incoming heals to 0 for the duration, and for the 5 seconds after the ability ends. Can't hurt me too much, but I can't get healed either...

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