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Strategy to the Casino Event! Don't lose your money!


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Well tested the strategy...


Spent 50k on top of the 5 token, played all tokens as fast as possible.

Then once depleted moved to the big slot machines.


Ended with:

  • 2 golden certificates
  • A Magnus vectron


For 50k that's a steal.


Note: spent like 300k on other toons and only got 3 certificates.



I might have been very lucky still happy nonetheless :D

Edited by Deewe
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that makes no sense...i spent like 1mil on smug tokens in total, and on one occasion i had FIFTY(50) Kingpin Tokens, used them all, and got some gold certs. The time before, used 20 Kingpins and got the speeder, but STILL...NO MOUNT...***.


Did you re-acquire the lucky buff each time it went away? Everything you win removes the buff.

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so i just tried the strategy too and from the 60k... :p spent i got 11 kingpins, used them asap when i got lucky, and stopped as soon as i won jackpot to not waste anymore, but only got some gold certs and im tired of getting them im at 20+ gold certs lol
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They're slot machines that don't even have to follow the Vegas payout rules, which are the worst odds of any game in the casino.


You want to win? Don't play.


This is the only way you are guaranteed not to lose. Other than that, a few of the items the OP mentioned are good strategy techniques but were already put out there by others.


1) Try to avoid purchasing King tokens. Purchase Smuggler tokens instead, use those to win King tokens and get the buff to help your chances on the King machines.


2) Set your goals and expectations realistically. Realize chances are small for rewards on both machines, but you have a pretty good chance of building King tokens and the buff on the Smuggler machine. Focus on certs, as those are more common as rewards it seems.


3) Limit your spending pool. This is a rule for all gambling generally. Know when to walk away by setting the maximum amount you are willing to spend.


4) Though it is expensive, you can acquire the Rancor and the vectron mounts (variations naturally) by using credits directly....you can buy both off of the GTN from other players (the ones that drop in packs).

Edited by LordArtemis
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3) Limit your spending pool. This is a rule for all gambling generally. Know when to walk away by setting the maximum amount you are willing to spend.


Should be rule number 1 in this, really.


My personal rule that I've tried to follow since the casino event started is to start running dailies more often (haven't done it as much as I intended (actually getting something done every day), but running anything at least on a weekly basis instead of maybe once or twice a month still qualifies as "more often"), make note of my income from dailies, and set aside no more than half of that for a session in the casino. I've pulled in cash from running starfighter during the doubled rewards in the last few weeks as well, but I try to ignore those numbers or any other gain outside of dailies when deciding my casino limits. The result is an overall bulking up of my character's wallet even as I come back again and again to try to win a rancor.


I've put in maybe a little over a million total so far and I've come out with 2 speeders and enough gold certificates for a set of the legacy bound armor, a bunch of legacy bound weapons, 1 copy each of the 5 companion customizations, 1 pet, and 1 regen item. (I also cashed in for the purchased speeder for the achievement and then refunded it. But I'll probably end up with enough to buy one for real as I continue trying for that rancor.)

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Total Number of Certificates: 134

Slot Machine Destructions: 3

Vectrons: 6

Rancors: 1


I spent around 3 million credits buying only Smuggler tokens to get the Kingpin tokens. I'd start doing Kingpin slots when I had around 50 Kingpin Tokens and always went back to get the Lucky Buff after a win.


When I won the Rancor I was rotating using only two Kingpin machines. I tried rotating three but I was burning through tokens too quickly so I went back to just two.

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I just read this topic now, and my experience is something like spending ~1.5mill to get my rancor. I tried all sorts of strategies, I bought a helluva lot of smuggler coins to save 100 kingpin coins - got nothing out of it but certificates. However after spending that much, i bought 30K more worth of smuggler's, got my first kingpin, and got the rancor from that first coin(didn't save a stack of kingpins).


I know someone in my guild who won 2 rancors with 50K

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Basic math, if something has a basic average it is not randomized.


Ummmm. It might be basic math, but you're wrong. Something having an average doesn't eliminate the fact it's random. If you flip a coin you have a 50% chance it lands on heads and a 50% chance it lands on tails. The result is still random chance. You could flip it 100 times and never get Heads, or get it all 100 times. The Average of 50% doesn't eliminate the randomness.


The slot machines are random. One player may land a Rancor the very first time he plays and the guy next to him could spend weeks and never get one.


Random is random even with a average win percentage.

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i disagree it would take much more work at coding in order to write into the game true genuine random chance. it's actually very difficult to put into a program. most use a concept known as pseudo-random - which are numbers which appear random but are actually the product of using either a mathematical formula or some predetermined form of a random number generating (ie - a list of prefactored random numbers).


we've all known bioware always takes the easiest and quickest route to programming so I'm supremely confident they didn't take the time to incorporate true and genuine random chance into a tiny little temporary mini-game. they're using some type of randomness generator within the casino event.


it's just a matter of figuring out what they did.

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