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Double req


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I have to say it was great today, the req makes the game feel good even when losing and getting ships geared up on a new character. it makes losing so much less painful and it makes gearing out a ship as a begginer much more fun and less punishing. As a veteran Pilot winning the req is stupid high leveling ships has never felt so good. even with people unable to log in no one wants to go any where regardless of being farmed or not because the req is good enough to put up with the abuse. :D



I think this needs to be a regular thing.

Edited by tunewalker
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I wouldn't mind seeing it a few times a year. Though after leveling new GSF toons it really does put some things in perspective. The baseline requisition gains probably could stand to be about 50% higher than what they are. Leveling as a F2P player must feel agonizingly slow by comparison - especially if you get streaks of losing matches.


I'm going to go into serious withdrawl when the bonus ends.

Edited by Luneward
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I've been getting plenty of pops now, it seems it brought back a lot of players or got in a new one. Friend started with me today, he has enough fleet coms to buy another ship in one day. While I don't care about amount of req I get (got only this 2 new ships not maxed, but I don't mind 4-5k req on good matches :D) it is great for new players.
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I've been getting plenty of pops now, it seems it brought back a lot of players or got in a new one. Friend started with me today, he has enough fleet coms to buy another ship in one day. While I don't care about amount of req I get (got only this 2 new ships not maxed, but I don't mind 4-5k req on good matches :D) it is great for new players.


I played a few matches on patch day; all three were CLOSE WINS, but the req was more like 2k (3-6 medals). You must be killing on medals with the maxed ships for those numbers ;)

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I played a few matches on patch day; all three were CLOSE WINS, but the req was more like 2k (3-6 medals). You must be killing on medals with the maxed ships for those numbers ;)


Requisition isn't based on medals actually at the end of the game at the scorescreen you can click earnings to see exactly how it works.

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I played a few matches on patch day; all three were CLOSE WINS, but the req was more like 2k (3-6 medals). You must be killing on medals with the maxed ships for those numbers ;)


Yeah well, I rarely go under 10 medals in any kind of match ;) It is average 14, ofc in deathmatch it is lower because there is lack of capping/defing medals, but I'm on top od famage/obj usualy (esp objectives, that brings requisition, better to def satelite all match then to kill people around all match if gearing is your priority)-


Yessterday, 1500 req in 50:10 deathmatch lost. Ok, I did 9 od those 10 kills and more damage then my entire team combined (and we were 16 :D ) so maybe that has to do with something, but...


Btw, not maxed ships, I play only unmaxed - 2 new ones.

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My best is 4834 req in one match. However I tend to fly maybe one or two matchs a day because I can no longer deal with one side having all the veteran 5 ship opponents verse the 2 ship rookies and one or two 5 ship veterans. Then 2 minutes into a match and the outcome has alreadybeen determined and the complaining begins on the side being farmed. People talk about taking it easy on the new team side and some even say they try to switch sides to make it even after they have crushed the opponents into the ground a few dozen times. So even tho they double req is nice, the money made from the matchs is nice, I would rather walk into traffic then play matchs like that. Edited by Zohkar
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