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Guild summit : PVE & PVP guilds


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I am happy to see more interest in the project. A few of you contacted me in game, I will get back to everyone on Monday as stated. With people being afk and stuff, this week may be what they need to jump on the fun train :D!
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I definitely would like to be a part of a project like this. As an individual, I believe I could have loads to offer in terms of reliable skill in all roles, in both realms. But what comes to my guild... that's a little more problematic. I'm the GM of a Finnish-only, semi-casual (mainly) pve-guild, and we've only really just begun our progression. While we have strong individuals, as a group there is still lot to learn, in many facets of the game.


But if nothing else, I would like to attend the summit as a listener and occasional commenter - at present I really do not have any groundbreaking ideas to offer, but one extra viewpoint couldn't hurt it, could it? :3


And yeah, we're playing on both factions, though our action is greatly concentrated on the imp-side as of late.

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PvP wise what WS has more to this game is X-server and the mega 40 men WZ a sort of open world PvP. PvE there is the novelty of a totally new game. I do not like its seven buttons only abilities, but its AOE function hit all aspect (even allies) is interesting....

Considering who is involved with WS that game is all about challenging WoW and the features some people shout so much in WS have been in WoW for quite some time (since 2009).

Some numbers to ponders.

Sales wise the people in the industry are saying WS has sold about 500k so far only 1/3 of SWTOR on release with 1.7 million and 2.3 total after the first month. SWTOR had a short of 1 million subs a month into F2P, 11 months after its release. Its smallest amount number of subs is about 300k.

(Massive off-topic, sorry for that)

Also 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 arenas, and MUCH more active OWPVP (though that might be because EVERYBODY is leveling atm). Some quests were really hard to get through because everybody was ganking everybody nonstop. (awesome)


PVE wise there isn't only novelty of a new game. The content is much, MUCH harder. The first dungeon at lv 20 is -almost- as hard as a HM ops in this game. The raids....I can't wait to see the raids. Without a full good team wipefests are assured. Even with a full good team. Even when you are experienced in the fights.


It's not really just 8skills. You have about 25-30 skills of which you have to choose. Your chosen skillset will be different for battlegrounds, duels, arenas (2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 might all be different), leveling, raids, dungeons etc. Choosing your skillset is very important. But yes in the end you only use 8 once you chose them.


I don't think Wildstar wants to challenge WoW. They want to make a MMO for the hardcore players. They've stated this a thousand times. I don't expect the game to get a records amount of subs at all. it might even stay lower than SWTOR. But that doesn't mean it's not succesful. It drew players from all mmo's; those that want a challenge and good different innovative gameplay. You can't expect it to draw more players than SWTOR. It's star wars...

The real thing to look at is the % of subs they lost within their first year.



(On topic)

I'm very curious to hear what your ideas are to improve this game on our server. I'm sure I'll hear them from Skyrush :)

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But there is one thing... ( and I do share excitement about W* with you ) but they also NEED casuals. There is not such big amount of hardcore players only to keep it alive. Have you thought about all that pinky Aurins hugging their trees? About that chipmunks Chuas? I feel majority of them are causals there and they will have a big part in the destiny of W*.


Think about it.

Edited by duigha
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I am interested in this meeting my details are as follows:


Characters: Vima-daboda, Faora-UL, Cassiopeiå (AKA Felucia)

Guild: Mortis Imperium

Play style: keyboard turner and mouse clicker, lol

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Hey guys! I'm GM of Balkan Force, probably the oldest guild on TOFN atm :) We are playing SWTOR since beta and have been on TOFN since early access. All I can say is that this game had its ups and downs, but now, things are seriously getting out of hand.


Not putting some actual new content, removing 8v8, no cross server, open world pvp, events... come on its been too long. They are putting too much resources on CM (which is ok by by some point, it DOES generate tons of revenue for them).


Sorry i went a little OT there :) All i wanna say is, great initiative, we can talk and get to know each other better, but in the end, its all up to Bioware....


Balkan Force is definetly interested in this initiative :)

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Excellent news and welcome aboard ! We aim to meet next week depending on availability. If the participants could jot down their ideas and convey them to everyone at the meeting we will not waste any time. While it may seem that without BW giving new content we won't enjoy the game, I beg to differ. Many want to run the current content but do not have the people. Consequently, if we agree on certain PVP days those who want arenas will not wait 1 hour for a pop.



Provided people are home and not detracted in real life, we could, for example, say Friday Night and Saturday all day we queue for Ranked. We can mix and match for group ranked on both sides. We can even queue normals to create opportunities rather than stay on the fleet and complain how bad people are. Furthermore, pessimistic estimates, if 10 people queue from Rebel Dream, 4 from Vis Fatalis, 4 from Balkan, 4 from Mortis, 3 from Herbs and Derps, 4 from midnight, 5 from Utopia, 3 from Infinito, 3 from Black Forge, people will have an incentive to queue and the numbers will grow. Of course, it won't be , at the start, super quality, but it will be the building block for those who have the skill but no opportunity. I know quite a few sents and marauders interested in getting some advice from Skyrush on how to improve their game. If you say you're **** you suck, you as the good player will not have anyone to play with :D.


We improve the quality of the community, people will come to TOFN. Work together, respect one another, when you ROFLSTOM a team in arenas, log rep, say, you did well, next time work on this this and that. Rather than, you are bad, quit the game! As it was stated, we have no new content, let us enjoy the one we have.




Dear All,


Please find below our partner guilds so far :


1. Order of Midnight

2. The Black Forge.

3. Hope and Glory.

4. EVO

5. Vis Fatalis

6. Infinito

7. Republic Utopia*

8. Herbs and Derps

9. Mortis Imperium

10. Balkan Force.



If the above could join the Alliance channel on Rep Side and Alliance on IMP it would help to get to know one another. I have already seen people on rep, however, the languages used there were not english or the other 5 I speak :D!


PS: A RANKED ARENA LEAGUE is in the works. All we need is commitment and attendance, the rest will follow, prizes can be interesting. We also have duelling tournaments in mind on voss. Get involved, don't stay passive!

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Don't think the server is in as bad as condition as everyone thinks. On the 05/06/2014 at 8pm GMT there were 186 people on the starter planet tython, so that is a good sign of new new people coming to the server, i admit i do not know how many of those people we new players to game or if those are existing people on server levelling new characters.


However here are some ideas for objective based openworld pvp that i have and people can expand on or comment on....


Scenario 1:

Place the flag:

Time for completion: 30 minutes

At the main taxi or entry point for example oricon, the attacking team must place a flag there to win, the defending team must prevent this from happening within the specified time limit. stealthed based classes are not allowed to be the flag carrier.


Scenario 2:

Kill the target:

Time for completion: 30 minutes

Attacking team must kill a specific npc on a particular planet. Defending team must prevent this from occurring.


Scenario 3:


Choking point

Time for completion: 15 minutes.

Attacking must cross the other side of bridge, defending team must prevent as many players as possible from crossing that bridge. The winner is the team who has the most players that make it across.


Team size's for the above which i think the game engine could handle would be 20 - 25 players on each team, time limits for each scenario is open to change. Most of the major guilds have TS meaning that teams could have voice communication in working on the objectives, also it would be an opportunity on bringing the community closer together by working together.


So if anyone has any ideas or wish to comment on the above please feel free to say so....

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Hello all! I am Bruno'Wan GM of Infinito.


I would also like to thank Irisa for the initiate. I feel that something very good for the community can yield from this discussion.


I wanted to share some ideas with you all to see your opinion about them.




I think that the benefit of scheduling an arena "prime-time" is obvious. I would suggest two days days a week (one working day and one on the weekend). In the working day I would suggest scheduling three hours (say from 21:00 to 00:00 server time). In the weekend I suggest two intervals one during the afternoon (from 15:00 to 19:00) and from 21:00 to 00:00). This would serve as a tool to concentrate the maximum number of teams possible in order to reduce queue times and increase the variety of different teams (with different compositions) that each one would face. In my opinion if you schedule an entire day the chances that the teams scatter is reasonable.




I believe that it is possible to also schedule two prime-time days for progression. In these days via chat and/or Voip the different guilds would communicate in order to fill each other gaps (if one guild misses a tank the other can provide, etc). In another level two or more guilds could team up during the events to do 16 man OP. We at Infinito would be more than happy to host these events in our TS (and show to all the world renowned Portuguese hospitality :) ).


One final word to reinforce a point approached by Irisa. Sometimes (mainly at the PVP level) the attitude towards a player with less skill is very negative and can only contribute to degrade the servers environment. I understand that some of these players from start to finish only complain with everyone (blaming everything and everyone for their poor performance) but there's a lot of guys (and girls) out there that doesn't know better because no one ever took the time to explain. If we could all (specially the ones that have a greater knowledge of class/WZ mechanics) spend just a couple of minutes trying to "educate" these players the gains to everyone would be enormous!


I really feel that we can improve the current state of our server if we all work towards the same objective.

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Hey guys,



I am on a bussines trip at the moment and haven't logged for like a week now but count Mortis Imperium in with whatever you are planning :)

As I saw Faora already posted in this forum so I will ask him to take care of this and attend whatever you guys are planning! We are a little bit inactive now mainly because of real life activities and WS leveling but we haven't dissapeared yet.


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Hi Irisa, just came by your thread and I have to say it really looks gd. As our guild is strictly Czech/Slovakian players only (and more then half of them can't really speak English) my options are kinda limited. But I would very much like to at least see the results of the summit (as I'm affraid I can't attend tommorow 13.6) and translate it to them to see if we can participate somehow :) I'm pretty sure some of our players can be a good addition.


-- Irisen of Havoc Squadron

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Focker reporting in,




Apologies for the confusion to those who did not understand our meeting time and to Delarah for having some TS issues and losing him along the way. I will not write here 5 pages of what we discussed but I will announce the following :



1. Monday the 16th of June 2014 : 20:30 -23:30 CEST Ranked PVP queue with Rebel Dream / Outbreak / Banthas / Infinito / EVO . Hopefully more will follow..



2. Friday 20th of June 2014 : 21:30 - 00:00 CEST, PVE event aimed at getting to know one another.






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Apologies for the confusion to those who did not understand our meeting time


I would have understood it fine if you actually posted it in the forums you created specifically for this Guild Summit/Alliance thing. Never occured to me to seek the information here instead of a place that bears the name of the DFA. The schedule you just posted here isn't there as well. I question the point of it then.




Leader of the 3rd guild on your "partner" list

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I would have understood it fine if you actually posted it in the forums you created specifically for this Guild Summit/Alliance thing. Never occured to me to seek the information here instead of a place that bears the name of the DFA. The schedule you just posted here isn't there as well. I question the point of it then.




Leader of the 3rd guild on your "partner" list




With you being the only one checking that area of our website and with the majority needing private messages or reading swtor.com, you can understand the need to make use of this platform to spread the news. You are always welcome to hop on and I can give you extensive details of what was discussed at the meeting. We have 5-6 pages of notes with issues and possible solution, which I will make available on our section of the forums now that it has been agreed as one of our MAIN media to disseminate information.Granted the fault is mine for not posting it everywhere so lesson learned also that list needs to be revised as only a few people reply to my messages.

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And that is why people are sick n tired of TOFN!


I don't know you, don't know why you'd leave a derogatory remark about my guild! but you did.

I know that we will never all get along harmoniously. Seen enough disagreements in many guilds on both sides to know that. But in the interest of keeping things running, I say nothing to offend people in General Chat, or on these forums. If I see any of my guild members insulting another guild they won't be in my guild for long. It is an insult to both guilds.


If you have an issue with my guild or any of its members, message me direct, or ****!

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And that is why people are sick n tired of TOFN!


I don't know you, don't know why you'd leave a derogatory remark about my guild! but you did.

I know that we will never all get along harmoniously. Seen enough disagreements in many guilds on both sides to know that. But in the interest of keeping things running, I say nothing to offend people in General Chat, or on these forums. If I see any of my guild members insulting another guild they won't be in my guild for long. It is an insult to both guilds.


If you have an issue with my guild or any of its members, message me direct, or ****!


Uh huh.

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