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Elaborate Scam or honest mistake?

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This kind of reminds of me of some guy who tried to scam me yesterday. He put that he was selling a Revan's mask in the General chat of the fleet. I ask him his price. Instead of money, he asks me if I had any rare pets. I ask "like what" and he says a Hoarfrost boar. I did not have one and checked the GTN for one. Cheapest one of 4 was 3 million.


Because I keep all my credits on one character, I told him I was going to check for the boar on another character and be back in 10 minutes and I logged out and while I was going through the loading screen, I thought to myself, what if he knows I don't in fact have the pet and he has an alt that happens to be the seller of one of these pets? So instead of buying it, I send the credits to the alt and just as I log in, he conveniently logs off.


I logged in a completely different alt a couple hours later and hes doing the exact same and makes the exact same offer. I told him I would give him the credits to buy it off the GTN in exchange for a pet and the guy plays dumb that he had no idea that those were on the GTN. :rolleyes:


Another guy who actually had the pet said he offered to trade him the pet for the mask and the guy found out he didn't in fact have the mask.


Thankfully, I didn't fall for this scam but it does make me weary of ever trading an item I don't actually possess for another item. Credits are a much safer medium of exchange.


Edit: just noticed that OP is in the same server as I am, I wonder if we met the same scammer.

Edited by Nickious
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  • 3 weeks later...

Something similar happened to me on Red Eclipse today that immediately made me think of this thread :D

Someone was offering the two least common versions of the Monkey Lizard for sale, much cheaper than on GTN this person said.


Since the asking price was indeed lower than the current GTN prices but not that much that it raised suspicion. That came when I happen to see the character standing not too far away and noticed it was level 40 Operative. Granted, if he was absent for a long time, it could be possible but when I asked to confirm price, this character suddenly wanted me to go shopping for a list of items from GTN because he/she was preferred player and couldn't handle the amount of cash. :rolleyes: Obviously never heard of escrow, yeah riiiight. :p


Confronting him in general the reply was that it was up to me who to pick on GTN, sure, and no doubt the cheapest of each of the wanted items would be sold by presumably an alt.


Sure enough, 15-30 minutes later this same character suddenly also has a couple of the highest rated Relics for sale, and again, cheaper than on GTN. Now, I could have accepted a returning player becoming pref, still having the lizards from way back, but a level 40 pref having several Dread Forge relics for sale...don't think so.

Edited by LeJarC
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I don't do anything except direct trades or gtn transactions. And I generally ignore the WTS spam in fleet, because there is no reason I should bypass the gtn.


While the former is entirely sensible, it can make perfect sense to sell direct, especially on high value items, because the seller loses 6% of the sale price in GTN fees. So, they can fairly easily undercut GTN prices by upto 6% and still end up making more money.


As for bartering, IMO that's a perfectly legitimate approach for Preferred players, especially if it's for stuff like unlocks that I can buy directly from the Cartel Market with all these "free" Cartel Coins I have.

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I feel for anyone who got scammed, but AFAIK there's nothing against it. There are several 'tricks' that people pull. Being aware of them is part of the game. - If you don't want to trade face to face, don't click on the trade button .


Several tricks:

Buying all the stock of one item and re-listing it at several times the price.

Offering rare things to trade that aren't that rare.

Undercutting oneself by a few credits or hundreds or thousands....

Asking for money to buy x.... when x is something you've listed with an alt.

Telling people in chat that x is listed at 1/2 the GTN price.....

Simple begging for money. "Anyone give me 1000/10,000 credits?

Listing many items at one price and then the last at 10x the price, to see who is paying attention with the 'list by price up/down' button.


Using 'WLTB for x offering 50K' knowing that you've listed several x's at 40K - when they're only worth 10K.


Listing 3 of mats at standard price and the forth at 10x the price..... when you need four of the item to craft something - Polychromic crystals for instance. - are 4/4/4/1/1 materials for dyes.


But TBH doesn't everyone pounce on mis-listings without regret? I bought 5 EEEs the other day for something like 6K - and several major XP bosts for 4K each.... Relisted at the usual 55K. Bought dyes at 12K and relisted at 25K - I even mailed the crafter to tell him to make 100 - he said he'd reconsider.... and then he did the same a day later... go figure!


OTOH sometimes I just list mats at a credit each, or clear out my inventory 'free to a good home'.... Or mail some random unguilded/without legacy level 1 toon a thousand credits. So I'm not a complete "$%"£$%^"^$£ !

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Like I said, when I finally talked to him again (via email) he said that he got disconnected, came back online, couldn't find me and couldn't remember my name, so two days later he went ahead and bought the sniper rifle himself. Which, considering there was an email from me sent minutes after he disconnected, he waited two days to check his mail, bought the sniper, then waited another few days to answer me? Yeah right. Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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IRL it's innocent until proven guilty, but in a online game it's guilty until proven innocent. Report him. EA can do way more than a forum thread ever will.


Well, not, it's still innocent until proven guilty. In this case, EA is the "court", and that's the way they handle investigations. Remember, a report is not a "conviction".

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