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SWTOR - Playing with Ken and Barbie


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To be honest, as a player who loves 'playing dress-up' with my characters, the CM is terrible when it comes to providing such an option. My main problem with it comes from the 'gambling' packs. I personally would gladly pay £10-£20 for a full set of armor (Just armor, no mods, not a fan of that type of thing) that I really liked directly from the CM, as opposed to spending more then that just for the chance to get the belt of the set I want. I am not saying the packs are a totally bad thing, I would just like to see more pieces of gear up to from sale directly from the CM. The same goes for all the dyes too. The one saying grace of the pack system though is the fact that such items can be placed up/bought for in-game credits, and despite what some think it is far from a Pay-to-Win services.


Anyway, the CM is still a good thing despite my niggles, as despite what the OP says, it dose help add more content, from Flashpoints to Strongholds, to the game.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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In your opinion.


so in your twisted world the colors and lights in gsf brainwash you into having to buy purple starfighter engine gas?



I can tell from that post alone you never played gsf at all.

Edited by Sangrar
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so in your twisted world the colors and lights in gsf brianwash you into having to buy pink starfighter engine gas?



I can tell from that post alone you never played gsf at all.


Wait, there is pink starfighter gas for GSF?

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Wait, there is pink starfighter gas for GSF?


I thought there was, I should check later I thought I saw pink something in there, either way I am going to change the color in my post to something I know is acolor jsut in case

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I thought there was, I should check later I thought I saw pink something in there, either way I am going to change the color in my post to something I know is acolor jsut in case


You got my hopes up :(


I think there is a pinkish paint job but no gas trailers yet.

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Except here's the thing: SWTOR is gouging. Makeb was gouging, for example. The whole switch to f2p in order to keep the game afloat was gouging because since then, they were more focused on milking the playerbase with reskinned cosmetic "content" rather than actual gameplay and features to develop an actual triple A MMO.


Elite Defender already proved you and Reno wrong. Not my fault you guys are too blinded by TOR to see it.



So they have added nothing that wasn't cartel market related to the game after it switched to F2P?

And makeb was an expansion... those usually cost money.

Actually, they have been releasing content at a faster pace after the switch to F2P than they did before it... and I'm not talking about cartel market stuff, I'm talking about flashpoints, daily areas, ops, pvp maps, new planets and other playable content. (easily checked here. Just compare major changes before and after patch 1.5 which was the F2P switch)


You seem to be blinded by this hate you have for the game.

We get it, it's not the game you wanted. But that doesn't make the game bad and it certainly doesn't mean that you can baselessly accuse the developers of gouging the players when there is no shred of evidence of them doing so.

There is not a single thing in this game that you have to pay for beyond the subscription. (and even that one is pretty voluntary)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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There is not a single thing in this game that you have to pay for beyond the subscription.
And you don't even have to do that if you don't want to.

Sure, you're faced with certain restrictions but they don't stop you from playing the vast majority of the game, and even most of those can be circumvented by purchasing items with in-game (free) currency.

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And you don't even have to do that if you don't want to.

Sure, you're faced with certain restrictions but they don't stop you from playing the vast majority of the game, and even most of those can be circumvented by purchasing items with in-game (free) currency.


Heh, just added an edit right as you were posting that :)

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I never put any credence in anything stated by someone who calls themselves a "pro gamer" and has only been posting for a few days... :rolleyes:


I don't put any credence on anything posted on the internet. Even though it's all true, cause you know, you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

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