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Sage healing in 4m ranked.


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So we all know ops/scoundrels are the op healing class for ranked......


I've got a sage healer that i would like to make competitive in ranked. In 8m i almost never get out healed and can keep up with the best of them (thank you salvation). In 4m though.... sadly given our top tier ability is virtually useless, we don't seem to have the healing power to keep up with the OP class atm. Add all the group utility/survivability of the ops/scoundrel and its understandable why sages can't compete. With a good group in front of me, i can be fairly helpful. With a bad group..... well...... i'm not much help. I've spoken with some good scoundrel healers (2000+ rank) on my server and they say you just have to carry the bads to get the wins. Not sure how i can do that with my sage.....


In the interest of being more useful in ranked, i would like to hear from other sages and get some ideas/tricks that maybe i'm missing in 4m atm, seeing i'm fairly new to ranked. Mainly q'n solo but do some group ranked when i can.


In the interest of credibility, leave you characters name and rank please.


Myhealintoon (sadly) 1200's.

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