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Just did "Boarding Party" on my Operative Solo (Lv55 / Str-57, Pre-510, Aim-113, Cun-3503, End-3437, Wil-59, Exp-218) w/Treek (Lv55 / Str-57, Pre-0, Aim-2246, Cun-113, End-2301, Wil-57, Exp-0) Took me 13 mins to get to the final boss and Kill the 3 guys. Granted i had to use Unity (reduces all damage by 50% for 15 sec) but I soled it and just wanted to share. Now I'm off to try Ilum solo… can i have a cookie now?
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Who cares, I solo 50 hm's all the time on my mara with crappy Quinn. This is no accomplishment. That fact you need OP treek makes it a joke tbh.


yeah i've seen people soloing it back when they were brand that. that was though.

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Due to budget cut backs the Dark Council has announced that cookies are no longer available.


Maybe I could scrounge you up a Rich Tea biscuit?


Budget cut backs... right...


It wouldn't have anything to do with Baras, and his excessive weight gain since the end of the war, where the cookie stockpile started diminishing mysteriously would it? naaah

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