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Attn Sentinels: Don't Miss Out on a Whole GCD Worth of Time/Dmg


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TLDR: After using "overload saber" or other off gcd moves, right click your target so the next move will not wiff (and by wiff I mean no dmg/focus BUT it will put you back on the gcd)




More In Depth Info: The spell "Overload Saber" as well as other spells which are off the gcd (rebuke/zen from what Ive tried so far) will cause our next spell which we cast to do absolutely nothing aside from put us back on the gcd. This not only causes a loss of dmg/time but will occur at our crucial opening moments.


For example: As Watchman spec, I will do my usual opener of Force Leap > Overload Saber (mid air) > Zealous Strike > etc. Problem is that zealous strike or whatever spell you choose to put there (which is a crucial starting point of our dmg rotation) will complete miss and put us on the gcd. By this time of course a competent opponent would escape. As noted before, for whatever reason RIGHT CLICKING after Overload Saber (or most other off gcd spells from my experience) will fix this problem and give us the focus/dmg/effect of the ability as normal.


NOTE: While about 90% of the time the ability will whiff (from the limited testing I have done including multiple timings and ability queue windows) when NOT right clicking after Overload Saber, there is a possibility that your next ability will land as normal. Leading me to become even more confused.


Possible Causes:

- Ability queue in this game just plain sucks?

- Animations somehow are playing a role and by right clicking I cancel the animation allowing for an attack as usual?

- Despite all my testing, there is very strict timing and I am somehow off? (Imagine timing being a factor with how slow abilities have been coming out in warzones..)


*Please either contribute to finding a cause or tell me if I am overlooking something While I don't mind right clicking after every off gcd ability, I can not fathom that this is working as intended*

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Despite many attempts to replicate this I've yet to be successful... my abilites always work. I'm not sure what I'm doing *right* - but I'm sure you're not making this up as you're not alone on this one. I will mess around with my ability queue time and see if that triggers it.
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haven't really noticed what you mean, but for me right click just activates whatever skill is in the main leftmost quickslot (for me that is strike as i sometimes like to switch targets by right clicking them and using the spammable focus builder by default).


i have noticed that sometimes when zen is active or overload sabre, some skills just don't go off at all but do trigger the gcd, and i sometimes click them repeatedly and nothing happens, they are off cd, and no text explaining why it won't work. i am mostly thinking of overload sabre or cauterize from memory. might just be a lag issue or some kind of bug.

Edited by perato
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<---- Beta tester.


We reported bugs. There's a bunch of bugs we reported that made it to early access and even live. Some bugs that I've had since early release, I didn't have in beta.


That's one of the problems with bugs. They are sometimes inconsistent in their application. (Tiny Satele and Taris for instance.)



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I think what you experienced is more of a desync. You click the next ability, but the server does not register, however the client make it look like you did, then server sends the correct information and it's like you never used it.


I had the exact same thing happen in PvP, but it never occured in PvE for me yet. Weird behavior either way.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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