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Lethality Ops - Countermeasures - PVP: Re-posting.


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I'm re-posting this thread from the PVP forums, hoping someone following the Ops thread might have a little more insight.



The tool tips says (when talented - 2 pts) it has a 100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects.


First off: I've notice this power doesn't always activate instantly. Sometimes I'll click it and it will eventually fire off 3 - 4 seconds later. I don't 'think' it's lag, as I can do 'other stuff' after clicking it. It's just the animation/activation doesn't seem to happen for several seconds 'after' activated. Again - sometimes.


Second: It only seems to actually work 50% of the time. Sometimes I get out of movement impairing effects, sometimes I don't.


So I never really know if it's going to fire off, and then I don't know if it will actually work.....


Is this power bugged? Should I just invest those points elsewhere?

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