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Jewelry and beards for more character races


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I have long lamented the fact that only my Sith Pureblood characters can have any jewelry. (Technically, some of the female hair styles have jewelry diadems or ear rings, but that's not what I'm talking about.) I would really like to see more jewelry options for the other character races.


On a similar note, why are Humans and Cathar the only races who can grow beards? Why can't Chiss (near-Humans)? Or Zabraks? Cyborgs? (Some of the male cyborg styles have beards, but I want a separate Beard option.)


Making these things available on more races would be really nice.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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On a similar note, why are Humans and Cathar the only races who can grow beards? Why can't Chiss (near-Humans)? Or Zabraks? Cyborgs? (Some of the male cyborg styles have beards, but I want a separate Beard option.)


Im not sure if some of the species can grow a beard. I never saw a zabrak with beard , tho.

Sith pureblood has another "things" on his face instead of beard. Thats why its unique. If you hide his face with large Osama Bin Laden style beard , it will make him human.

Edited by iankalo
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