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Sniper PVP


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the only strong defense to snipers/gs is the ability of gett in range trough positioning, DCd's are useless xept the 3 sec dodge, srry man, all the other tools are designed to get range while doing damage


Not sure if all of that was even english.


and... from what I got from that is you don't even understand your own class.

Which means you are arguing for the sake of arguing.

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Not sure if all of that was even english.


and... from what I got from that is you don't even understand your own class.

Which means you are arguing for the sake of arguing.


ok so u went for the english grammar due to ur lack of knowledge about the class, i can give u that. English is not my main language so nothing to say about that, Joe.

snipers are op and they are just fine, in any case judging from ur posts they should be nerfed because they can't be leaped and that makes them op

it's pretty clear the class dcd's are not as strong as other classes and the only thing that save a sniper/gs is positioning.

But there are still some amazing players that call entrench OP

I bet u would love to face tank them


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I main a sniper.


I feel we need QoL changes, except for engineering. That needs a bit of an overhaul. But honestly, I feel we are mostly ok. After 2.8 drops? We'll see I guess, but I suspect that will be the patch that pushes us behind.


Little quality of life things I'd like to see changed:


-Remove the lingering toxins(leth) and replace with uncleansable dots, and make the longevity of the dots slightly longer, as they gave this to the other dot specs.


-Fix the damn root from knockback on the roll bug. Its time.


-Do something better with the auto crit ability.


-It might also be time to remove the energy regen on crit ability in the leth tree in favor of a flat boost to regen. Either that, or just flat out give us an ability that prevents our dots from ticking on people with a soft stun active, not just our own.

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there is the "crying" again.


it''s okay, I understand you cannot formulate any intelligent thought.


no reason to get personal, but i understand if u can't handle those strong emotions

Nerf Snipers! They are EVIL!

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That doesn't even make sense, fyi


What? You basically made a rant about how unbalanced Evasion/Dodge is and how OP would it be if another burst class had a similar ability that gave them self-cleanse and nigh-invulnerability for 3 seconds. I pointed you to an Assassin/Shadow ability that has exactly the same effects as Evasion/Dodge and you say "that doesn't make sense"?


If you want to rant about perceived imbalance, at least take the time to actually learn all the classes' abilities and don't make claims that are simply factually false.

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What? You basically made a rant about how unbalanced Evasion/Dodge is and how OP would it be if another burst class had a similar ability that gave them self-cleanse and nigh-invulnerability for 3 seconds. I pointed you to an Assassin/Shadow ability that has exactly the same effects as Evasion/Dodge and you say "that doesn't make sense"?


If you want to rant about perceived imbalance, at least take the time to actually learn all the classes' abilities and don't make claims that are simply factually false.


Feel free to point out where I mentioned evasion/dodge, oh that's right you can't


Learn to read.

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im not the best ground pvper but a good average, but ive recenrly returned to ground pvp after few months brake but swapped faction and restarted. recently got to 55 with a gunslinger as my old main was sniper that i loved all 3 specs. i was expecting to get owned from day 1 as i had no coms saved up so had no pvp gear. but i have found it quite good. yeah if 2 focus me im dead in seconds but i wud expect that.


damage wise im up there, and most games i still see either snipers or gunslingers in top 3 every game.


this is based on me that has just returned and had no pvp gear and im doing fine.


BUT i had a couple of arenas, dead most arena matches before i cud even get a combo off just put that down to my gear but perhaps they are weak in arenas.

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im not the best ground pvper but a good average, but ive recenrly returned to ground pvp after few months brake but swapped faction and restarted. recently got to 55 with a gunslinger as my old main was sniper that i loved all 3 specs. i was expecting to get owned from day 1 as i had no coms saved up so had no pvp gear. but i have found it quite good. yeah if 2 focus me im dead in seconds but i wud expect that.


damage wise im up there, and most games i still see either snipers or gunslingers in top 3 every game.


this is based on me that has just returned and had no pvp gear and im doing fine.


BUT i had a couple of arenas, dead most arena matches before i cud even get a combo off just put that down to my gear but perhaps they are weak in arenas.


No one cares are WZ's. PvP is not balanced around WZ's any longer. BioWare removed RWZ's and added ranked arenas. WZ's don't matter in their eyes and shouldn't any longer in ours. No, it has nothing to do with your gear.


Snipers aren't good in arena. Point. Blank. Period. And you said it yourself, if two focus you you're dead in seconds. Thing about that is, you shouldn't expect that, as it makes no sense in an arena environment considering a balanced arena team will have one tank, one healer and two DPS. So if you die in seconds to two, then really what use are you in arenas? This is the problem and what cry babies don't seem to understand.


No one cares about orbs on NiM Brontes that .000001% of the population sees anyway and no one cares about WZ's which aren't even ranked any longer. Just give Sniper a survivability buff and S T F U. Not like this game will last long after WildStar comes out anyway.

Edited by Eyesmindassassin
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No one cares are WZ's. PvP is not balanced around WZ's any longer. BioWare removed RWZ's and added ranked arenas. WZ's don't matter in their eyes and shouldn't any longer in ours.


BioWare balances around metrics. They get a ton of information from WZs, some from solo ranked, and almost nothing from grouped ranked.


And yes, they care about WZs. WZs account for the majority of PvP player experience.


No one cares about orbs on NiM Brontes that .000001% of the population sees anyway and no one cares about WZ's which aren't even ranked any longer.


You understand that in your analogy, ranked arenas are nightmare content and warzones are the regular storymode and hardmode flashpoints, right? The reason I see people begging in fleet chat for others to do solo queue is because the ranked population is so small that they've been sitting in queue for over an hour.


Arenas are important, but you're overstating things a bit.

Edited by MCaliban
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