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swimming exploration?


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I was wondering if we would some day be able to swim above water or dive deep underwater. I mean this doesn't have to be added to the game right away but I would like to see it happen. It doesn't have to be like traveling in a 1 giant ocean planet like kamino(although I'm OK with that too),it can be just swimming in a pond,river or a lake.


Now I bet some people would say ''why do we need swimming?",well I would say to make the game have more immersion. After traveling on land by foot or by speeder for a long time it would be a nice break to just swim for a bit. At this point some people might say "swimming won't last very long not everybody likes it" or "we would only swim for a short time in the game anyway. whats the point?" and you know what I thought about that. I thought OK sure maybe people wouldn't find a good enough reason to go swim for long periods of time.

So I kept thinking and thinking...and thats when I several ideas popped into my head.


For role-playing players they can come up with some "creative" ideas for swimming. Something like "Good grief I've been traveling on Tattooine all day. I should just go cool off somewhere." Or some kind of swimming game " Marco? Polo?........Marco? Polo?" Or when 2 people or more people want to get kinky and go skinny dipping."Hey baby why don't we take off our adaptive gears and just adapt ourselves to the water instead?'' OK we might not get fully naked in this game but still I bet they can improvise on that.


Or how about adding some random items or things to the bottom of the pool of water for us to find. It could be a datacron,crew skill item or something unique.


If thats not enough then how about adding some underwater animals for us to see and maybe interact with? It could range from small fish to even bigger fishes that could eat those smaller fishes. You guys remember in Star Wars: Episode 1 when Qui-gon,Obi-wan and Jar Jar binks try to escape the droid army and they discover a underwater city and then they took a transport and encounter big fishes and even bigger fishes? That would be cool IMO if we could go underwater and discover some lifeforms that live there and not just explore a body of water with nothing in it. It would also be neat if there were new codexes too just for these creatures or anything we can find that lives underwater.


And last but not least consider this:the characters in the Star Wars movies have traveled a lot. They go to many places to reach their destination,whether its on land,air,underwater, or by space. My hope for the future is that we get to do the same thing in SWTOR.

Edited by plotenox
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I concur. I will say this. I played GW2 for a bit. One thing I loved about it was that I really felt that it had TONS of exploration and this made the game not only seem bigger, but more fun.. more surprising!... like the devs really went all out the extra mile.

Well after thinking about it, it really came down to the underwater stuff. Being able to swim way down away from everyone and everything and just be alone in the middle of no where. As well they had areas that you could only get to if you explored and just happen to find them.... going underwater far from everything, then see a small opening barely big enough to fit thru.... only to find that it opened up to a huge secret place of wonders.


That is what its all about. So long as you don't have to worry about air.

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