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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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Please tell me what "negative impact" it would have because that is one thing people are afraid to talk about. But try to make it make sense, because I will pick at it when your done..... if you do it at all.


So you won't explain yourself to me, but you ask me to explain myself even though I already explained it. I guess you only read the first two lines of my post and then reply to them.


Very well, I shall humour you this one time and repeat the concerns I already voiced.


1) Economy. If you let people make more credits in pvp this means and influx of credits into the economy which causes inflation. That means that credits made in other parts of the game will have less value because of it. It then devaluates other parts of the game. But to fix that you would need to give more rewards which then brings you back to the same problem. Just like in real life this is the equivalent of printing extra money.


2) Gameplay devaluation. This is the second problem. If you made a lot of credits in doing pvp warzones, which is easy because you still get rewarded for losing, it will make warzones the place to go to make cash. Aside from that by itself adding another dimension to problem no. 1 it will also make warzones more frustrating. People won't be there to do pvp but to get credits. This will increase the problem of people just going for kills or whatever activity brings in most credits but not actually caring about winning. It simply will have a negative effect on pvp gameplay because people won't care about pvp but credits. Afk matches like in Aion will be the result. Why fight a match if you can make creds just for showing up and standing around or just make an occasional attack so you don't get kicked. Especially if both teams are like that. Honestly in all the MMOs I've played where pvp gives more rewards there are people just standing around not pvp'ing because they just care about the rewards. And don't say that you then should only reward the winning team because that will create another list of issues that come from that.


There, the two items I already mention in more detail. There are more smaller things but these are the main ones from what I've experienced in other MMOs.


Your turn. Let's see what sort of solutions you have.

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I don't understand what the issue is with pvp'ers having an equal way to make big money....if you want take away your precious 300k in repair bills from how much I could make. I as a pvper should have the same opportunity to make cash as you do....doing what I enjoy.


There is the fundamental problem with your logic. It does not matter if you are a PVE or PVP player, no one enjoys grinding dailies for credits. It is pure fallacy that PVE players get piles of credits only by doing what the enjoy. PVE players detest daily's just as much as PVP players.


As a matter of fact, if you only did leveling, FP and raids, your net (after repairs) would be very equivalent to what someone who only did PVP made. As a PVE player I enjoy leveling alts and raiding. Leveling is a credit drain if you buy a lot of legacy unlocks and raiding gets me ZERO mats due to the guild taking all mats. Besides daily's that everyone hates doing, doing PVE is does not generate some magic rainfall of credits.


Due to heavy school and work schedule, the only time I play these days is 6 hours of raiding per week. I log into frequently just to send comps out and then craft and sell on the GTN the results. Gets me 5-10 million/week with very little effort and I am neither doing PVE or PVP (or both depending on how you look at it).

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So you won't explain yourself to me, but you ask me to explain myself even though I already explained it. I guess you only read the first two lines of my post and then reply to them.


Very well, I shall humour you this one time and repeat the concerns I already voiced.


1) Economy. If you let people make more credits in pvp this means and influx of credits into the economy which causes inflation. That means that credits made in other parts of the game will have less value because of it. It then devaluates other parts of the game. But to fix that you would need to give more rewards which then brings you back to the same problem. Just like in real life this is the equivalent of printing extra money.


2) Gameplay devaluation. This is the second problem. If you made a lot of credits in doing pvp warzones, which is easy because you still get rewarded for losing, it will make warzones the place to go to make cash. Aside from that by itself adding another dimension to problem no. 1 it will also make warzones more frustrating. People won't be there to do pvp but to get credits. This will increase the problem of people just going for kills or whatever activity brings in most credits but not actually caring about winning. It simply will have a negative effect on pvp gameplay because people won't care about pvp but credits. Afk matches like in Aion will be the result. Why fight a match if you can make creds just for showing up and standing around or just make an occasional attack so you don't get kicked. Especially if both teams are like that. Honestly in all the MMOs I've played where pvp gives more rewards there are people just standing around not pvp'ing because they just care about the rewards. And don't say that you then should only reward the winning team because that will create another list of issues that come from that.


There, the two items I already mention in more detail. There are more smaller things but these are the main ones from what I've experienced in other MMOs.


Your turn. Let's see what sort of solutions you have.


Ok, thank you for taking the time out to type all that.

1. My idea was to give pvp'ers the equivalent of Isotope 5 on the pve side. It sells religiously for about 100k each and u can make a lot of money farming comms to then buy Isotope 5 to sell. Give pvp'ers a mat that is around equal value to that that we can earn through pvp commendations, then sell. If I want more money I have to work hard and earn it, but at least the opportunity is there! And since Bioware creates the items and what mats are needed to make them this would be easy to implement.


2. People who lose in warzones make very little. If you lose a regular arena warzone you get like 30 comms and almost no money. Where as when u win you can around 140 comms and around 5,500 credits or so. If people started going more into the warzones because of their being more opportunity to make money that would help the queue pop problem and those who are just there for credits but don't put forth the effort will most likely lose and get hardly anything anyway.

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I said I ignored 1 person.... many have disagreed in this thread.


Oh, believe me, it's more than the ignore that makes me wonder that. The self-entitled attitude, the refusal to believe you might be wrong or your opinions aren't shared by all, the name-calling and persecution complex you spout every time someone disagrees with you... Simply put, if you're over 12 and not just trolling, your parents failed at parenting hardcore.

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Ok, thank you for taking the time out to type all that.

1. My idea was to give pvp'ers the equivalent of Isotope 5 on the pve side. It sells religiously for about 100k each and u can make a lot of money farming comms to then buy Isotope 5 to sell. Give pvp'ers a mat that is around equal value to that that we can earn through pvp commendations, then sell. If I want more money I have to work hard and earn it, but at least the opportunity is there! And since Bioware creates the items and what mats are needed to make them this would be easy to implement.


2. People who lose in warzones make very little. If you lose a regular arena warzone you get like 30 comms and almost no money. Where as when u win you can around 140 comms and around 5,500 credits or so. If people started going more into the warzones because of their being more opportunity to make money that would help the queue pop problem and those who are just there for credits but don't put forth the effort will most likely lose and get hardly anything anyway.


Now that is the most logical argument you have made for a change and makes total sense. This goes much farther than the "it's not fair" line for thought.

Edited by RandomXChance
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Now that is the most logical argument you have made for a change and makes total sense. This goes much farther than the "it's not fair" line for thought.


I have said it several times now. Not trying to be a smart***. This thread has been tiresome. Thank you for your kind words and for hearing me out.

Edited by Malckiah
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Responses in orange.


The Title says it all. I can pvp all day every day for a week and use all my commendations to buy the credit boxes and do everything possible to make money through pvp that compares to what I can easily make doing pve content and I come up with nothing in comparison. Y'know, MOST PvPers are more concerned with battle than cash. I'm not entirely certain this ISN'T trolling.


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to resort to "the grind" That only happens when a person writes or modifies a game themselves. This is probably due to the fact that coders aren't mindreaders or clairvoyants. The game was not designed with YOU in mind.


2. PvE money making opportunities- Just a couple of examples: Mass Manipulation Generators drop in Ops. They sell for around 750K each!!! Isotope-5 can be bought exclusively with basic comms. They sell for around 100k each! This kind of money can add up really fast! This doesn't even include the money you can make doin dailies.... If I do every daily I make easy 1 million credits! Now, let's just pause here for a second. You seem to have a STRONG distaste for PvE activities... but you don't appear to be part of a PvP-only server, which would NICELY solve your personal problems here. Are you on a PvP server? If not, get yo' butt to a PvP server and enjoy yo'self. If so... *** are you complaining about PvE for?


3. PvP has nothing like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker! Pretty sure PvPers get a Rancor that no one else can get. Also - a walker? Not yet. Never ever EVER count on things that have not been released. Roadmaps change.


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. PvP'ers should be able to get the things we want without having to go grind out content that is not suiting for us..... and this makes no sense considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make many doing something else! So, in other words, you want all these trappings and trimmings but you only want to do what YOU want to do in order to access them - and to hell with every other process. If that's the case, I strongly encourage you to consider living at home for the rest of your existence. You will not fare well in Meatspace proper.


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to make bigger money as do our counterparts. Well, if push comes to shove, you can always join an ERP guild and get into the lucrative world of being a personal "escort". I kid. I kid because I love. But seriously - as a former GSFer, PvPers make quite a bit for what little they do comparatively. -bp

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I have said it several times now. Not trying to be a smart***. This thread has been tiresome. Thank you for your kind words and for hearing me out.


I thought as much when I got to page 10 and then skipped to the end, but thought the positive words were still valid. :)


This does show that there is sometimes value in continuing the discussion. Your point of encouraging more to participate in PVP by upping the rewards to compete with daily's did not come up in the first 10 pages. Sometimes going back and forth for a while makes people think and come up with better ideas.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Malckiah View Post


The Title says it all. I can pvp all day every day for a week and use all my commendations to buy the credit boxes and do everything possible to make money through pvp that compares to what I can easily make doing pve content and I come up with nothing in comparison. Y'know, MOST PvPers are more concerned with battle than cash. I'm not entirely certain this ISN'T trolling.

I am not trolling, but I am also not that great at typing or saying what I mean.


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to resort to "the grind" That only happens when a person writes or modifies a game themselves. This is probably due to the fact that coders aren't mindreaders or clairvoyants. The game was not designed with YOU in mind.

Well, I see where you are coming from, but we each must hope that our ideas and desires will possibly be implemented into the game.... they have changed things based on things posted in the forums... a guy can dream!


2. PvE money making opportunities- Just a couple of examples: Mass Manipulation Generators drop in Ops. They sell for around 750K each!!! Isotope-5 can be bought exclusively with basic comms. They sell for around 100k each! This kind of money can add up really fast! This doesn't even include the money you can make doin dailies.... If I do every daily I make easy 1 million credits! Now, let's just pause here for a second. You seem to have a STRONG distaste for PvE activities... but you don't appear to be part of a PvP-only server, which would NICELY solve your personal problems here. Are you on a PvP server? If not, get yo' butt to a PvP server and enjoy yo'self. If so... *** are you complaining about PvE for?

Ok so I know it sounded that way, but I actually don't mind the pve side of things and I do them a lot. But I do prefer to pvp. Besides the same money problem exsists on a pvp server. It pays way more to do pve content. I have no problem earning money through all the different ways, but I do not like being gimped in the pocketbook each time I pvp.


3. PvP has nothing like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker! Pretty sure PvPers get a Rancor that no one else can get. Also - a walker? Not yet. Never ever EVER count on things that have not been released. Roadmaps change.

Ya a rancor for those who ranked high enough. I missed out unfortunately. They have not said yet what season 2 rewards will be, but few really get them.


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. PvP'ers should be able to get the things we want without having to go grind out content that is not suiting for us..... and this makes no sense considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make many doing something else! So, in other words, you want all these trappings and trimmings but you only want to do what YOU want to do in order to access them - and to hell with every other process. If that's the case, I strongly encourage you to consider living at home for the rest of your existence. You will not fare well in Meatspace proper.

As I said I pvp and pvp, but when I am pvp'ing for 2 hours just to make what I can make in 15 minutes on the pve side....that sucks.


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to make bigger money as do our counterparts. Well, if push comes to shove, you can always join an ERP guild and get into the lucrative world of being a personal "escort". I kid. I kid because I love. But seriously - as a former GSFer, PvPers make quite a bit for what little they do comparatively. -bp

How exactly is it that pvp'ers do very little? I work for and earn my gear. I practice dueling all the time to get better. I am a sub....(which btw all people who participate in ranked are!) and I buy augments and mk-9's and all the fixins to support our economy. I spend lots of time min maxing my toons. I am very involved in this game. I have been through pretty much all the content....but like I said pvp is my preference.


Thanks! 8)

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As people love to repeatedly point out when threads are made about more solo content, this IS an MMO. By the same logic, shouldn't a multi-player component of the game give at least comparable rewards as the solo player planetary daily's?


Planetary daily's are a horrible grind that almost everyone hates. Having other activities like PVP and GSF give comparable (at least 50-75%?) payout encourages people to participate in the MMO aspect of an MMO and helps to slow down burnout of players. In early 2012 when planetary daily's was really the only way to make credits I almost unsubbed due to burnout from grinding daily's.


It should not become easier to get credits as this would just accelerate the credit inflation in the game. Greater variety of viable options for credit grinding would benefit the game by helping reduce burnout. In fact I would even be for REDUCING the planetary daily payout and increasing the PVP (maybe multiple tiers of daily's?) to balance out the credit generation and help keep inflation in check.

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As people love to repeatedly point out when threads are made about more solo content, this IS an MMO. By the same logic, shouldn't a multi-player component of the game give at least comparable rewards as the solo player planetary daily's?


Planetary daily's are a horrible grind that almost everyone hates. Having other activities like PVP and GSF give comparable (at least 50-75%?) payout encourages people to participate in the MMO aspect of an MMO and helps to slow down burnout of players. In early 2012 when planetary daily's was really the only way to make credits I almost unsubbed due to burnout from grinding daily's.


It should not become easier to get credits as this would just accelerate the credit inflation in the game. Greater variety of viable options for credit grinding would benefit the game by helping reduce burnout. In fact I would even be for REDUCING the planetary daily payout and increasing the PVP (maybe multiple tiers of daily's?) to balance out the credit generation and help keep inflation in check.


Yes, thank you! I really appreciate your thoughts on this matter.

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Chopped out the oldest stuff to save space. Responses in orange.


Quote: Originally Posted by Malckiah View Post Y'know, MOST PvPers are more concerned with battle than cash. I'm not entirely certain this ISN'T trolling.

I am not trolling, but I am also not that great at typing or saying what I mean. Communication is a vital thing to learn. While the writer is in no way responsible for how a reader feels about the words written, it IS the writer's responsibility to clearly and concisely express themselves.


That only happens when a person writes or modifies a game themselves. This is probably due to the fact that coders aren't mindreaders or clairvoyants. The game was not designed with YOU in mind.

Well, I see where you are coming from, but we each must hope that our ideas and desires will possibly be implemented into the game.... they have changed things based on things posted in the forums... a guy can dream!Yeah, I can dream about nailing Alyssa Milano, too, but at some point one has to accept realities. The reality is PvP is not, nor has ever been, viewed on this game as a moneymaker. Probably a good thing, too, but that's a personal opinion cultivated from having played EvE.


Now, let's just pause here for a second. You seem to have a STRONG distaste for PvE activities... but you don't appear to be part of a PvP-only server, which would NICELY solve your personal problems here. Are you on a PvP server? If not, get yo' butt to a PvP server and enjoy yo'self. If so... *** are you complaining about PvE for? Ok so I know it sounded that way, but I actually don't mind the pve side of things and I do them a lot. But I do prefer to pvp. Besides the same money problem exsists on a pvp server. It pays way more to do pve content. I have no problem earning money through all the different ways, but I do not like being gimped in the pocketbook each time I pvp. The point here being if you're on a PvP server, you get to do the PvE content with PvP overtones if you so desire - and as you DO appear to have a preference for PvP, perhaps this is a solution that would appeal to you under the right circumstances (namely, if you can participate in open-world PvP events written around the PvE content - from what I understand, Jung Ma has something of a reputation for doing this.


Pretty sure PvPers get a Rancor that no one else can get. Also - a walker? Not yet. Never ever EVER count on things that have not been released. Roadmaps change.Ya a rancor for those who ranked high enough. I missed out unfortunately. They have not said yet what season 2 rewards will be, but few really get them. Work hard and you can be one of those few!


So, in other words, you want all these trappings and trimmings but you only want to do what YOU want to do in order to access them - and to hell with every other process. If that's the case, I strongly encourage you to consider living at home for the rest of your existence. You will not fare well in Meatspace proper.As I said I pvp and pvp, but when I am pvp'ing for 2 hours just to make what I can make in 15 minutes on the pve side....that sucks.I know this isn't the best of answers, but it's the most realistic one: To get stuff, one must work. Sometimes, that means doing things we don't necessarily like. Others, it means doing what we like but going without the fancier things. Personally, I chose the latter in life and SWTOR and have found the decision to be a relatively good one. I may not have a Corellian Stardrive Flash for a mount, but I did dig up a neat little Scrapper for free.


Well, if push comes to shove, you can always join an ERP guild and get into the lucrative world of being a personal "escort". I kid. I kid because I love. But seriously - as a former GSFer, PvPers make quite a bit for what little they do comparatively. -bp

How exactly is it that pvp'ers do very little? I work for and earn my gear. I practice dueling all the time to get better. I am a sub....(which btw all people who participate in ranked are!) and I buy augments and mk-9's and all the fixins to support our economy. I spend lots of time min maxing my toons. I am very involved in this game. I have been through pretty much all the content....but like I said pvp is my preference. If you'll notice, the average PvPer spends a LOT of time waiting in queue for matches. That's downtime. During downtime, you're not making any money or doing much besides waiting. But that's MY fauly for not properly explaining that - and as the writer, I have to take responsibility for not making my point more clearly.


Thanks! 8)Uh-uh. Thank YOU. You have any idea how many people get upset when I respond like this? Nice to see another level head. If you're ever on TEH or JC, hit me up. -bp

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Yes sad indeed...you can make more money in 15 minutes doing cz-198 than you can pvp'ing for 2 hours! :eek:


but if you lose while doing cz you get nothing but repair bills. if you want the rewards you must take the risk. so add repair costs to pvp and make losers get nothing...then jack up the money reward for the daily to the same as any othe r daily. sounds fair to me.

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but if you lose while doing cz you get nothing but repair bills. if you want the rewards you must take the risk. so add repair costs to pvp and make losers get nothing...then jack up the money reward for the daily to the same as any othe r daily. sounds fair to me.


Lose? I am sorry I have done cz-198 probably a thousand times and never lost.... you go through it....its not difficult. As far as adding repair bills to pvp....read through the thread...Already addressed that.

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Now, how much does groundpounding pay out? The bulk of my experience is with GSF, which pays about 7k or so at level 55 per flight.


Depends if you win or lose and how well you do, anywhere from near nothing if you don't fair well to just less than 7,000 credits if you win and kick major butt.

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Lets not be so quick to try and point out differences... I am the same in that I also would go all out to win.... but that doesn't help those who would be losing as I posted before.... and that many constant losers not getting anything would result in a bigger loss to the game as a whole. Pvp already needs more people playing to keep up the queue pop....It would not be wise to implement a plan that would lessen it more.


You said, "Because if they just add substantially more credits to PvP mission rewards w/out adding anything to balance it, it's going to cause even more problems with others."..... I ask how? Jealousy? I mean really there are no nerfs to the "others"

And why not give credits to pvp'ers because the pvp....They give credits to pve'ers because they pve. Besides it is already implemented that if you lose you get way less pay out. If you lose in an arena match you are lucky to get 30 comms and very little credits, so I am not sure what more you want!


they dont give credit to pve'rs because they pve. they get credits because they win. sounds like it should be the same in pvp..its only fair. or should an unsuccessful ops team get half rewards if they fail to kill a boss? lets make operations the same as pvp. half rewards for failure. if pvpers quit because they cant win, that is their own fault. maybe more people would come in to pvp if it gave bigger rewards for a win and nothing for a loss.

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Lose? I am sorry I have done cz-198 probably a thousand times and never lost.... you go through it....its not difficult. As far as adding repair bills to pvp....read through the thread...Already addressed that.


as we can all see, it really is all about you....and if you never lost, no one has.

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but if you lose while doing cz you get nothing but repair bills. if you want the rewards you must take the risk. so add repair costs to pvp and make losers get nothing...then jack up the money reward for the daily to the same as any othe r daily. sounds fair to me.


Adding repair costs to PVP zones would have very negative repercussions. As a player that does not like to PVP I frequently get thrashed in PVP and when going against a PVP guild 4 man pre-made it is truly ugly. How many casual players would continue to PVP if they had to pay repairs on 30 deaths after a match against a pre-made and the other team has 1-2 or even zero deaths? The same would be true for getting no rewards for a losing and big rewards for winning.


This would be the end of PVP due to only the most dedicated PVP players continuing to play. The idea should be to encourage be to try different activities in the game. Trying to make false comparisons to winning in PVP and "winning" in PVE does not forward this.

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You can increase rewrads for doing pvp it wont atract people who dosent pvp. Pvp have more problems then just low credits payouts. And thats what makes people stop doing pvp. Most matches end in 1 helples team going against much better team and it dosent metter on witch side are you its not that fun. Those few matches whit real chalange is lots of fun but for every one ot those there 10 bad ones and its get borring real fast. It becomes like bad pug op how long can you wipe until you say I had enough and leave... I had lots of friends that were doing pvp mostly we had seperate chanel for pvp 30-40 people on it you could ask for advice on pvp or you could join them for pvp. Now that chat chanel is dead they all moved on to other games because pvp they had here was lacking for them. Not single one of those guys said Im leaving because pvp dosent pay enough credits...
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Adding repair costs to PVP zones would have very negative repercussions. As a player that does not like to PVP I frequently get thrashed in PVP and when going against a PVP guild 4 man pre-made it is truly ugly. How many casual players would continue to PVP if they had to pay repairs on 30 deaths after a match against a pre-made and the other team has 1-2 or even zero deaths? The same would be true for getting no rewards for a losing and big rewards for winning.


This would be the end of PVP due to only the most dedicated PVP players continuing to play. The idea should be to encourage be to try different activities in the game. Trying to make false comparisons to winning in PVP and "winning" in PVE does not forward this.


This will address two posts at once:


Yep, we should just give more credits to PvPers because they PvP, economy be damned, because, quite frankly, I can just go to a WZ, run around for 15 minutes doing nothing, and still make as much as I made running Sec X, with the added benefit of absolutely no overhead.




That's what happens to an in game economy when we do what the OP wants, and just increase credit income w/out adding any checks or balances to it. BTW, that pic is a couple years old, I believe, the current situation in that game is far worse now. So if the idea is to drive new players out, we should very definitely implement all the suggestions to increase income for PvP that have been made over the two threads by the OP w/out adding any checks or balances to it.


Adding a crafting mat to PvP will do the exact same thing that the OP is against, force players into an alternate playstyle that they may not want to be in. OP thinks that a mat similar to Iso 5 should be added to PvP, so that PvPers have a special mat to sell. Now, what are we crafting with this special mat? Nothing has been offered, except, of course, the need for something to sell for 100k. Some of the OP's supporters have suggested making PvP dailies pay out like PvE dailies do, but are totally against accruing any overhead to balance out the influx of credits, again leading SW to the same place as this:


Note: Basic starter gear for that game lists in the millions, but new players, barring a lucky drop, which are far less common there than here, won't have that kind of cash until mid levels at the earliest, when that gear is worthless. So essentially, there are no new players there any more, which has led to a steady decline in population. When I started there, there were 10 servers, with an additional PvP server with special rules, including dropping gear on death. Currently, it has 4, with no more PvP server, and one of those is a PvE server with the only PvP being in sieges. OP's idea will not help the game, it will only help the OP. OP's ideas, along with the ideas of his "key supporters" will kill the game in the long term, by allowing inflation to rage unchecked, thus making it impossible for new players to get a good start, and leave. ...and you think queue times are long now?

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This will address two posts at once:


Yep, we should just give more credits to PvPers because they PvP, economy be damned, because, quite frankly, I can just go to a WZ, run around for 15 minutes doing nothing, and still make as much as I made running Sec X, with the added benefit of absolutely no overhead.




That's what happens to an in game economy when we do what the OP wants, and just increase credit income w/out adding any checks or balances to it. BTW, that pic is a couple years old, I believe, the current situation in that game is far worse now. So if the idea is to drive new players out, we should very definitely implement all the suggestions to increase income for PvP that have been made over the two threads by the OP w/out adding any checks or balances to it.


I think you may have missed my previous post where I recognized the issue of not adding to credit inflation:



It should not become easier to get credits as this would just accelerate the credit inflation in the game. Greater variety of viable options for credit grinding would benefit the game by helping reduce burnout. In fact I would even be for REDUCING the planetary daily payout and increasing the PVP (maybe multiple tiers of daily's?) to balance out the credit generation and help keep inflation in check.


The bottom line is that the planetary dailies are probably the number one way that credits are injected into the economy. Bioware has several times nerfed activities that generated a better time/credit ratio that the dailies. This would indicate that they form a "baseline" that the devs have found acceptable in terms of credit infusion.


As my suggestion above, increase the credit payout for PVP with perhaps more tiers of dailies to pay out more credits. I believe having some type of mats obtainable would have the possibility of too much disruption on the economy.


Uhmmmm...BTW....what overhead is incurred by doing something like Section X? Are you dying a lot and having repair bills? Using lots of adrenals? Most dedicated PVP people use lots of medpacks and adrenals and there are no reusable PVP versions of those.


By the way, I HATE PVP and would rather do just about any other activity in this game. My like of an activity does not prevent me from seeing the slight imbalance here and perhaps the benefit of encouraging more to participate in PVP.

Edited by RandomXChance
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