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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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Ugh another negative non constructive poster. To your points, my posts have not been shown to be incorrect.... to even imply that is lame at best.... I say I wish pvp'ers had a way to make big money like pve'ers do. That is a statement of fact of something I personally want and that I think should be implemented.... how can you say that's incorrect? Incorrect?...so I really don't want that?.....sure whatever. And as well if you look through this thread you will see I have made several attempts to "talk about the subjects." Perhaps it is you that has come here to complain....is that not the only thing you have done in your post here? There is nothing constructive in what you said.


Opinions arn't facts.

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Actually you do. By wanting to make certain crafting mats PvP only you would, in fact, be forcing alot of people to do PvP. Just like you are "forced" to do Ops and Dailies now.

And quit it with the snappy comments. How about YOU read the comments you have made in the past and think about how they come off.


Well If they were to add an item that was only obtainable through pvp that would make money equal to that of the pve'er then no one would be forced anymore. I could make my money my way and you could still make your money yours.

you are making me think of this......."From my point of view the jedi are evil" Should I call you Anakin....or is it me. I would say that the majority of these forums (me included) have shown ourselves to be very darksided indeed. Unfortunate really.

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2.8 you can buy crates to get items to trade for top end crafting mats.


Yes as posted earlier....this is great and thank you for participating. But it is still yet to be seen a lot of the details of the crates and the contents worth.

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You started off one thread by claiming that the majority of the players were PvP players.

You were proven wrong multiple times and then you deleted all your posts.


Does that look like mature and calm behaviour?


Well for one thing I have already posted an apology for that thread title and that it should be deleted... but I suppose you would rather burn me at the stake anyway. And as far as the statement....it has not been proven wrong... nor can u prove it wrong. Just as much as I can't prove that statement right which is why I tried to delete the lame thread. But indeed that thread is not this thread that you are now posting in. I have not been proven wrong as you have said. There is much disagreement in the forums, but no one has proven anything I have said in this thread wrong. And is that really theobjective....to prove me wrong? How childish. I simply stated a desire.... and somehow you want to prove it wrong? If you are referring to the title "PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options." ....this is not proven wrong either....in fact pretty much everyone agrees that pve'ers have more big money making abilities available and I have shown some of those in my thread.

As well to your final comment...I never stated that I was mature and calm in my behavior. But it would be nice if you guys would stop attacking and do as some have on here and actually participate or don't post at all.

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Ugh another negative non constructive poster. To your points, my posts have not been shown to be incorrect.... to even imply that is lame at best.... I say I wish pvp'ers had a way to make big money like pve'ers do. That is a statement of fact of something I personally want and that I think should be implemented.... how can you say that's incorrect? Incorrect?...so I really don't want that?.....sure whatever. And as well if you look through this thread you will see I have made several attempts to "talk about the subjects." Perhaps it is you that has come here to complain....is that not the only thing you have done in your post here? There is nothing constructive in what you said.


Funny. Was going to point to the "All the players are PVPers" thread, but OddballEasyEight already did. And if you equate dismissing all responses that disagree with your viewpoint as irrelevant to talking about the subject, then, excuse me whilst I corpse laughing. The bottom line is that, once again, you have been proven wrong several times over by several posters.

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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Meh, they should just:


- add Remove Modification Tokens to the pvp vendor:

For 2000 normal comms you get a stack of 10 of those RMTs to remove a modification from an item without paying credits. Stacks up to 500. Binds on Pickup. NO REFUND!


- add a PvP Augment Token to the pvp vendor:

For 1000 normal comms you get a Token that lets you add an augment-slot of highest grade to an item that cost no credits. Stacks up to 50. Binds on Pickup. NO REFUND!


Players who complain about "but we have repair costs" in pve... oh dear lord... as if dying in pvp is even remotely close to pve. And you don't even have to think too much to understand the fundamental difference. (It's part of why some players actually don't like pvp - their character 'dieing constantly' - it's PVP someone HAS TO DIE!)

But, to restore peace and order throughout the galaxy:


- Make Instance End-Bosses drop one for every Player: Repair Nanites that repair 10% of damage to your gear each. Stack 200 times.

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Meh, they should just:


- add Remove Modification Tokens to the pvp vendor:

For 2000 normal comms you get a stack of 10 of those RMTs to remove a modification from an item without paying credits. Stacks up to 500. Binds on Pickup. NO REFUND!


- add a PvP Augment Token to the pvp vendor:

For 1000 normal comms you get a Token that lets you add an augment-slot of highest grade to an item that cost no credits. Stacks up to 50. Binds on Pickup. NO REFUND!


Players who complain about "but we have repair costs" in pve... oh dear lord... as if dying in pvp is even remotely close to pve. And you don't even have to think too much to understand the fundamental difference. (It's part of why some players actually don't like pvp - their character 'dieing constantly' - it's PVP someone HAS TO DIE!)

But, to restore peace and order throughout the galaxy:


- Make Instance End-Bosses drop one for every Player: Repair Nanites that repair 10% of damage to your gear each. Stack 200 times.


First of, thank you for bringing a new idea to the thread. This is a pretty cool idea. It will be interesting to see what others will say. Only issue I can see at first glance is it would be the loss of one of their credit sinks that they implemented within the game. (not sure what difference if any that would make) I would make the second one usuable for all gear not just pvp gear.... but I am sure people would whine about that.

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If you mean the augment token: Absolutely. WHO actually wears the PvP gear? Aka "recolored piece of uglyness". ;)


So making the Augements work only on pvp gear would... make them worth close to nothing.


The Modification-removal ones however could be limited to just pvp items.


I find the most cost-intensive part of a pvp players life is moving the mods into gear that does not look like crap. :D

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Reading skills are weak in this one.


Did you read the actual post from the OP? Or did you just read the title and think "I can be cool and say 'Learn To Make Money herp derp.'"


I've actually read both threads by the OP that wound up being about the same thing, and frankly, he's all over the place. I mean, initially the other thread was about there being more PvPers than PvEers in the game, which he then deleted the original first post and completely revamped it to a duplicate of this thread. Frankly, after the BS he spewed in the first thread, and the nerf juggs thread, it's really hard to take him seriously. I mean, he linked a poll as evidence of his initial claim, that disproved his initial claim, and then said "no, you have to only count one option of the poll that's not PvP, so that I know what I'm talking about". You can take him seriously if you want to, but really, it's just another PvP QQ thread.

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i think subbed pvpers make good money. they don't need to repair or buy medpacs, because they are handed out, deaths frequent and, unless its an arena, are of miniscule consequence. stats are bolstered in all warzones, so packing on the mods is typically unnecessary unless you want to do some group content (the only other thing to do besides pvp once you get to level 55)


at 55, two unranked weeklies and two unranked dailies are available (big one comes first),


so the dailies give you, in (1-2 in small, 2-4 in big, 3-6 games total), 100 ranked comms and 200 unranked, (300) with both.


if you do good, each warzone will give 120 unranked, or 40 for arenas if you suck like me.


then with the weeklies, (8-15 for big, 3-5 for small, 11 to 20 for both) 11-20 warzones will give 600 ranked and 300 unranked, (900) with both.


every 50 unranked comms (10 ranked can be turned to 10 unranked) will get you 1.5K to 2K credits.


completing a warzone will give 2K credits guaranteed!


each repeatable mission completed will give 10K creds if i remember correctly.


it takes 11-20 warzones to bust out all the weeklies and dailies (the 3-6 length of the dailies can be done inside the minimum timeframe of weeklies, 11-20 games, but each weekly must be done separately. the dailies also must be done separately, but they fit)


(11 games for missions | 120 x 11 = 1320 comms from warzone | 1200 comms from missions) (2520 total)

(20 games for missions | 120 x 20 = 2400 comms from warzone | 1200 comms from missions) (3600 total)


(11 missions | 2K x 11 = 22K credits from warzones | 40K for mission turn-ins | 2520 comms = 50 (.2) cred cases | 2K credits per case = 100K from comms) (162K total)


(20 missions | 2K x 20 = 40K credits from warzone | 40K for mission turn-ins | 3600 comms = 72 cred cases = 2K credits per case = 144K from comms) (224K total)


so a 55er can get up to (162K total) in one day from: the minimum of (11 warzones) it takes to kill off the four missions, as well as wasting all the comms on credit boxes.


if you have bad teams and you lose every single mission, but still always keep your (8 medals per match) up consistently because you can look out for yourself without an organized team in most cases, you will get a maximum of (224K total) from the maximum of (20 games) it takes two kill of the four missions, and by wasting all your comms on credit boxes.


162K to 224K is good money, expensive GTN money in fact! now when you talk about selling crafting materials on the gtn, remember that you only get that much because people are willing to spend that much, it can go way down! i don't factor in GTN stuff in my credit income because of the unpredictability of an open market. i consider the GTN that one time, right now place to get something really cool, or a lot of money from some sap, that is if you are resourceful enough. the GTN can sway around, unlike the fixed prices of selling to NPC vendors. boosts, save for an "all activity" boost, go as low as 500 to 750 credits a piece on the GTN, and with the annoying fee the GTN takes, which goes nowhere, the actual profit is about 250 to 500 credits for something that actually has a non-vanity use!

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nope....its not that either, but comparative yes.... obviously I don't want to have to pvp for a month to equal what I just made through pve in 6 days. (if you want to make it about time)


So what evidence do you have that this is the actual comparative rate for most people?

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Interesting post... however:


The weekly is once a week - so totally neglectable.

The comms are needed to get the gear to need the comms to get the creds. (There is no loot in pvp!)


It costs ~30k to remove the mods. 36k to add a single aug-9-kit + the kit (50k) + the augment (80k).


There is no way you can finance that without playing the GTN or doing pve additionally to pvp OR selling CM Items - if you did get lucky on them crates.


HOWEVER: even more credits in the system are bad. Hence my Tokens-For-PvP-Suggestion. Consider it "compensation for the lack of loot". :D

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Well If they were to add an item that was only obtainable through pvp that would make money equal to that of the pve'er then no one would be forced anymore. I could make my money my way and you could still make your money yours.

you are making me think of this......."From my point of view the jedi are evil" Should I call you Anakin....or is it me. I would say that the majority of these forums (me included) have shown ourselves to be very darksided indeed. Unfortunate really.


Would you stop being such a ******** all the time?

If they made an item that was crucial for crafting and was only obtainable through PvP that would make equal money to the ones dropped in Ops (because I won't say PvE since not all PvE players want to do ops), then you would be forcing people to play PvP just as much as you are "forced" to play Ops...

And if anyone should be called Anakin here, it's you with all your whining and entitlement.


I have told you repeatedly that Dailies and Ops are NOT something that every (or even most) PvE players enjoy doing to make money.

They are just as "forced" to do it like you are. So stop trying to paint yourself out as a victim here.

Everyone has to work to make money.

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So what evidence do you have that this is the actual comparative rate for most people?


I am not trying to be rude, but you are missing my point here. I am comparing it with what it is.... you can see some of the things that I have listed that pve has that can be used to make large amounts of money. I want those types of options on the pvp side of things. What a person does with it and how much an individual makes with it would ofcourse vary from person to person. Some pve'ers are broke.... some have lots of money. The point is that there should be equal opportunity for both sides by pvp for pvp and pve for pve. A player should not be forced to do the other just to make big money.

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Mass Manipulation Generators go for 750k each....it adds fast. And I say occasional loosely because you get no where near the amount of those like you do isotope 5. I can make 1 mil doing pve dailies in one day, then at the end of the week if I buy isotope 5 and sell em its about 1.5 mil. So right there is 8.5 million from pve dailies. When I do ops I can easily get around 3 Mass manipulation Generators a week, that's 2.25 mil and that is really a minimial figure.

(this is per character mind you)

Just how much time per day you play swtor? 1mil per day just doing dalies you have to do all dalie zones in game and you wouldnt get 1 mil for doing it . And it would take 6-7h to finish them all so it 42-49h per weak doing dailies...

Now getting 3 Mass manipulators per weak easely? How many HM and NIM ops you clearing per weak? Only way to easy get 4 mass manipulators per weak is do tfb and sv first time q which awards 2 of them for finishing op first time.

And in cases you do finish all hm and nim ops when you raid I have news for you... you are top notch pve player thats ocasionaly do pvp... All that bs you described would put you about 65-80h per weak playing this game. ..

Edited by Duniss
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Would you stop being such a ******** all the time?

If they made an item that was crucial for crafting and was only obtainable through PvP that would make equal money to the ones dropped in Ops (because I won't say PvE since not all PvE players want to do ops), then you would be forcing people to play PvP just as much as you are "forced" to play Ops...

And if anyone should be called Anakin here, it's you with all your whining and entitlement.


I have told you repeatedly that Dailies and Ops are NOT something that every (or even most) PvE players enjoy doing to make money.

They are just as "forced" to do it like you are. So stop trying to paint yourself out as a victim here.

Everyone has to work to make money.


Pve content.... lets separate it.

Dailies- If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do the dailies and make 1 million in a day plus 1.5 mil from the isotope 5 a week. That is 8.5 mil a week. Not bad.

Ops: If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do several ops throughout the week and get tons of loot drops you can sell. Some of them occasionally worth several million credits. Plus you easily average (at least I do) at least 3 mmg's that will bring you around 2.25 mil. a week. Not to mention you can make a whole lot more trading in comms for more things to sell.

As far as pve goes what else would you like me to mention? The point is the big money options are there.


pvp: I can pvp all day long....at least when the queues are popping. We can use the very detailed listing given earlier in the thread by cybernetic ducks. If I use all my comms and get credit cases I am still lucky to get 200-250k.


There is a HUGE difference in how much I can make doing what I prefer in the game (pvp) verses what you prefer. Again I am not saying that all pve'ers are rich, but the opportunity is there.

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I play swtor....its what I do right now. I have logged over 180 straight days of playtime when you check via /played time. So ya I play a lot.


(now here come the even more personal attacks regarding my playtime and life choices)

Edited by Malckiah
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Pve content.... lets separate it.

Dailies- If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do the dailies and make 1 million in a day plus 1.5 mil from the isotope 5 a week. That is 8.5 mil a week. Not bad.

Ops: If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do several ops throughout the week and get tons of loot drops you can sell. Some of them occasionally worth several million credits. Plus you easily average (at least I do) at least 3 mmg's that will bring you around 2.25 mil. a week. Not to mention you can make a whole lot more trading in comms for more things to sell.

As far as pve goes what else would you like me to mention? The point is the big money options are there.


pvp: I can pvp all day long....at least when the queues are popping. We can use the very detailed listing given earlier in the thread by cybernetic ducks. If I use all my comms and get credit cases I am still lucky to get 200-250k.

There is a HUGE difference in how much I can make doing what I prefer in the game (pvp) verses what you prefer. Again I am not saying that all pve'ers are rich, but the opportunity is there.


Once again dalies would take 50+h per weak to grind them most people dont even have enough time to play this game 50+h per weak .It would be same as me saying in pvp you can earn 10mil per weak only thing you need to do is always get arena matches and win them faster then in 2 min youl get 7-10k credits for it. so play pvp for 60h per weak and here you go 10mil in a weak. Its simple just win matches faster then in 2 min in theory its posible but we both know that not gona happen...

You cant sell ops loot its bop same goes for crap you buy whit coms( yes you can sell it to vendor for around 14k ). To get 3mmg's you have to be luckiest man I ever met... not to mention loot rules in most hm or nim ops is you won 1 you cant roll on others. Only thing you can sell from ops drop is pets but that rare drop...

Now its your time you can play how much you like I dont have any problems whit it.

Edited by Duniss
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