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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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The Title says it all. But see why below... (edited for clarity)


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to feel gimped because they pvp.... I understand that there are many different ways in the game to make money and I do indeed utilize all of them, but I shouldn't be gimped in the pocketbook when I decide to play pvp.


2. The difference in money making opportunities- I have decided to limit my example to pve dailies for simplicity:

If I spend the whole day pvp'ing and I put all my comms toward buying pvp credit boxes....I would be lucky to walk away with a total earning potential of 200k for the whole day. If I spend that same day doing pve dailies (and yes I can spend the whole day doing dailies....I have more than one character.) I can make easy 1 million credits and that is pure profit (I have already subtracted repair costs)....but wait... I also get to turn in my basic comms for isotope 5 and sell them at 100k each! In a week it works out to around this:

pvp: Max: 1.4 million for the week.

pve dailies: 8.5 million between daily payout and selling isotope 5's.


With less time... I can go to cz-198 and in 15 minutes earn 65-75k easy. In pvp to make that it takes over 2 hours. If I need or want money (which everyone does) why should I make that much less when I am pvp'ing. This only hurts an already hurting pvp queue.


3. Sure pvp can make money, but as you can see from above there is a huge difference!


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. I need to have money to switch mods so I can wear adaptable gear. PvP'ers should be able to make a comparable amount when pvp'ing as they do when they are participating in the pve counterpart...... it makes no sense right now considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make money doing something else!


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to have the OPORTUNITY to make near equal to what our pve counterparts can make (minus repair costs).


Here is my suggestion on how to add this money making opportunity for pvp'ers...


Add a material that is say equivalent to isotope 5 to pvp....purchaseable via ranked comms.

1. Since it is only purchaseable through ranked comms.... all pvp'ers could get them since reg warzone comms can be traded for them, however because of the exchange rate it would take a lot of work to get them.

2. Because pvp ALREADY pays those who do not do so well in the match a lot less.... those who would want to "push a button" for easy money would find it would take them far too long to earn comms.

3. Because ranked pvp comms are only available at lvl 55.....the increase would not affect those in lower levels.

This would not only increase the amount of money available to pvp'ers who are willing to put forth the effort, but it would increase queue pop.....since those who would normally leave to go make money could do so where they are.

Edited by Malckiah
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The Title says it all. I can pvp all day every day for a week and use all my commendations to buy the credit boxes and do everything possible to make money through pvp that compares to what I can easily make doing pve content and I come up with nothing in comparison.


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to resort to "the grind"


2. PvE money making opportunities- Just a couple of examples: Mass Manipulation Generators drop in Ops. They sell for around 750K each!!! Isotope-5 can be bought exclusively with basic comms. They sell for around 100k each! This kind of money can add up really fast! This doesn't even include the money you can make doin dailies.... If I do every daily I make easy 1 million credits!


3. PvP has noting like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker!


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. PvP'ers should be able to get the things we want without having to go grind out content that is not suiting for us..... and this makes no sense considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make many doing something else!


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to make bigger money as do our counterparts.


I agree with the op here. I am a pvp player at heart and that is what I do on swtor. I play the subscriber cost and have done so since pre launch. Yet I am always broke and can never afford a lot of the bigger items that come out. Why should I have to go grind out pve content to make enough to get a Bantha mount?

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The Title says it all. I can pvp all day every day for a week and use all my commendations to buy the credit boxes and do everything possible to make money through pvp that compares to what I can easily make doing pve content and I come up with nothing in comparison.


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to resort to "the grind"


2. PvE money making opportunities- Just a couple of examples: Mass Manipulation Generators drop in Ops. They sell for around 750K each!!! Isotope-5 can be bought exclusively with basic comms. They sell for around 100k each! This kind of money can add up really fast! This doesn't even include the money you can make doin dailies.... If I do every daily I make easy 1 million credits!


3. PvP has noting like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker!


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. PvP'ers should be able to get the things we want without having to go grind out content that is not suiting for us..... and this makes no sense considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make many doing something else!


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to make bigger money as do our counterparts.


PvP is a grind.

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3. PvP has noting like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker!




PvP the GTN. I do.. and I make on average 5-7M credits a week doing it casually (ie: 15-30 minutes a day). It's interesting and the specifics of PvP in the GTN is constantly changing.


It does require a little bit of focus, forethought, and planning... but if a player lacks these qualities.... then any MMO PvP is wasted on a player IMO. Said players are most often found PvPing on the forum.. spreading their policy of special-entitlement and hoping someone supports their cause.

Edited by Andryah
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I never thought about it that way.


I can grind PvE crap all day long and earn money but I don't.


I PvP. I guess I just accepted that to make money you have to PvE.


Why can't there be dailies that deal with killing a certain number of players that give a cash reward instead of comms?

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@Malckiah, I have a suggestion for you.


When you use flashy dramatic words in post titles, such as "get the shaft", you will get plenty of attention, but very little constructive debate. If your purpose is to sway opinion, eloquence and logic are more effective.


As it stands, any actual point you're trying to make will get buried by people responding not to the content of your post, but to the emotion in it.



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PvP the GTN. I do.. and I make on average 5-7M credits a week doing it casually (ie: 15-30 minutes a day). It's interesting and the specifics of PvP in the GTN is constantly changing.


It does require a little bit of focus, forethought, and planning... but if a player lacks these qualities.... then any MMO PvP is wasted on a player IMO. Said players are most often found PvPing on the forum.. spreading their policy of special-entitlement and hoping someone supports their cause.



lots of pvpers are single minded they do pvp and nothing but pvp.. however in this game even pvpers makes a profit so i dont really see the problem here. by the time you got comms to upgrade a piece you usually got enough credits to augment it so no biggie.


as for making enough to buy them cool mounts.. that's purely an option it's not a thing you need to get so gtn or dailies for extra creds is the same thing raiders have to go through.

Edited by hallucigenocide
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OP, I am a pvper, and while I will not disclose the amount of credits I make, I will say I am definitely better off than a Hyrotti speeder ( I do have some but only to pull out for fun when facing off against someone speeder war, do not ask if you do not know) my point is that I still make credits, I craft, If I happen to come across a very cool cartel item (from my subscriber 500 a month mind you) I sell it, and I just save up too. And op, out of many of the pvpers I know many of them have millions of credits easily, so going out of your way to say that we are all broke is nonsense.
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@Malckiah, I have a suggestion for you.


When you use flashy dramatic words in post titles, such as "get the shaft", you will get plenty of attention, but very little constructive debate. If your purpose is to sway opinion, eloquence and logic are more effective.


As it stands, any actual point you're trying to make will get buried by people responding not to the content of your post, but to the emotion in it.




LOL!... I personally felt the wording was perfect considering that is exactly how I have felt since launch. I am tired of seeing the pve crowd wandering around flaunting their big money items while I am riding on a cheap mount with 1/2 my toon geared the way I want.

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PvPers do not get companions to send on crafting missions? PvPers do not have access to the GTN? PvPers are not allowed to do dailies?


The pvpwhine is strong with this one.

Edited by Icebergy
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LOL!... I personally felt the wording was perfect considering that is exactly how I have felt since launch. I am tired of seeing the pve crowd wandering around flaunting their big money items while I am riding on a cheap mount with 1/2 my toon geared the way I want.


That's not a PvP issue... that's a failure to thrive issue.. inside an MMO. For every complaint about being a PvPer who is poor.. there are similar PvEers who make the same complaints and suffer the same failure to thrive.


This is not a game mechanics issue here.. this is a player failing to follow the resources available to them, where they are.. and using said resources to fund their game play.


The problem with this thread is that the OP is narrowly defining PvP and broadly defining PvE. Kill other players = PvP....everything else, including all methods to generate income in the game = PvE. It's a very lopsided perspective IMO..but then again.. not unusual for the hard core PvPer.


Now.. I think the reason for the complaining here is because so many players resort to the "do dailies" (which are PvE for the most part) at level cap to earn money. The reality is that is only one way, and honestly it's not particularly efficient either.

Edited by Andryah
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That's not a PvP issue... that's a failure to thrive issue.. inside an MMO. For every complaint about being a PvPer who is poor.. there are similar PvEers who make the same complaints and suffer the same failure to thrive.


This is not a game mechanics issue here.. this is a player failing to follow the resources available to them, where they are.. and using said resources to fund their game play.


The problem with this thread is that the OP is narrowly defining PvP and broadly defining PvE. Kill other players = PvP....everything else, including all methods to generate income in the game = PvE. It's a very lopsided perspective IMO..but then again.. not unusual for the hard core PvPer.


Now.. I think the reason for the complaining here is because so many players resort to the "do dailies" (which are PvE for the most part) at level cap to earn money. The reality is that is only one way, and honestly it's not particularly efficient either.


All you people can bring up is that people who PvE can be broke too? Really? The OP was making the very valid point that the BIG money options are all PvE based. Anyone can make chump change. ANd another thing is that the OP mentioned money making options that were only available via PvE content whether through basic comms or ops or whatever. So ya, I definitely feel that they should add something like this to PvP. Why should your playstyle be favored over mine? Give us equal money making options!

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All you people can bring up is that people who PvE can be broke too? Really? The OP was making the very valid point that the BIG money options are all PvE based. Anyone can make chump change. ANd another thing is that the OP mentioned money making options that were only available via PvE content whether through basic comms or ops or whatever. So ya, I definitely feel that they should add something like this to PvP. Why should your playstyle be favored over mine? Give us equal money making options!


PvPers can make money too. WZ Comms for Credit boxes?

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I originally play this game as a PvE-player, but I do PvP as well. Raiding has way more expenses than PvP. I've had up to a million credits repair cost in one week, and consumables are expensive as well. And I make nothing on it, except gold from trash and the weekly quest. When I PvP I get some credits after each match, no repair cost, and consumables are cheap in comparison.

Having to grind dailies for money is just as boring for a PvE-raider as a PvP-player.


Can also remind you that 1.2-2.0 was money heaven for PvP'ers. It was 10x easier to make money through PvP than PvE.

Edited by Amantino
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All you people can bring up is that people who PvE can be broke too? Really? The OP was making the very valid point that the BIG money options are all PvE based. Anyone can make chump change. ANd another thing is that the OP mentioned money making options that were only available via PvE content whether through basic comms or ops or whatever. So ya, I definitely feel that they should add something like this to PvP. Why should your playstyle be favored over mine? Give us equal money making options!


You have exactly the same money making options as everyone else.


Since NiM DF was released, I have been spending ~300k per week on repairs alone. How much are you spending on repairs?

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Perhaps what they could do is take an already coveted Item that tons of people want, but is neutral in nature, such as black and black dye (example) and make it craftable. But it would require one material from pve and one from pvp. This would give the pvp'ers an item to buy with pvp comms that could be sold regularly for a good sum of money.
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Perhaps what they could do is take an already coveted Item that tons of people want, but is neutral in nature, such as black and black dye (example) and make it craftable. But it would require one material from pve and one from pvp. This would give the pvp'ers an item to buy with pvp comms that could be sold regularly for a good sum of money.


So a PvE player would have to PvP just to craft an item? Count me out :D

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LOL!... I personally felt the wording was perfect considering that is exactly how I have felt since launch. I am tired of seeing the pve crowd wandering around flaunting their big money items while I am riding on a cheap mount with 1/2 my toon geared the way I want.


oh christ.


being a pveer doesn't mean you are constantly rich. there are as many if not more broke pvers. hell, I'm one of them. the only reason I have a title wealthy is becasue I borrowed 10 mil from a friend and gave it back minutes later.


to claim that pveers are rich just becasue they prefer pve, while pvpers are poor just becasue they prefer pvp is a big, giant fallacy. you get credits already for every match you do. you get credit boxes you can buy with excess warzone coms.


people who are rich and can afford big items? don't do that through a pve grind. they either have spare real life money they spend on unlocks, packs etc, or they engage in, as Adryah put it - GTN pvp. bioware is in no way, shape or form is obligated to give you more money through pvp then what you are already getting. which honestly? is decent. and hell of a lot more fun than grinding dailies, and I say that as a pveer. who always feels pretty gleeful about nice chunk of credits my character ends up with, after guild pvp night I sometimes participate in.

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The OP was making the very valid point that the BIG money options are all PvE based. Anyone can make chump change.

I have no objection to raising the PvP credit reward to make it more inline with PvE dailies. But I notice you're using the words "BIG money".


The way to make BIG money in this game is the GTN. The GTN is neither PvP nor PvE. It is its own separate mini-game.


Rich PvE players spend time on the GTN. Rich PvP players spend time on the GTN. Poor PvE players and poor PvP players don't.


Now, there will always be a few exceptions to this (someone posted a while back that they made 250 million credits doing dailies for 3000 hours :eek:). But setting those aside, if you want to make BIG money, you play the GTN.

Edited by Khevar
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