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Companion Expansion


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Doubtful they'll do anything with companions. Companions compete with grouping, guilds, and PvP and it *seems* that TOR is starting to morph into StarGuildWars.


One force that causes people to stick with a game longer than they otherwise would is their loyalty to the other real-life people in their guild. BT,DT. It is just human nature.

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I'd like to see more Companion content as well. :) Now, I don't expect anything as in-depth as more quests for them. However, I think these additions would be neat and not too far fetched:


1. New sets of "canned" Companion lines for Companions that you have finished all conversations with (maxed affection) and/or completed the romance for. Many Companions are rather unpleasant towards the PC at first but eventually marry them or become their trusted friend, and the "Back off!" and "Uh, its creepy when you look at me" sort of lines when you click them can seem out of place later on.


2. Have Companions speak in cutscenes for future planetary quest lines (like Makeb). We don't need some complicated dialogue option tree, just those occasional neat comments that Companions would sometimes throw in during our class quests (this would also help personalize the more generic "Avengers style" storytelling).


3. Have Companions gain/lose affection in future conversations.


4. Add more Companion customizations, preferably non-funky looking ones. Especially for the neglected ones like Rusk and SCORPIO, and for the poor guys that the devs seem to like beating with an ugly stick.


5. Add a couple of new optional/all-class Companions like Treek and HK. Preferably human-like, one of each gender, and with each able to fulfill two roles. And they should be included in future content, as mentioned above.


Hey, a girl can dream! :p

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Yes, I was just thinking this morning after the digital husband informed me that his wife's staring at him is weird (right after sending her a letter about how he can't stop thinking about her and how he would like for her to think of him...), that a new soundset after marriage would be erm... a good thing. Edited by DomiSotto
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One of the things that sets this game apart is the companions. Unfortunately at lvl 55 you start to lose sight of an all to awesome feature. Where is the interaction? Why is it so limited? It is sad to see such a great thing wasted. I personally think that Bioware would do well to spend some time enhancing what is already there as opposed to trying to add new stuff like slot machines and whatever.

I am always seeing posts on the forums of people wanting more from the companions....does Bioware not listen? Heck some companions have absolutely NO customizations available. I am married to a few of them, but speak not a word to them. Some of my favorite companions I never use because they are dps and I need a healer or a tank and I need a dps.


It is just sad to see such a waste of so much potential.


I would agree with this in so much as it would be nice for them to expand upon the existing system so that you can keep having interactions and dialogues with them in some fashion once affection is maxxed or a companion is married.


Seems a bit odd to spend all those levels and time getting to know them and/or woo them, form a relationship and even in some instances maryr them, then you get a few mails and a few gifts and bam.. nothing ever again is heard from them. Its the Mass Effect 3 ending all over again.. fantastic build up then a wet flop disappointment at the end of it.

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A little late in the flow, but how about changing companions. That is, maybe a way to have Vette swap with Kira or something. Okay, Empire vs Republic might be an issue, but within the grand fleet stations or as an event on the common planets?

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Some thing that might be nice to get from companions:

companion quests.


Just a small selection of odd side quests and favors you can do for your companion so you don't have to rely purely on crew skills to boost affection.


Also, I think it might be amusing if one of the quests you could get from the companion you marry is one where you have to run around your ship and try to convince everyone else to give you and your spouse alone time.

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Before anyone (or everyone) jumps on me for "wanting TOR to be like some other game," let me say unequivocally that I like it the way it is.


However, and this is just a thought only: one of the things I found most engaging about the original Guild Wars was after Nightfall it was possible to sign up any one of your level-20 alts as a mercenary and thereafter use them as companions.


I'm no programmer and have no idea whatsoever how difficult such a thing would be, but the idea of creating my own companion from the extant class and racial options does appeal to me. I would definitely LOVE running my Inquisitor with my Bounty Hunter.


Dumb idea, I know. Sorry.

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