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Turn the Capital Ship Turrets Back on in Deathmatch


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I used to be a fan of the capital ship turrets. Then I got to dogfight in and around one. It was immensely entertaining - far more so than when some jacktard just hugs an asteroid that's just WAITING to draw me closer to its stony bosom...


Anyway. Why not turn them on, but give 'em the same juice and qualities as sat turrets? Then we can dogfight around that hunk of scrap and target turrets too!


I mean, let's face it. If you've pushed the other team back to spawn, you're probably bored anyway. Might as well have something else to shoot at. -bp


or you can just....i don't know..... choose a different spawn point not being camped

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Turn them back on,but without them contributing to the kill counter for scores? Provides a safe spawning point without being an incentive to hide there whilst the capital ships do all your work


That works for me.

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Turn them back on,but without them contributing to the kill counter for scores? Provides a safe spawning point without being an incentive to hide there whilst the capital ships do all your work


Except you will still have the issue of gunships sitting w/in range of the turrets, where they can snipe enemies but enemies (except other gunships) can't get in range of the gunship w/out getting killed by the turrets.


In TDM, the objective is the enemy players, so giving players a safe haven to run to is just stupid. There should be a safe spawn area, but you should not be able to return to it once you leave, just like in ground pvp. Prior to the turrets being turned off, the most popular suggestion was to turn the area currently protected by the turrets into an exhaustion zone, and give spawning players a buff to protect them from it. Once that buff wore off, you wouldn't be able to go near the capital ships, thus preventing gunships (or any enemy) from hiding behind the turrets, while simultaneously preventing spawn camping.

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Look at the PTS patch notes.


im a damn good gsf pilot, ive been onr receiving end and seen my teams spawn camping, it is very possible to camp 3 spawn points with no capital ship turrets. if your team has alot of newbies in it against pro's what chance they got in a TDM.


so having random 1 of 3 spawn points hows that help in the above situration.


I do conceed points about turrets in some ways, if they turned them back on but any kills from them dont add any points to that team.


got to stop thinking like i can do this, they can do this, try to remember alot of these players it may be their first experience of gsf, hows it help the gsf community if they quit because of spawn camping.


im no newbie but i feel for some of them newbies its not bad enough no proper tutorial and got a big grind against pro's to get on same pegging ship wise (skill first and formost ofc :) ) then through them into a team spawn deathcount is not good for any of us.



and the tip about swap to a scout and go wheeee, is not a solution, i can pick of any scout especially a newbie and easy prey with no support.

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im a damn good gsf pilot, ive been onr receiving end and seen my teams spawn camping, it is very possible to camp 3 spawn points with no capital ship turrets. if your team has alot of newbies in it against pro's what chance they got in a TDM.


so having random 1 of 3 spawn points hows that help in the above situration.


I do conceed points about turrets in some ways, if they turned them back on but any kills from them dont add any points to that team.


got to stop thinking like i can do this, they can do this, try to remember alot of these players it may be their first experience of gsf, hows it help the gsf community if they quit because of spawn camping.


im no newbie but i feel for some of them newbies its not bad enough no proper tutorial and got a big grind against pro's to get on same pegging ship wise (skill first and formost ofc :) ) then through them into a team spawn deathcount is not good for any of us.



and the tip about swap to a scout and go wheeee, is not a solution, i can pick of any scout especially a newbie and easy prey with no support.


This exactly. I'm recognized as one of the top pilots on JC and I regularly get spawn camped at all three spawn points because the match is just so one sided. There needs to be some mechanic to keep this from happening. Hell make it a force field that just won't let enemies pass without doing damage for all I care.

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Except you will still have the issue of gunships sitting w/in range of the turrets, where they can snipe enemies but enemies (except other gunships) can't get in range of the gunship w/out getting killed by the turrets.


In TDM, the objective is the enemy players, so giving players a safe haven to run to is just stupid. There should be a safe spawn area, but you should not be able to return to it once you leave, just like in ground pvp. Prior to the turrets being turned off, the most popular suggestion was to turn the area currently protected by the turrets into an exhaustion zone, and give spawning players a buff to protect them from it. Once that buff wore off, you wouldn't be able to go near the capital ships, thus preventing gunships (or any enemy) from hiding behind the turrets, while simultaneously preventing spawn camping.


I primarily play a gunship,and I'd be more than happy to not be able to sit at the capital ships. In fact,nine times out of ten I'm using barrel roll and thrusters to get into a decent position to help my team.


Another solution would be that players parking at the ships would be marked as non-contributing is they stay in the radius for more then ten seconds,coupled with the debuff you proposed

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This exactly. I'm recognized as one of the top pilots on JC and I regularly get spawn camped at all three spawn points because the match is just so one sided. There needs to be some mechanic to keep this from happening. Hell make it a force field that just won't let enemies pass without doing damage for all I care.


Start of match: Enemy player picks the wrong ship, commits suicide and respawns. Your team is up 1-0. There, in that "force field" they remain, unable to be harmed. Time expires, you win. Fun?


End of match: Tied 48 to 48, play becomes more defensive (assuming you have people who're on top of the situation). At last, you get the 49th kill, all but securing victory should one of your teammates and yourself not die. You all retreat back to your cap ship where turrets protect you and time expires (given that the proposal was not to cause a turret to get a kill).


What if a sat turret shoots and drains half health, then a player kills it? It'd count as a point unless you coded to prevent any assist involving the cap turret to not count at all. If everyone spawns at the same location, there is no reason to have a TRIPLE sat cap - you're saying 8 people cant take out 2-3? That's more of an L2P issue, and fixing these turrets to make up for other aspects of the game doesn't solve the problem

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This exactly. I'm recognized as one of the top pilots on JC and I regularly get spawn camped at all three spawn points because the match is just so one sided. There needs to be some mechanic to keep this from happening. Hell make it a force field that just won't let enemies pass without doing damage for all I care.


in the mean time just do what i do. im mastered on both factions, if my team spawn camps i warn them to stop and if they dont i swap faction and hunt them none stop till they learn. been showing promise now lol

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Start of match: Enemy player picks the wrong ship, commits suicide and respawns. Your team is up 1-0. There, in that "force field" they remain, unable to be harmed. Time expires, you win. Fun?


End of match: Tied 48 to 48, play becomes more defensive (assuming you have people who're on top of the situation). At last, you get the 49th kill, all but securing victory should one of your teammates and yourself not die. You all retreat back to your cap ship where turrets protect you and time expires (given that the proposal was not to cause a turret to get a kill).


What if a sat turret shoots and drains half health, then a player kills it? It'd count as a point unless you coded to prevent any assist involving the cap turret to not count at all. If everyone spawns at the same location, there is no reason to have a TRIPLE sat cap - you're saying 8 people cant take out 2-3? That's more of an L2P issue, and fixing these turrets to make up for other aspects of the game doesn't solve the problem


Putting that means u not been spawn camped proper, L2P? u really think 2 bombers, 2 gunships couldn’t pin down one spawn point by people coming out 1, 2, even 3 at a time, i have done this once against some known spawn campers and on my own in a gunship i cud rip apart 3 good pilots, one ion railgun gets them coz they close by time they clock ya location 2 are dead 3rd starts to either run or charge = dead.


I’ve seen two bombers camp a spawn point, and those coming out don’t have a chance in a blink several mines, couple of drones firing missiles, railgun etc. its very possible and easy for 4 on each spawn to camp those coming out. but back to your L2P, most of them being camped are new players they are trying to learn but got no chance and quit,


How many games u think you’ll get if most of them newbies quit gsf? havnt u noticed a steady decline in active pro's from start coz most servers have, we need these new guys to come through learn the game and join the ranks.

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Putting that means u not been spawn camped proper, L2P? u really think 2 bombers, 2 gunships couldn’t pin down one spawn point by people coming out 1, 2, even 3 at a time, i have done this once against some known spawn campers and on my own in a gunship i cud rip apart 3 good pilots, one ion railgun gets them coz they close by time they clock ya location 2 are dead 3rd starts to either run or charge = dead.


I’ve seen two bombers camp a spawn point, and those coming out don’t have a chance in a blink several mines, couple of drones firing missiles, railgun etc. its very possible and easy for 4 on each spawn to camp those coming out. but back to your L2P, most of them being camped are new players they are trying to learn but got no chance and quit,


How many games u think you’ll get if most of them newbies quit gsf? havnt u noticed a steady decline in active pro's from start coz most servers have, we need these new guys to come through learn the game and join the ranks.


If there are 4 people at one sat + 4 people at another sat, there is an entire sat free. Bombers = not a problem in TDM. Gunships, fine, but since the spawns are more than 15k away, you're able to at least break the spawn camp. The issue here is getting the newbies ready to play without forcing them to face the vets, which doesn't mean bring back a proven-to-be-abused mechanic.

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I don't know why deathmatch even needs fixed spawns beyond the initial wave.

Just put 8 spawns in the map (the 6 we have plus "north" and "south"). Whenever you get killed, you can respawn anywhere, default spawn is the one that's farthest from every enemy ship on average. Maybe disable the 3 spawns nearest to every enemy ship to avoid spawn camping and gunships spawning right behind you.

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This exactly. I'm recognized as one of the top pilots on JC and I regularly get spawn camped at all three spawn points because the match is just so one sided. There needs to be some mechanic to keep this from happening. Hell make it a force field that just won't let enemies pass without doing damage for all I care.


If the other team was somehow camping three spawns successfully, your team would be getting owned anywhere on the map. I've never seen this happen, even when the other team was full of a lot of noobs, and even then they weren't challenging my team all that much (matches like that make me wish matchmaking was better. :( ).


That isn't to say they can't get something together that's better than what we currently have (I'm doubting a randomizer is it), but the capital ship turrets in TDM was a broken mechanic that people exploited.

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If the other team was somehow camping three spawns successfully, your team would be getting owned anywhere on the map. I've never seen this happen, even when the other team was full of a lot of noobs, and even then they weren't challenging my team all that much (matches like that make me wish matchmaking was better. :( ).


That isn't to say they can't get something together that's better than what we currently have (I'm doubting a randomizer is it), but the capital ship turrets in TDM was a broken mechanic that people exploited.


I'm glad for you, I have been on both sides of it and it is not fun either way. But it does happen. Its not even really that hard. Against a team of new pilots, I can lock down one spawn point all on my own. Sometimes two.

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I'm glad for you, I have been on both sides of it and it is not fun either way. But it does happen. Its not even really that hard. Against a team of new pilots, I can lock down one spawn point all on my own. Sometimes two.


What were they all, bots? Unless 8-16 people are all flying in a straight line, it's pretty hard for one person to not have to jig or missile break some with that many people around that should be targeting them. I mean, I've had some matches where I was fighting around my cap ships all the time because my team had a lot of noobs and there were a lot of good players, but one player locking down two spawns? That takes a lot of bad piloting on the other team.

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What were they all, bots? Unless 8-16 people are all flying in a straight line, it's pretty hard for one person to not have to jig or missile break some with that many people around that should be targeting them. I mean, I've had some matches where I was fighting around my cap ships all the time because my team had a lot of noobs and there were a lot of good players, but one player locking down two spawns? That takes a lot of bad piloting on the other team.


Its really not that hard, I can blow up a new pilot in 2-3 seconds if I am actually on one of my good ships. I always try to fly my worst ships to get them req and to give new pilots a chance but I can definitely lock two down when I am on my mastered ships.

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Its really not that hard, I can blow up a new pilot in 2-3 seconds if I am actually on one of my good ships. I always try to fly my worst ships to get them req and to give new pilots a chance but I can definitely lock two down when I am on my mastered ships.


Not reflecting on you, but somehow I see so many people say that but never actually see it happen.

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It's related to the ops topic of being camped


If you say so. I've no opinion on GSF anymore. Except that all the guns should shoot cake and that there's nowhere near enough opportunities for my pilot to get into any sex and cocaine parties.


Glaring omissions all. -bp

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Its really not that hard, I can blow up a new pilot in 2-3 seconds if I am actually on one of my good ships. I always try to fly my worst ships to get them req and to give new pilots a chance but I can definitely lock two down when I am on my mastered ships.


So... if you're so hot, how are you getting three spawn camped at times? No matter how many good players you have, I would think you could help keep at least one spawn open for business if you're blowing people out of the sky in 2-3 seconds.


Not trying to be confrontational, but this isn't all adding up that much.


At any rate, it's kind of moot, anyway. They turned off the guns for a reason and they do the job reasonably well, and they're trying to make it better with 2.8. I'd still like to see an inaccessible area for opposing teams and for people after they spawn, but somehow I think that's more work than they're willing to put into GSF mechanics for deathmatch. :(

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One good gunship, one good bomber, camping one spawn point, u really think you can get out that ok? Moment u appear u got face of mines, a drone shooting you, and an ace gunship just zapped u and ya team mates with ion railgun, if you think you can get out that ok then u only met crap gunships. Coz that combo waiting for you and ya 1-2 mates will not survive, before u say boost away, remember you just took a full charged ion hit so ya engine pool, shield pool, weapon pool none existent.


I have seen this and it does happen from time to time, extremely common in TDM one sided match it ends up in a blood bath camping on spawn areas.


The changes in 2.8 helps slightly for those that don’t know about how to change spawn areas but it don’t solve the issue – spawn camping is happening and is the single biggest reason newbies get sick of any form of pvp.

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Its really not that hard, I can blow up a new pilot in 2-3 seconds if I am actually on one of my good ships. I always try to fly my worst ships to get them req and to give new pilots a chance but I can definitely lock two down when I am on my mastered ships.


I fly with and against you all the time. I have never seen two spawns locked down by a single pilot.


That comment is no reflection on your skill/ability...I don't doubt that you can lock down one spawn in a good ship, I can do that too. But two? Not saying it's impossible or that it's never happened, but it absolutely does not happen with any regularity, or I would have witnessed it at some point.

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