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Je'daii Order is looking for leaders/officers...


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Hello all,


I am a founder and have been hanging onto the Guild name "Je'daii Order" (from the books) since launch.


As of now, it's just me and a good friend of mine. But I feel it would be a shame to let such a great name go without use.


So I am looking for past guild leaders, experienced players, and over-all "good" people to take on leadership positions in the guild.


I don't even really want to "run" the guild myself, merely have my characters retain the guild name.


So anyone interested in taking on leadership roles within a greatly-named guild are encouraged to reply and help get things running.


Please post or PM with any questions.


May the Force make you strong,



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Hey hows it going? I was surfing the forums while at work and saw your post. I have been playing SWTOR since launch as well. I still got my collectors edition box it came in lol. I stopped playing for awhile because between work and family I just havent had the time but I started my sub back up last week and have been loving it. I had one guild here but its long been dead but have been a guild master for many mmos in my between Arch Lord, Dynasty Warriors Online, WoW, and many others. My main focus with my guilds has been PvP and setting up guild battles with each other. If I am not mistaken there were 9 council members leading the Je'daii Order and if it sounds like I could be one then send me a message. Take it easy.
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I'm interested in this as well, since the name actually is "Star Wars" themed "There is a meaning here.".


I have lead some guilds in my day going back to my SWG and days "Officer in "Sin" and the founder of "Order of Bogan", "Bogan meaning "Dark or Darkside". It was a Rp/PvE and one of the most feared guilds on the server "We had one of the best female PvPers (real life female) on the server " Dark Jedi Overlord Caitilin ".


I would be interested in this as well, and would be willing to teach individuals what I know about the game (been here since beta, and PvP/PvE greatly ( I am been wanting to foster a atmosphere within game that fosters all three spheres).


Send me a pm here and I'll send you my character's name within game.


-May the force be with you.

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Hello all,


I am a founder and have been hanging onto the Guild name "Je'daii Order" (from the books) since launch.


As of now, it's just me and a good friend of mine. But I feel it would be a shame to let such a great name go without use.


So I am looking for past guild leaders, experienced players, and over-all "good" people to take on leadership positions in the guild.


I don't even really want to "run" the guild myself, merely have my characters retain the guild name.


So anyone interested in taking on leadership roles within a greatly-named guild are encouraged to reply and help get things running.


Please post or PM with any questions.


May the Force make you strong,





I am currently in a guild called the Je'daii order, but they do not help level up low levels, nor dedicate time on helping them level. It's pretty much a guild based on doing it by yourself and call for help if you need it.


Will your guild be focused on helping low level players?


How often do you guys play?


How often will you do RP/PvE/PvP?


Are you trying to create a huge guild?

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Hello all,


I am a founder and have been hanging onto the Guild name "Je'daii Order" (from the books) since launch.


As of now, it's just me and a good friend of mine. But I feel it would be a shame to let such a great name go without use.


So I am looking for past guild leaders, experienced players, and over-all "good" people to take on leadership positions in the guild.


I don't even really want to "run" the guild myself, merely have my characters retain the guild name.


So anyone interested in taking on leadership roles within a greatly-named guild are encouraged to reply and help get things running.


Please post or PM with any questions.


May the Force make you strong,




Including the use of TeamSpeak?

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Honestly, I have just started forming the guild , which is why I'm seeking experienced players for positions of leadership. There are currently only a few members. I'm sure I could spam Tython and recruit a ton of people - but I want a solid leadership and base set up before I recruit heavily.


I am also a founder. I have characters in a few other well-known guilds on the server (Jedi Order, etc.), but I've just always wanted to build a "themed" guild around this great name. That's why I hung on to it. It was essentially the first group of Jedi - and they focused on all aspects of the force and maintaining balance between them.


To answer your question: I play every day. I have a guild page I'm working on and would love to use teamspeak.


I would like to set up some RP initiation and movement through the ranks - but I am also heavy into PVP and frequently play PvE, as well. I am always free to aid newer and/or low-level players.


Any other questions are welcome. My "main" characters' names in-game are Satori and Joshuâ (alt+131 for the "a").



May The Force Make You Strong

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I would be extremely interested in joining. I've had the account for around 2 years now, during those years I took several breaks due to moving and college etc.. My only stipulation is that we use some type of communication (Raid Call, Teamspeak or something of the sorts.) This is because I have come from a couple extremely organized guilds that use it, and honestly its much easier to hold a button and talk into a mic rather than typing everything out. I'm currently in a guild for now, but I am considering leaving it. With that being said, maybe I could tag along with you sometime soon to get a feel for how you play the game and what you're looking for in a guild.


You can find me under any of these names:

REPUBLIC- Elixia, Vytass, Vytan,

IMPERIAL- Vytaz, Vytla, Vytva

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I would be extremely interested in joining. I've had the account for around 2 years now, during those years I took several breaks due to moving and college etc.. My only stipulation is that we use some type of communication (Raid Call, Teamspeak or something of the sorts.) This is because I have come from a couple extremely organized guilds that use it, and honestly its much easier to hold a button and talk into a mic rather than typing everything out. I'm currently in a guild for now, but I am considering leaving it. With that being said, maybe I could tag along with you sometime soon to get a feel for how you play the game and what you're looking for in a guild.


You can find me under any of these names:

REPUBLIC- Elixia, Vytass, Vytan,

IMPERIAL- Vytaz, Vytla, Vytva


I still have 5 leadership positions I'm trying to fill with experienced players - so that sounds great. I will add your names and contact you in-game for some teaming. You can get a feel for my play style and personality and make a decision if it's something you'd like to pursue.


I am more than happy to purchase a teamspeak server as soon as the leaders are filled in. I agree it makes all things guild easier to manage. No worries, there.


I'm generally playing my newly reset "main", Satori, and am on most every day.


I'll be in touch.



May the Force make you strong.

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I still have 5 leadership positions I'm trying to fill with experienced players - so that sounds great. I will add your names and contact you in-game for some teaming. You can get a feel for my play style and personality and make a decision if it's something you'd like to pursue.


I am more than happy to purchase a teamspeak server as soon as the leaders are filled in. I agree it makes all things guild easier to manage. No worries, there.


I'm generally playing my newly reset "main", Satori, and am on most every day.


I'll be in touch.



May the Force make you strong.


Sounds great. I'll be on this evening, around 9 or 10, Eastern Standard Time. If I'm not mistaken, Raidcall servers are free, I'll check in on that to make sure.

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RaidCall is in fact free, when creating servers. I took the liberty of creating a server for the guild. Although you have to download the RaidCall client, (takes 5 minutes,) you just have to sign in and type in the Group ID, which is 8872869.
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I'll be waiting to see when the leadership roles are filled. Including how often most of you all will be playing. If the leadership is not on almost 24/7, then I have no interest in joining. I would like a very active guild, including leadership, to make sure things run smoothly within the guild.


But, the fact that this is based off of the Dawn of the Jedi, I am going to assume that the structure will based on that as well. Correct?


The most important thing to me is that the new members and low levels get 100 percent attention and help.


I've been on a couple of times and have yet to see you online.

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I'll be waiting to see when the leadership roles are filled. Including how often most of you all will be playing. If the leadership is not on almost 24/7, then I have no interest in joining. I would like a very active guild, including leadership, to make sure things run smoothly within the guild.


But, the fact that this is based off of the Dawn of the Jedi, I am going to assume that the structure will based on that as well. Correct?


The most important thing to me is that the new members and low levels get 100 percent attention and help.


I've been on a couple of times and have yet to see you online.


I haven't been on for the past two days due to graduation parties for friends that are younger than me. I will 100% be on this evening, as well as every night throughout the week. I personally have a level 55 only because I've received so much help to get my character there, so I understand the importance of helping low levels rise. Because it can become rather difficult to level by yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Interesting thing is...He/She has NOT been on in awhile. Pretty poor attempt to promote a guild. Especially when the Guild Master is almost non-existent on the game.


Sorry for the late reply:


HE has been playing sporadically because I've been OOT. Between my dad's birthday, my birthday, and the birth of my new nephew Mason (hooray!) - my play time has been limited.


So here's my update:


1) Love the live chat server - thanks for setting it up. Already have it downloaded.

2) I am back home and on near-constantly. I'm currently playing Josh'ua and Satori, primarily. Please feel free to add me and contact me - anytime.

3) I've added a few experienced players as leaders, but want to keep 2 slots open for initiates to "ascend".

4) The JEDl ORDER is nice guild. I should know - I have had two alts with you guys for over a year. So, respectfully, please take your veiled trolling to another place. I know what it takes to start and run a guild. I was the leader of POM in COH for almost a decade, had a huge GUILD in WOW, and was on almost every forum committee in every game I've played - so I've had direct access to input and testing. I'm not starting this guild to diddle away 2 hours a week based on a guild name. I'd like to create a themed group with a strong RP base that can grow into PVP, raids, etc.


I am still looking for 2 more people with guild leadership experience. We have grown to 11-14 members that play fairly regularly and we'll go from there. As I mentioned previously....it's not about spamming invites on Tython. It's about setting up a fun infrastructure now, so that other players can enjoy a nice gaming experience as soon as they start. Feel included and feel helped. See structure. See a chance to ascend. See fun.


If you have any questions PM me. I'll be on tonight.....



May the Force make you strong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm waiting to leave on guild and looking to join this one, but not until I see more constant appearances from you or the guild council. Also are you going to implement the same Je'daii ranking structure? Considering you are basing this off of the Je'daii order?


Do you have a PvP weapon's master to teach PvP to people? An Ops master to help teach and organize Ops?


It seems you already have a decent amount of experience, but I'm concerned about the amount of playing time you put in, and your other guild mates. I play regularly and Im stuck with a guild that is a control freak, The Great Je'daii Order, and I would like to leave and join, but need to join a guild that plays regularly


How many do you have on your roster?

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Sorry for the late reply:


HE has been playing sporadically because I've been OOT. Between my dad's birthday, my birthday, and the birth of my new nephew Mason (hooray!) - my play time has been limited.


So here's my update:


1) Love the live chat server - thanks for setting it up. Already have it downloaded.

2) I am back home and on near-constantly. I'm currently playing Josh'ua and Satori, primarily. Please feel free to add me and contact me - anytime.

3) I've added a few experienced players as leaders, but want to keep 2 slots open for initiates to "ascend".

4) The JEDl ORDER is nice guild. I should know - I have had two alts with you guys for over a year. So, respectfully, please take your veiled trolling to another place. I know what it takes to start and run a guild. I was the leader of POM in COH for almost a decade, had a huge GUILD in WOW, and was on almost every forum committee in every game I've played - so I've had direct access to input and testing. I'm not starting this guild to diddle away 2 hours a week based on a guild name. I'd like to create a themed group with a strong RP base that can grow into PVP, raids, etc.


I am still looking for 2 more people with guild leadership experience. We have grown to 11-14 members that play fairly regularly and we'll go from there. As I mentioned previously....it's not about spamming invites on Tython. It's about setting up a fun infrastructure now, so that other players can enjoy a nice gaming experience as soon as they start. Feel included and feel helped. See structure. See a chance to ascend. See fun.


If you have any questions PM me. I'll be on tonight.....



May the Force make you strong.


Also, is there another point of contact for your guild to speak with, since you are barely on?

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Also, is there another point of contact for your guild to speak with, since you are barely on?


I want to be polite and answer your questions as best I can, but you seem to have missed some of my previous replies. I'll try to update you as best I can:


1) I said a week ago we were at 14 active members in this thread (scroll up). That number is up to about 19, now.

2) YES - it based of the Je'daii Order from the books. The guild ranks match, as well - Padawan, Journeyer, Ranger, Master, Temple Master.

3) YES we have Ops Leaders - Myself and Alara.

4) NO we do not have a PVP Leader, yet.

5) There are multiple people you can contact in-game: Targaryen, Danâ, Darc, Joshuâ, Murtiel, Dinah, Alara, Jâden, Satori - and myself on several alt characters.


Your comments about my availability confuse me. I don't think you're trolling, but I've been online every single day for weeks - and for multiple hours a day. However, since I already have 6 55s, I tend to bounce around alts a lot. That way the stories stay fresher. Rest assured - we're around.


In the month since a posted this: I've taken my re-rolled Satori back up to level 31 and got his Master title, have my new smuggler Josh'ua up to level 28 and have my new Sith Inquisitor Satøri up to level 17. It's hard to put up 77 total levels in around 2 weeks if you're not playing a fairly decent amount. ; )


Perhaps you should try adding my names to your characters, as I have suggested previously in this post. Others seem to have no problem contacting me in-game. I'm primarily playing Josh'ua on the republic side right now. I want to wait until some of the newer members catch up before playing Satori again. I have a 55 Sage in the guild for Ops/PVP and players that need help.


Hope this answers your questions. Feel free to post or PM your character names, as well. I/we are always around to help.


May the Force make you strong.

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I want to be polite and answer your questions as best I can, but you seem to have missed some of my previous replies. I'll try to update you as best I can:


1) I said a week ago we were at 14 active members in this thread (scroll up). That number is up to about 19, now.

2) YES - it based of the Je'daii Order from the books. The guild ranks match, as well - Padawan, Journeyer, Ranger, Master, Temple Master.

3) YES we have Ops Leaders - Myself and Alara.

4) NO we do not have a PVP Leader, yet.

5) There are multiple people you can contact in-game: Targaryen, Danâ, Darc, Joshuâ, Murtiel, Dinah, Alara, Jâden, Satori - and myself on several alt characters.


Your comments about my availability confuse me. I don't think you're trolling, but I've been online every single day for weeks - and for multiple hours a day. However, since I already have 6 55s, I tend to bounce around alts a lot. That way the stories stay fresher. Rest assured - we're around.


In the month since a posted this: I've taken my re-rolled Satori back up to level 31 and got his Master title, have my new smuggler Josh'ua up to level 28 and have my new Sith Inquisitor Satøri up to level 17. It's hard to put up 77 total levels in around 2 weeks if you're not playing a fairly decent amount. ; )


Perhaps you should try adding my names to your characters, as I have suggested previously in this post. Others seem to have no problem contacting me in-game. I'm primarily playing Josh'ua on the republic side right now. I want to wait until some of the newer members catch up before playing Satori again. I have a 55 Sage in the guild for Ops/PVP and players that need help.


Hope this answers your questions. Feel free to post or PM your character names, as well. I/we are always around to help.


May the Force make you strong.


Sorry if the tone sounded harsh. Not my intention. Thanks or the name references. It seems that I miss you when you are on, and I want to leave a guild that claims the "Je'daii" name, but has zero Je'daii structure (if that makes sense).


I'll message the people above. Thanks :)

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Sorry if the tone sounded harsh. Not my intention. Thanks or the name references. It seems that I miss you when you are on, and I want to leave a guild that claims the "Je'daii" name, but has zero Je'daii structure (if that makes sense).


I'll message the people above. Thanks :)


That is why I am missing you. I keep looking for Satori

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