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So many noobs QQing...


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Seriously its the first day of PRE- (PRE) ill say again first day of PRE launch. Why are people making such stupid posts about omg omg i didnt get in, or omg omg horrible launch. Really dude how about waiting till the game is out globably and atleast a month into it.

Are you that pathetic to not understand Great things take time? :mad:

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People are frustrated because their friends are playing, or because they're afraid their server will be full or their name taken. It's natural.


The fact is that it has always, ALWAYS, been first-come, first-serve in terms of preorder codes and getting into launch. If you just bought TOR last week; well, sorry, but you won't get quite as much time as people who ordered the game 2 hours after it was announced on July 21. Just try to be patient and realize that a smooth launch (server/ stability -wise) is much more important to the future of this game than you securing the name Nooby on your server of choice...

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People are frustrated because their friends are playing, or because they're afraid their server will be full or their name taken. It's natural.


The fact is that it has always, ALWAYS, been first-come, first-serve in terms of preorder codes and getting into launch. If you just bought TOR last week; well, sorry, but you won't get quite as much time as people who ordered the game 2 hours after it was announced on July 21. Just try to be patient and realize that a smooth launch (server/ stability -wise) is much more important to the future of this game than you securing the name Nooby on your server of choice...


Actually I preordered Old Republic first day and entered my code and I didnt get in. So I have a right to be pissed. I could careless about my name. I can make a million of those. Im not gonna cancel but this is a massive injustice.

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Seriously its the first day of PRE- (PRE) ill say again first day of PRE launch. Why are people making such stupid posts about omg omg i didnt get in, or omg omg horrible launch. Really dude how about waiting till the game is out globably and atleast a month into it.

Are you that pathetic to not understand Great things take time? :mad:


Add yourself to the list of noobs QQ'ing. /thread

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Actually I preordered Old Republic first day and entered my code and I didnt get in. So I have a right to be pissed. I could careless about my name. I can make a million of those. Im not gonna cancel but this is a massive injustice.


Unfortunately, either one of two things is happening. 1) You're lying about this (because I know people in the game who entered their preorder code AFTER the first day). or 2) something happened with your account and you should really make sure that everything is in order.


Because although they didn't quite get through inviting everyone from July, I'm fairly certain every single person from July 21 is in the game...


Honestly you should double check that your code was entered properly, etc. I'm quite sure they wouldn't just randomly skip over people in the invitation process...

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the biggest fact is that it is unfair to let some play 7days early and not others. This is the only time I have ever seen a new game do this and I think it is wrong and unfair to all thos that have preordered. Edited by wolann
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Seriously its the first day of PRE- (PRE) ill say again first day of PRE launch. Why are people making such stupid posts about omg omg i didnt get in, or omg omg horrible launch. Really dude how about waiting till the game is out globably and atleast a month into it.

Are you that pathetic to not understand Great things take time? :mad:


well, XxxunrealXX420leetxx, paying 160$, taking a day off work, and having BW stop the waves at noon.

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Actually I preordered Old Republic first day and entered my code and I didnt get in. So I have a right to be pissed. I could careless about my name. I can make a million of those. Im not gonna cancel but this is a massive injustice.


You wouldn't know a 'massive injustice' if it hit you on the head. Get a grip and stop being such a drama queen. :rolleyes:

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I just got TOR last week. I expect people to get in earlier. But if it isnt globally launched yet, dont qq just because your friend got in before you. Even if you pre-ordered at the same time. Its a game. Life isn't perfect. Electronics and technology always has errors. Settle down be patient. If your friends chose to go ahead without you thats your fault. Bioware cannot conform to each and every individuals needs.

It takes time to be polished. Would you rather the servers crash? Instability issues. Its much easier to assess situations with smaller numbers.

The game has a whole week before it even officially launches man. You are given a privelege to be able to play the game early. Take advantage and try to help them. Dont hate and make it harder on them. thats pathetic.

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the biggest fact is that it is unfair to let some play 7days early and not others. This is the only time I have ever seen a new game do this and I think it is wrong and unfair to all thos that have preordered.


And would you rather wait a couple days to play the game, or risk the entire server structure from collapsing? I know I'm exaggerating, but their number one concern is to conduct a safe and slow expansion of their servers and secure a good launch. In 6 months, no one will give a crap about that one extra day your buddy had to level up on Korriban...


I should also point out that it has been clearly stated FROM THE BEGINNING that Early Access would be staggered based on pre-orders. This was not some sketchy thing done at the last second. Seems fair to me, since they were at least open about how it was going to go down.

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Seriously its the first day of PRE- (PRE) ill say again first day of PRE launch. Why are people making such stupid posts about omg omg i didnt get in, or omg omg horrible launch. Really dude how about waiting till the game is out globably and atleast a month into it.

Are you that pathetic to not understand Great things take time? :mad:


woot, another gloating thread


i wonder which are worse, people who hurt and cry , or people who laugh disrespectfully , gloat and grin at people who are voicing their hurt.


you sir lack empathy and fall under the category of the the gloat-troll ...which is the worst troll on the forum


congrats on your new forum title the gloat-troll xUnrealxx

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Because they stole your preorder fee so you could sit their and watch your email till the 19th. Only reason for a Preorder is Automatic beta access or early start in game. You don't get beta or early access for SWTOR preorder. So please explain what was the point or taking more of my money for Preorder? Oh thats right so I would sit here reading your forums and listening to my guild mates play in vent. Will never preorder another EA or BW game EVER. Their is no point I would rather of waiting till the 20th and not spent the extra money to sit here waiting on a fraking email.
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Because they stole your preorder fee so you could sit their and watch your email till the 19th. Only reason for a Preorder is Automatic beta access or early start in game. You don't get beta or early access for SWTOR preorder. So please explain what was the point or taking more of my money for Preorder? Oh thats right so I would sit here reading your forums and listening to my guild mates play in vent. Will never preorder another EA or BW game EVER. Their is no point I would rather of waiting till the 20th and not spent the extra money to sit here waiting on a fraking email.


k so i didnt pay more money for pre order.. tihi on you!:D

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Actually I preordered Old Republic first day and entered my code and I didnt get in. So I have a right to be pissed. I could careless about my name. I can make a million of those. Im not gonna cancel but this is a massive injustice.


An injustice? I hightly doubt they have taken away any of your liberties as a human being by not putting you into the game first. Learn what the real definition of injustice is.

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