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GSF, Love, And Scoreboards

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Lots of angst and hate going around. Let's channel our thoughts and feelings on a group activity. The scoreboard is a long held tradition for PvPers. It let's you know who did what, and, more importantly yet less clearly, who is top dog. Or does it?


The GSF scoreboard organizes by kills, highest on top. Does this mean the top killer is the best player? Does the KD ratio matter more? Where do assists fit in? Will certain ship roles always float to the top? Where should each ship role look to, in order to know if they're doing it right? Should I get Mountain Dew or Mello Yello from this drink machine?


My thoughts are that scouts and gunships generally do the most damage/kills. Strikes next, then bombers. I feel like the KD ratio will generally be a good metric to follow for contribution. 1:1 or better being ideal. I am not sure how to judge assists. Looking forward to hearing how others do.


...and I got Mello Yello.

Edited by JeepWithGuy
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I think it should auto sort by medals. Invariably this will mean that most often those who contributed the most will be top of the pile. Those with kill + objective medals in a Dom match will be top, regardless of how many kills they got.
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