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Pyrotech PvE and PvP rotation


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Havn't done much pvp yet but for pve i do this:


For single target dps up to strong


Incendiary Missile > Rail Shot > Unload > (RS if it procs) > Power shot > (RS if it procs) > Rapid shot x? until dead


Doing it this way gives you max chances to proc your free Railshots with unload followed by Power Shot. If somehow the mob is still alive by the time unload comes back up I use that again. Heat should be back to 0 before you go onto your next mob


For elite/champion mobs:


Fusion Missile > Incendiary Missile > Rail Shot > Unload > (RS if procs) > Rapid Shot > Power Shot > (RS if procs) > Rapid Shot > Unload


you shoudl be in a good spot as far as heat goes and if not, you can rapid shot it down and let the dots do the work for a little while. After my opener i use a priority list: RS>IM>Unload>PS

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Pyrotech is more of a dot class than single target. In pvp the job of a dot class is to panic the healers, causing as much damage as possible on as many targets possible. Incendiary missle running on 2-3+ people at all times is what you should be aiming for. Rapid shots to toss around the gas cylinder dot helps also. A lot of people think of this as padding the meters, but all of your enemies need to die, you are still doing damage. Explosive dart/thermal grenade when they are bunched up or you are bursting someone down.


For single target burst, like bursting a healer down, you want to open with incendiary missle followed by explosive dart/thermal grenade. Then unload, flame burst, and rail shot. Then stun and rocket punch, they should be about dead, if needed a death from above should finish them off if they didnt use any cooldowns.


For heat management, you just need to watch your rail shot procs. You cannot go overboard with your heat and you need to ration it. Use vent heat early and often, and whenever a rail shot procs you want to use it as soon as possible.

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Pyrotech is more of a dot class than single target. In pvp the job of a dot class is to panic the healers, causing as much damage as possible on as many targets possible. Incendiary missle running on 2-3+ people at all times is what you should be aiming for. Rapid shots to toss around the gas cylinder dot helps also. A lot of people think of this as padding the meters, but all of your enemies need to die, you are still doing damage. Explosive dart/thermal grenade when they are bunched up or you are bursting someone down.


For single target burst, like bursting a healer down, you want to open with incendiary missle followed by explosive dart/thermal grenade. Then unload, flame burst, and rail shot. Then stun and rocket punch, they should be about dead, if needed a death from above should finish them off if they didnt use any cooldowns.


For heat management, you just need to watch your rail shot procs. You cannot go overboard with your heat and you need to ration it. Use vent heat early and often, and whenever a rail shot procs you want to use it as soon as possible.


Except, you know, mercenaries don't get flameburst.

Edited by Deaga
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Do you have Muzzle Fluting from the Arsenal tree (6 points)? 9 heat cost reduction on Power Shot is a huge difference. Honestly I think that should be moved down to tier 1 in the Arsenal tree or made baseline, because its pretty much required to do any decent damage as a Mercenary.
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Early pyrotech is tough. Once you get 3/3 Rain of Fire (just be sure to keep the burn dot up), 2/2 superheated rail and 3/3 PPA you can put out some sick damage on the go.


You do have to watch the heat, esp. if you opt for missle blast over power shot (I know, sacrilege), but it can be managed with a lot of rapid shots weaving (which gets a 9% dmg boost with Rain of Fire...yum) and free rail procs (which also act as a heat dump once you're 2/2 superheated rail).


Btw, the only channel casts I use now are unload and concussion (I like to concussion in pvp as an oh crap button). Unload is nice b/c it procs the free rail at the beginning of the channel, so you can interrupt it and still get a tick of damage off before you continue to kite and strafe.


edit: The bulk of my rotation is rapid, missile blast, IM, unload and rail not necessarily in that order.

Edited by Phrase
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  • 2 weeks later...
So, are Explosive Dart and Missile Blast sort of useless to the Pyrotech Merc?


If not useless, extremely situational?


I rarely use Missile Blast but I use Explosvie Dart all the time PVE. It's way to useful for me to lock down an enemy and it does decent damage and heat is pretty low.

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Pyrotech is more of a dot class than single target. In pvp the job of a dot class is to panic the healers, causing as much damage as possible on as many targets possible


after 3 bomb u take overheat and stop damage.. dot-bomb crits maximum 500 damage, its nothing for SWTOR healers..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Pyrotech is more of a dot class than single target. In pvp the job of a dot class is to panic the healers, causing as much damage as possible on as many targets possible. Incendiary missle running on 2-3+ people at all times is what you should be aiming for. Rapid shots to toss around the gas cylinder dot helps also. A lot of people think of this as padding the meters, but all of your enemies need to die, you are still doing damage. Explosive dart/thermal grenade when they are bunched up or you are bursting someone down.


For single target burst, like bursting a healer down, you want to open with incendiary missle followed by explosive dart/thermal grenade. Then unload, flame burst, and rail shot. Then stun and rocket punch, they should be about dead, if needed a death from above should finish them off if they didnt use any cooldowns.


For heat management, you just need to watch your rail shot procs. You cannot go overboard with your heat and you need to ration it. Use vent heat early and often, and whenever a rail shot procs you want to use it as soon as possible.


ok your not going to be able to run incendiary missiles on three targets, and even if you could the damage from doing just that would be horrible beyond words. Might as well just use rapid shot over and over, it would do more for you. You do realize that using 3 missiles is 75% of your heat, and the higher your heat is the harder it is to get to a smaller number, meaning you can't really afford to get your heat over 20% or your dps will tank hard. Your idea of dot class and keeping dots on people is ill advised to say the very least.

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So, are Explosive Dart and Missile Blast sort of useless to the Pyrotech Merc?


If not useless, extremely situational?


Explosive gets replaced by Thermal Detonator. Explosive is still an aoe whereas Thermal is single target;however they share the same CD, so in pvp the Explosive aoe isn't really worth putting Thermal on CD for.


As for Missile Blast, it's still on my toolbar as an "always up" finisher if I need it, but tbh it would always be better to opt for Fusion with Power Surge if they're up (and with TSO, it's pretty much one of our best attacks).

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