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Opening a dialog with "THE SQUADRONS"


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I gots a 55 Pubside on JC. Is this gonna be a thing?

No plans for JC. I've been there already and transferred off. TEH is better, IMO. Come join us on Harbinger if you're looking to branch out.


If you can handle being Irrelevant.



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No plans for JC. I've been there already and transferred off. TEH is better, IMO. Come join us on Harbinger if you're looking to branch out.


If you can handle being Irrelevant.




Of course I can handle being irrelevant!


I'm married.

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Just a little defense for all of the people on the JC.


In the beginning the imps got rolled period. I myself got rolled. Didn't like it but I did not complain about it. And I leveled up and mastered the ships I needed to help my team win.


What I did was the old saying "if ya can't beat them join them". The first person I talked to was I-toon. And I was the first imp to contact him. All I said was he was a really good pilot, and that got the ball rolling on bringing the "hated pub premade" to the darkside with help from another person.( he knows who he is ) I think its funny how some have ranted about the "hated pub premade" on the JC and unknowningly flown with them on the imp side.


Now the balance most feel has come to the JC is because of myself and others who saw the imbalance and did our best to change it. And I think we did. Not taking away from the imp only pilots who slugged through and played only imp side.


I could literaly tell you all from the aces thread who is the same player from pub to imp.


The point is regaurdless of which side you play on you can meet and make friends with the other side. Who knows you may just find you all don't have as many differences as you imagine.


Just play the game! Get it out of your head your preconceived notions about what's OP and what's not. Play what you want and quit QQing about this or that. MAKE FRIENDS with everybody!


Mr. SIM I also consider you a friend just as I consider many other pilots on my two mains SithAce and Skywallkr who fly on different sides. I have to scroll my friends page on both toons and I will fly with anyone on any side in GSF.


Hey if you fly on the Harbinger please feel free to friend me their too, names are the same as in my signature.

Edited by SithAceI
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I was part of that infamous republic pre-made at the start of GSF on JC. Udezak (I haven't seen him in months), I-Toon and others got together and we had some good times ;)


I could go at length explaining why our "squadron" drifted apart, but to make a long story short instead of creating there own squadrons, some players decided to come on the forums and make QQ threads about it. There are other reasons, but that 1 stands out as the biggest reason in my humble opinion (Proving that psychological warfare works :eek:)


Now, i mostly solo q and occasionally i have a few buddies i group with (Backup, Thad and a few others) when i log on and i have to get my GSF fix :p


And the reason i changed is to get a bigger challenge. I should make a toon on a pvp server. Bastion?


Edit: I forgot to mention Skywallkr i group with or fly against. Good times dude, good times :D

Edited by BattleDress
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Just a little defense for all of the people on the JC.


In the beginning the imps got rolled period. I myself got rolled. Didn't like it but I did not complain about it. And I leveled up and mastered the ships I needed to help my team win.


What I did was the old saying "if ya can't beat them join them". The first person I talked to was I-toon. And I was the first imp to contact him. All I said was he was a really good pilot, and that got the ball rolling on bringing the "hated pub premade" to the darkside with help from another person.( he knows who he is ) I think its funny how some have ranted about the "hated pub premade" on the JC and unknowningly flown with them on the imp side.


Now the balance most feel has come to the JC is because of myself and others who saw the imbalance and did our best to change it. And I think we did. Not taking away from the imp only pilots who slugged through and played only imp side.


I could literaly tell you all from the aces thread who is the same player from pub to imp.


The point is regaurdless of which side you play on you can meet and make friends with the other side. Who knows you may just find you all don't have as many differences as you imagine.


Just play the game! Get it out of your head your preconceived notions about what's OP and what's not. Play what you want and quit QQing about this or that. MAKE FRIENDS with everybody!


Mr. SIM I also consider you a friend just as I consider many other pilots on my two mains SithAce and Skywallkr who fly on different sides. I have to scroll my friends page on both toons and I will fly with anyone on any side in GSF.


Hey if you fly on the Harbinger please feel free to friend me their too, names are the same as in my signature.


I'm amazed you bagged Skywalkr on The Harbinger, though Sithace is probably just random enough.


I don't think it was ever the "hated Premades" for my perspective, there is only one Repub name I feel close to haterd for, I have never named him in the public forum though and won't start now. I have decribed the person to the point that other players figured who I was talking about and proceeded to not tel me I was wrong about the guy.


No for me it was always "/sigh Premades" I've dropped match less then 10 times mostly because I was in a moment of "I really don't want t deal with this, I just want to fly. Not respawn a bunch." Fair reasons I think, I didn't find some list of JC premaders(nor do I keep my own physical list) to drop out of matches on either. I learned by playing which names needed to be watched.


I also followed guild tags, and a lot of the infamous premades were a hodgepodge of an assortment of guilds. So It wasn't exactly Guildies flying together, which Trinity is where I put a few nail in the "Just want to fly with friends argument".


I slogged through it all, still que and earned every one of my battle stripes. This thread has never been about me it's been about the people I can in good conscience bring to GSF(more so in the early days) because I knew they would have gotten scared off by constant losses.

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