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Remove rating for yoloqueue


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Yoloqueue is a joke,its not competitive and its rng based.

The fact yoloqueuers get the same rewards as people who play actual competitive pvp is hilarious.

Keep the ranked comms for yoloqueue but remove all rating and season rewards+dailies,these should be exclusive to group ranked to encourage people to make teams and stop being yoloqueue heros that haven't got a clue how to play their class but are still regarded as tier one?rofl I could link so many streams where players with over 2k solo rating try group ranked and get beat down soooo bad because they dont know basic mechanics like cleanse and when to use CC breaker.These people should not get the same rewards as people that play competitive ranked because they are lucky with rng yoloqueue.


Group ranked is suffering because of these people too scared to play competitive and want easy rating yolo queue.If we remove rating they will be forced to play proper ranked and that would be good for every team as increasing playerbase will make more even based games with new matchmaking..


I doubt BW will do anything but I felt this needs to be said...

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Yoloqueue is a joke,its not competitive and its rng based...


Group ranked is suffering because of these people too scared to play competitive and want easy rating yolo queue.If we remove rating they will be forced to play proper ranked and that would be good for every team as increasing playerbase will make more even based games with new matchmaking..


I doubt BW will do anything but I felt this needs to be said...


Group ranked would still suffer. If solo queue was removed, ranked would only really exist on the 1-2 PvP servers that can support it.


I agree with you that solo queue has problems, but getting rid of it would simply hasten the demise of ranked WZs altogether.

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Agreed infact IMO in a game with a competitive scene as small as this, they should just remove the current rating system entirely, it's cancer for the size ofthe game.. and replace it with a monthly tournament or league or something..This and introduce challenge modes for 4v4 and 8v8 for community organised events or grudge matches.... K thx and bye


Main reason people don't queue is cause they don't wanna lose rating facing the same team time after time... Most people care too much about the number hence won't lose to these teams over and over to improve.... Hence less teams queuing.


having a tournament or league (with rewards of ) for a week at the end of the month with 3 weeks of non rated group arena queues to prepare for it would be IMO the way forward and get more people playing.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I disagree and agreeing in the same time here. Remember this game is probably made for the casual players now and it’s a perfect way for people that don’t have the time to do group rank and feel competitive in a casual way.


Yes it is a problem that Solo Rank is more easier to obtain the rewards the Group Rank making Group Rank Suffer allot. What makes it even worse is that what is the first thing u see when u enter the leaderboards? U see Solo

Rank tab firs before Group Rank. It’s sad because people will notice Solo rank more than Group Rank that I believe group rank shows u more skill and Team play then SR does


Bad enough we don’t have cross sever ofc but that’s not the case here on our serve ToFN it should be plenty of team queuing for Group Rank but for some reason people go for the short Cut And trying their luck on SR. I believe half that doing SR are ready to step in to Group Rank the problem is


1. as I said before easier to get the rewards as it’s the exactly same rewards a group rank

2. People to lazy or feel they are not viable in Group Rank

3. People simply afraid to queue against strong team and get stumped (This can be avoided if more people queue for (Group Rank)


What I believe that can be change at list for the right direction, Have Separate and unique Reward for Both Group Ranked and Solo Rank, and maybe make GR Rewards a bit more Unique. Why? Because then we will have more activity where the true competition lies. Having Daily doing rank was a genius move I have to say very good move :) but I feel like Group Rank need more attention. There will be less wining about hybrids ruin Solo Rank and people will have more fun playing with your friends in Group Rank then going in to solo rank alone.

Isn’t this game focus to play with your friends and family and be social? Then Group Rank need more attention :) pls. at list lessen to what I have to say here. This is somewhat will save the rest of us that still enjoy playing this game for the competitive sake.


Removing Solo Rank is to Drastic its there to stay, Giving Group Rank more attention and promotion is what it need, to get more people playing in Team!

Edited by KalElc
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I disagree and agreeing in the same time here. Remember this game is probably made for the casual players now and it’s a perfect way for people that don’t have the time to do group rank and feel competitive in a casual way.


Yes it is a problem that Solo Rank is more easier to obtain the rewards the Group Rank making Group Rank Suffer allot.


Why you dude dont play solo ranked your republic sentinel instead of your marauder? Feel lack of skill? Or lack of balls? :rolleyes:

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I disagree and agreeing in the same time here. Remember this game is probably made for the casual players now and it’s a perfect way for people that don’t have the time to do group rank and feel competitive in a casual way.


Yes it is a problem that Solo Rank is more easier to obtain the rewards the Group Rank making Group Rank Suffer allot. What makes it even worse is that what is the first thing u see when u enter the leaderboards? U see Solo

Rank tab firs before Group Rank. It’s sad because people will notice Solo rank more than Group Rank that I believe group rank shows u more skill and Team play then SR does


Bad enough we don’t have cross sever ofc but that’s not the case here on our serve ToFN it should be plenty of team queuing for Group Rank but for some reason people go for the short Cut And trying their luck on SR. I believe half that doing SR are ready to step in to Group Rank the problem is


1. as I said before easier to get the rewards as it’s the exactly same rewards a group rank

2. People to lazy or feel they are not viable in Group Rank

3. People simply afraid to queue against strong team and get stumped (This can be avoided if more people queue for (Group Rank)


What I believe that can be change at list for the right direction, Have Separate and unique Reward for Both Group Ranked and Solo Rank, and maybe make GR Rewards a bit more Unique. Why? Because then we will have more activity where the true competition lies. Having Daily doing rank was a genius move I have to say very good move :) but I feel like Group Rank need more attention. There will be less wining about hybrids ruin Solo Rank and people will have more fun playing with your friends in Group Rank then going in to solo rank alone.

Isn’t this game focus to play with your friends and family and be social? Then Group Rank need more attention :) pls. at list lessen to what I have to say here. This is somewhat will save the rest of us that still enjoy playing this game for the competitive sake.


Removing Solo Rank is to Drastic its there to stay, Giving Group Rank more attention and promotion is what it need, to get more people playing in Team!


OK! Keep sync queue 4ever :) Much competetive matches, if you've got 2+ ppl in your team against pug :) I wish you good luck and to be at top in leaderboard :)

Edited by Czaro
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YoloQ is garbage for the same reason that Group Ranked is garbage...No XServer Qs. Competitive PvP in this game is dead as a result, and removing Rating from Yolo wouldn't make a d*mn difference.


Force players to run Group Ranked for Rating and you will get maybe 6 teams queuing Group Ranked instead of 2 because the Matchmaking system is dogsh*t, and that's on the high and mighty PvP Servers.


SWTOR = Casual PvP...and it gets moreso with each update.

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You probably have 20 teams across all servers queuing now. Make what you want of that.


People are no longer willing to reroll tank/healer when their current one goes elsewhere. Finding a tank/healer that is of the level required in team ranked and not currently in one is harder than winning a solo ranked match.


The investment needed in team ranked is huge, people are no longer willing to put it in. PS being ROFLSTOMPED in team is less fun than the RNG q that is solo ranked.


So many things wrong with PVP in this game I give up now. People say the devs don't care. The fact that Linkedin shows 3 developers working on SWTOR is even more hilarious.

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I want an indicator on how good I am, who is better than me and who is worse than me.


rofl I seen your stream vs roudys team then you get roflstomped and stop queueing,you want an indicator on how good you are?here it is http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611687866071223820 you have 1434 actual rating.You cant even use your breaker right in rwz...


Edited by Aehgo
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It's cute the OP thinks there are enough people playing ranked arenas to be able to get rid of solo queue ranking.


People on my server are begging and I do mean BEGGING to get people to queue for ranked games. You somehow think that the absent population that isn't even queuing for solo will all of a suddenly form teams and do group ranked?


Good grief you are out of touch with reality and your narcissistic elitist attitude will be the death of ranked PVP.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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yeah vs who?

I know you played vs roudy,got r4ped and rage quit,pls do tell who the other wins were vs and why you dont queue at prime time.


1. We didnt rage quit. I was just raging a little.

2. I guess we can all agree that Roudy's team is better than ours.

3. How well a team performs is not only personal skill, but also how the team plays together. A team playing together for about 1 hour obviously has a disadvantage against a team that played 500+? games in season 1.

4. It was just a fun group derping around a little. Nothing too serious.

5. Who are you again? The Jugg I played with once, that didnt even slow the melee that were tunneling your Sorcs?

6. I agree, that I **** up my breaker sometimes, but I am pretty sure I do alright most of the time.

7. How many op healers out there would you personally rate higher than me?

8. Why didnt we face your team? Where were you? Did we ever play against eachother?

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I want an indicator on how good I am, who is better than me and who is worse than me.


Indicator? Sorry, what? To me you are completely the same as the guy who has 1500 rating in soloq. It tells me absolutely nothing. Its soloq, my friend, which means absolutely nothing.

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