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What Combat Meters/Parse Programs are ACTUALLY For.


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First off, I raided end game content for years in Everquest 2.


We used a program called ACT.



Some individuals (myself included) like the challenge of figuring out the best ability rotations / gear combos to give us optimum dps output.


The meter, is almost entirely for myself. To be completely honest, for now I would be totally content with only being able to have a personal DPS meter that no one else could see. For the most part I really don't care what other people are doing as long as they aren't getting face rolled by mobs aoe's when they should have moved their butts out of the way.


I never looked at ACT and saw someone who did worse than me and said "OMG YOU SUCK". Most of the time I realized that as an end game (and somewhat hard core) raider I was performing at a level because I really wanted to try to be the best. That doesn't mean that I should expect anyone else to do the same.


in EQ2 Almost all content was clearable by the everyday player. There were only a handful of zones that were exceptionally difficult.


This is how it should be because you really need to create content for those fanatics (like myself) that is incredibly challenging and requires precision team work to the level that requires intense parse scrutiny and teamwork like clockwork. There are ALOT of us out there and it's a good compromise to keep us happy despite the easier regular content.


The rest of the content (which is the mass majority) is for everyone as is there to keep everyone happy.


YES of course there will be kids that spam and are idiots with the dps meters and parse programs. There will also be elitist jerks who think anyone that isn't the best is beneath them (at some point I think those individuals lose sight of the fact that this is a game and everyone enjoys their game a little differently).


Please bring us a combat log and allow us some way of tracking DPS even if it's only on a personal level. Those of us that really care will eventually start sharing numbers and specs and we can start at least the very basics of figuring our characters out. Some of us crave the challenge of getting the MOST out of our characters (that does not mean that everyone has to. Some people like to get every damn collectable and achievement in every game they play. I don't have the patience for this.


Combat logs at the very least are not in the way and easily ignorable. Having a personal DPS meter could be optional and so once again ignorable by those that don't really care.


As for dps meters ruining group combat because people see only the parse. This is a very shallow argument. IF (which is almost NEVER). I ask someone to leave a group it has nothing to do with their dps 99% of the time. IF I ask someone to leave it is because they will not follow instructions and are causing group wipes due to breaking CC or standing in (very obvious) aoes.


I understand the casual gamers fear or reluctance for the damage meter but there HAS to be a way for those of us that are willing to spend the time tackling the nigh impossible content to squeak every last bit of performance out of our characters. Right now I feel like I'm just taking a guess based on "how fast" a mob dies. This guessing is taking away from some of the fun as gear and CA's are just kind of a whatever looks cooler and is slightly better kind of feel to it. I don't know what gear to hold onto (if any) I can't optimize in any way.


I hope some form of Parse system gets implemented soon so I can start getting into the gritty details. I LOVE the story and its taking me forever to level because I want to listen and watch every little cut scene but I am so far from feeling like my character is approaching the completeness or optimization that she could be that I am only half satisfied =(




I also have to add that the Parse programs allow for timing monsters different AOE abilities and what not which is INCREDIBLY useful for figuring out when not to be standing around or near them =P Or when to throw that interupt or CC. When used for this function parse programs are actually extremely useful for more casual players as it can help coordinate strangers to move their butts in a more cohesive fashion =P

Edited by DragnHuntr
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I am bumping this in the hopes that we can have a decent discussion without the flaming or elitist attitudes.


I might have missed some good points for allowing combat meters / parses and their might be down sides other then the elitist flaming/trolling that I am missing. I am obviously biased for parse programs so I know my opinion is only one side of the coin.

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100% agree. A Combat Log to allow a third party website access to would be just as nice. When I say a third party website I mean in the fashion of World of Logs where it's extracted through a program that gathers all of that data stored in the combat log on your computer and puts into a nice graphical website. I don't need a real-time meter except when I'm trying to measure differences on a training dummy (which would also be nice to have). Face it, certain bosses in raid encounters required a minimum group DPS to get down and I'd like to know what my part is in it.
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I personally don't see anything wrong with a tool that measures how much damage you're doing.


I too used ACT for your same reason - to optimize my rotation and to see what skills are priority. It also did a few other things for our guild, too:


- Initiated race/class discussion

- Promoted more in-depth learning and theorizing about your class (and encounters)

- Made us a better guild. Sounds silly, but the people who look at damage meters as a self-improvement and educational tool and were smart enough to figure it out, ended up doing a whole lot better in encounters. If everyone does better: the guild does better.


I'm speaking in terms of classes who focus on damage. BUT it allowed tanks and healers to get some data on their classes, too.


It boils down to the person. The people who are a little deeper into their hobby re-tool and rework their strategies, gear, specialization, and rotation to achieve something better. Those that just want to whip it out and measure it up against somebody elses can do that on their own time.


Just disable a reporting button. That's what seems to turn people off, idiots spamming damage meters.



PLEASE NOTE that this game will NEED a comprehensive breakdown and parsing of all events during combat. Not just dps = total damage / encounter length and all the mouthbreathers rejoice. Take ACT for an example.

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Having been a raid leader in WoW for a while, I have an understanding of what DPS meters are for. I realize they have legitimate uses.


At the same time, you have to admit there are a lot of people who use DPS meters in all the wrong ways, whether as justification for belittling other players or boasting about their own superiority, or in some cases as an excuse for bad tactics that get the party killed ("I couldn't move out of the fire, moving would hurt my dps!")


As such, I am somewhat torn on the subject. I recognize the desire of players to have the tools to evaluate and improve their own performance, and of leaders to evaluate and improve the performance of their group. At the same time, I don't want to see WoW-style idiocy encouraged in this game.

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