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Master Strike


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Hi Sentinels!


With the up-coming buffs to watchman spec, I've taken my very dusty sent of the shelf and have been doing my best to melt, or at least slightly-thaw, others between pesky cleanses. But I've run into a difficult decision while playing. Is master strike worth it?


It hits so wonderfully hard, but can it be considered it that useful when it's so touchy and cuts into rotation-times? The sticky guide was great, but was more pve oriented in this matter, while I'm looking at pvp. In warzones it's even less likely to get off an entire MS with all the speeds, stuns, pulls, knock backs ect. Not even getting into the reduction of taunts/guards. That and the priority of merciless slash/cauterize. With full stacks of merciless, it's cool-down would end sooner (assuming the caut-proc) then master strike channel + GCD would finish, but dropping master strike at that point would make is useless (missing out on that sweet, sweet final tick). With such a focus-starved spec is it better to try and use this very-delicate, free(possibly even granting focus)/high-damage move and cut into some of my priority 'rotation' or to do other, shorter filler in addition to z-strike/forceleap?


Obviously there is a time and place for all things in pvp, I'm just wondering how much of, if it is, a 'priority' and how-often most of you keep it on cool-down in a 'standard' fight.

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I think the important thing to remember about Master Strike is that it will generally evoke a response. And there are times when that comes in handy. Let's say an operative who is going to dodge the 3rd hit. Getting them to use their dodge prior to DOTing them up will be important once the DOTs become uncleansable. Or trying to draw out a knockback attack from someone so you can charge back in and give them one less kiting option as you build stacks of Juyo and DOTs. Even opening up on a healer that you won't kill will probably convince them to cancel their big heal on an ally and try to get away.


So even if Master Strike doesn't completely land, it can still be used to great effect in PvP.

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I think the important thing to remember about Master Strike is that it will generally evoke a response. And there are times when that comes in handy. Let's say an operative who is going to dodge the 3rd hit. Getting them to use their dodge prior to DOTing them up will be important once the DOTs become uncleansable. Or trying to draw out a knockback attack from someone so you can charge back in and give them one less kiting option as you build stacks of Juyo and DOTs. Even opening up on a healer that you won't kill will probably convince them to cancel their big heal on an ally and try to get away.


So even if Master Strike doesn't completely land, it can still be used to great effect in PvP.


This is something i never seen mentioned a lot but something that i often do on my jugg tank. People are just afraid off the third hit and will often blow something just to miss it. It's more satisfying when fully tank spec'd as they are that weary of the attack they dont realize your's actually hits for nothing compared to the DPS guys.

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I have been playing watchman since release and this is how I utilize master strike:


In the beginning of the fight I would use it only after doing the standard rotation. However, after you start getting some merciless stacks, try to time your master strike JUST as your merciless slash is coming off CD so you do a master strike ---> merciless slash combo back to back (similar to that of combat: master strike ---> blade storm).


Also, never EVER forget that you can actually "clip" the channeling of master strike 0.4-0.5 seconds before it actually finishes. It may be a bit tricky, but with some practice you will be able to do it just fine and you will use that extra time to do an immediate merciless slash. All of this results in some pretty formidable burst that usually catches healers of guard and reminds them how the ground tastes.

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