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So about that levelling curve.


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^^ Exactly - what happens if we did as suggested and take an hour off? They learn to play against bad pilots, and could develop start to develop bad habits. When the hot shots come back, not only will the newbs still get obliterated, but they could potentially be just playing wrong because they didn't learn the right way to play either by an ace or by getting face rolled from one
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I think I'm with Dailus. It isn't that hard. Req is fairly easy to come by. Most of us were competent pilots after a dozen or so games and had partially upgraded ships and could be competitive.

I too am an older gamer, who doesn't have the reflexes I had 25 years ago. I still come mid-upper table most matches, don't die too often, I feel I contribute a fair bit and have my fair share of MVPs for various things.


As for a noob hour, we were all noobs on the PTS before it was globally released.... I learned a lot of things. I'm still learning now.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I'd rather try to train people rather than ignoring them. Just leaving them on their own won't really help.


Agreed, they'll just get farmed harder when they go against vets because they'll develop techniques that work against newbies but not against vets.


If you're not going to train them I think the next best thing you can do is to be vocal in chat not to farm the other team when it's clear that it's going to be a blow out. At least then they might not be so discouraged that they never que again.


As for the OP's suggestion to lower prices I think either lowering the price by 25% or having a refund option (like how you can sell gear back to the vendor if you buy the wrong thing) would be good. The refund primarily being to allow them to buy a component and refund the component if they realize they don't like it (I'd not allow refunding after buying the T3 upgrade though, )

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I don't really mind the costs for component and tiers (though 15k is a bit high). I have a lot of alts, and to be honest, I feel pretty solid in any ship when I get the missile breaker to lower cost and cd, the first couple tiers for weapons, etc. I have had a lot of flight time with lasers of different types at tier 3, and while it's nice to get them the last two steps, they do still work quite well at that point. It's a nice feeling of accomplishment when you do get each unlock, too.


I think my biggest beef is the unlock cost. The 2k to unlock a new component is way too high (heck, it costs you only 500 more than that to get the first two tiers of most components), as it discourages players from trying out different options and is also frustrating when so many ships have iffy default components. Sure, there are people that use range capacitors and rapids, but they're not seen as all that great.

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