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Rage quit for the first time yesterday, sad story of a engi sniper in arena


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I've been playing engi in solo ranked arena since the start of season 1, I've been focused more times than you can count, and I have always done well until now. I know you probably don't know me, but I loved this class and the engi so much that I became obsessed with it, dishing out great damage, and using air based roll bangs as both a defense and offense, and just throwing frags.


Ranked arena is now dominated by sorcs, jugs, and sins...all three are my anti class since the buff. I actually miss fighting maras and pt's. It's so bad that people don't even atk my healer anymore, they just focus me EVERYTIME...I pop my cools downs timing them all, my medi-pack. I get the best healer, and I still die. Only time I have a chance is if there's a guard.


Sorry for the waste of a post, I'm just really upset I can't play my favorite class and spec anymore.

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I'd first off congratulate you for sticking with Engineering for so long. I'm the same way with MM. Engineering as the devs know, is not a 'fluid' spec, has energy management issues. I have enjoyed the times I do play it in WZ's but the fluidity is why I stay away.


Juggs have OP def cd's that are being nerfed now, Sin's are always a pain in the *** for Sniper's, especially arena, and Sorc's I'd assume are all madness sorc's which are much stronger, dot and LOS you.


I'm guessing here, but I'm assuming when you were focused in the past you just entrenched, plasma'd and OS and Fragment naded and rollbanged everything in sight. But you probably stayed put. The target's you're having problems with are forcing you to adapt your playstyle. Juggs can live WAY longer then they should, and so you need to create distance, but they can close gaps & survive. Sorc's can just dot and eat at you and hide and drive you mad. Sin's were always a target I prefered to get away from.


I don't know what your spec is, but maybe try going deep enough into MM for Imperial Demarcation (reduced leg shot cd) and the Heavy Shot (Ambush knockback). I know other engineer snipers who love to have these tools handy. For now, until dev's focus on Eng, you're going to have to adapt your playstyle to match these target's. Maybe take Calculated pursuit for free Overloads; at least if a sorc is LOS'ing you; you'll have something ticking on him. Pop an IP and maybe a corrosive dart and you'll have some pressure on him even if you're not in LOS. Another possible attack method would be dropping your EP, and chasing with your free overloads and poppin those off one by one.


Recently I've started using the full range of abilities on my sniper even tho I'm MM, because I figured it makes sense to get used to using abilities when I don't have defensive cd's to get away for an "ideal attack routine". So Shiv and Overload are back on my bar when I have a melee in my face, and I can't get away and I need to move. I hope you figure out how to make Engineering work for you, because playing the spec you love to play is super important to the game being fun.


Also last note. The change for AOE abilities is SUPER strong. If you doubletap the bound key you have set for your AOE abilities, OS, Plasma Probe, it automatically is cast at your target's location. You can drop an IP and a PP on a target so fast for that timely stun so effectively now.


This is my imaginary spec for you.



I left the last 2 points optional, as you see fit, you definitely have more playtime on Engineering then me. Pay attention to your Ballistic Damper charges more too, I recently started doing that and it makes a difference.


Have fun and Good Luck!


Egolas / The Bastion

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I'd first off congratulate you for sticking with Engineering for so long. I'm the same way with MM. Engineering as the devs know, is not a 'fluid' spec, has energy management issues. I have enjoyed the times I do play it in WZ's but the fluidity is why I stay away.


Juggs have OP def cd's that are being nerfed now, Sin's are always a pain in the *** for Sniper's, especially arena, and Sorc's I'd assume are all madness sorc's which are much stronger, dot and LOS you.


I'm guessing here, but I'm assuming when you were focused in the past you just entrenched, plasma'd and OS and Fragment naded and rollbanged everything in sight. But you probably stayed put. The target's you're having problems with are forcing you to adapt your playstyle. Juggs can live WAY longer then they should, and so you need to create distance, but they can close gaps & survive. Sorc's can just dot and eat at you and hide and drive you mad. Sin's were always a target I prefered to get away from.


I don't know what your spec is, but maybe try going deep enough into MM for Imperial Demarcation (reduced leg shot cd) and the Heavy Shot (Ambush knockback). I know other engineer snipers who love to have these tools handy. For now, until dev's focus on Eng, you're going to have to adapt your playstyle to match these target's. Maybe take Calculated pursuit for free Overloads; at least if a sorc is LOS'ing you; you'll have something ticking on him. Pop an IP and maybe a corrosive dart and you'll have some pressure on him even if you're not in LOS. Another possible attack method would be dropping your EP, and chasing with your free overloads and poppin those off one by one.


Recently I've started using the full range of abilities on my sniper even tho I'm MM, because I figured it makes sense to get used to using abilities when I don't have defensive cd's to get away for an "ideal attack routine". So Shiv and Overload are back on my bar when I have a melee in my face, and I can't get away and I need to move. I hope you figure out how to make Engineering work for you, because playing the spec you love to play is super important to the game being fun.


Also last note. The change for AOE abilities is SUPER strong. If you doubletap the bound key you have set for your AOE abilities, OS, Plasma Probe, it automatically is cast at your target's location. You can drop an IP and a PP on a target so fast for that timely stun so effectively now.


This is my imaginary spec for you.



I left the last 2 points optional, as you see fit, you definitely have more playtime on Engineering then me. Pay attention to your Ballistic Damper charges more too, I recently started doing that and it makes a difference.


Have fun and Good Luck!


Egolas / The Bastion


Thanks for the tips and encouragement man, means a lot.

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playing eng for 2 years now, so i know how u feel...


well we are an support role, therefore we want team mates who pull the pressure off us ( uhm, sounds mby a bit strange yeah i know :rak_03:) otherwise we wont get to full potential.


getting away of the bulk is key but tricky. you either end up beeing anywhere, unable to target someone or somewhere impossible to get, whatever your team provides, support.

try to lay back a bit so your opponents have to get throu your team to focus on you or simply open on someone else.

sadly 90% off the playerbase doesnt know about our passive abilities, like stealth detection.....

the OS nerf didnt help us either. i find it hit us engineer`s way to hard.

and i`ll recommend grenades!


myself struggles to face Jugg`s/Knight`s. their "heal to (nearly) full" is just a overkill for my dmg Output.


solo Q is pure gamble anyway

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I've been playing engi in solo ranked arena since the start of season 1, I've been focused more times than you can count, and I have always done well until now. I know you probably don't know me, but I loved this class and the engi so much that I became obsessed with it, dishing out great damage, and using air based roll bangs as both a defense and offense, and just throwing frags.


Ranked arena is now dominated by sorcs, jugs, and sins...all three are my anti class since the buff. I actually miss fighting maras and pt's. It's so bad that people don't even atk my healer anymore, they just focus me EVERYTIME...I pop my cools downs timing them all, my medi-pack. I get the best healer, and I still die. Only time I have a chance is if there's a guard.


Sorry for the waste of a post, I'm just really upset I can't play my favorite class and spec anymore.


Well generally sniper has never been the best for solo ranked since we have to position ourselves in order to get max dps through the fight. Other than that eng has been nerfed a significant amount while other classes have been getting buffs. I still never get gabled by a sorc but those juggs are quite annoying. I would not advise getting calculated pursuit in any form of ranked because whenever you forcefully make yourself leave cover for whatever reason you become the weakest member of a team Calculated pursuit was made so that you could reposition in places like huttball and keep your stacks of electrified rail gun up. This however was before roll was introduced it is now not needed as is the free plasma probe/explosive probe. Right now as it is eng sniper is a class that is meant to push enemies CDs and provide area wide fluff with nice burst every 45s.Your goal is you force stunbreaks and CDs then use explosive probe and a ambush tied with a instant snipe. Followed by series of shots of course. What you do after that is preference and also depends on the situation. I generally try to position myself near the healer so that I am where the mass of the opposing group will be and I am also in position to use ballistic shield. If you ever need to kill a sorc fast and he has already used his barrier just shatter shot him flashbang and use target acquired then explosive probe and ambush with instant snipe. The sorc will either force their healer to devote energy to heal them to full which hurts their group or your team has the edge and can now kill that sorc. All this however is playstyle and might not work for you. I also don't do solo ranked anymore this is just from my experiences in grouped ranked.

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If you have that much trouble against melee classes / or "sorcs" then you should try to learn lethality for solo queuein. You have so many defensive options and if done right, you can easily take on even 2-3 good melee classes on your own, as long as they dont have a chance to jump to you.


For team ranked, engineering is still a good option, if you have a good composition.



personally, when i solo queue im full lethality, for the extra survival and if doing team, i switch around to engineering for the rollburst.

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No, it's not, it's currently dominated by one Sniper whose name is Cryyc.:p


What are you doing that I'm not, I'm the top sniper on my server atm. You're either que syncing, or getting guards every game. There's no way you got your rating without pulling some ****. I know you play a lot of games, but shouldn't your bracket get harder? Either that or 90% of your server is bads that you can carry.

Edited by Aewu
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I really do feel for sniper's in Arena's. I play full tank jugg and whether we have a sniper on our team or against us i always try and have them be the focus.


I think this is a clear issue that this class is UP where arena's are concerned, people can almost taste the weakness. Hell, they are even being focused over sorc healers which if done right can often be globaled in seconds by a decent team.

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What are you doing that I'm not, I'm the top sniper on my server atm. You're either que syncing, or getting guards every game. There's no way you got your rating without pulling some ****. I know you play a lot of games, but shouldn't your bracket get harder? Either that or 90% of your server is bads that you can carry.


well, I'm playing lethality, i love it. it is not just a tab+dot spec.


nope sry, no q syncing, no guards every game. also i dont survive all my games, i'm usually the first and focus target of the enemy team, i get it pretty good from them, very often. i'm totally used to it and play accordingly with the classes i have on my team in mind. i simply adapt. the bracket is hard, sort the leaderboard by my server, look at the classes, it's not that easy and no, ToFN is not 90% bads, if you think so, you can try your luck by switching server. :)


also i was on place 1 with my sniper season 1, you could check the season 1 out sorted by my server for all classes to have a look at what the bracket kinda looks like.

season 2 is far from over, there will be some changes on the leaderboard i guess.

Edited by VdFExarKun
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