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Best Sentinel PvP set up


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This is the first sent i have had and made it with one of my buddies from work so we could have a well rounded set up in our group, please dont post anything negative cause it will be pointless and ignored.


I just made a Sent on a pvp server and i'm wondering what will be the best set up for the character to excell at pvp when i am at a lvl to do it? I've seen video's saying that focus is good over all, combat is good for bubble breaking, and watchman was better for PvE.... Any input for this would be appreciated.

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In the same way... I'm currently lvling a warrior I'll use for PvP as Carnage.... So any tips on Carnage, lvling and endgame, best set ups, stats, rotation... Well, everything useful and less useful I may want to know ;):D


EDIT, Combat ;):cool: Carnage is Marau spec :o

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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I had a carnage mara for a time and it absolutely sucked for PvP because you had to have the lunar cycle JUST right in order to kill anyone, otherwise you were just hitting like a wet noodle, personally i prefer Watchman/Anni for PvP, though i just started my Sentnel because i deleted that carnage Mara. and it will be a PvP Watchman, it will be tough to pull off, but i think i can do it!
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I had a carnage mara for a time and it absolutely sucked for PvP because you had to have the lunar cycle JUST right in order to kill anyone, otherwise you were just hitting like a wet noodle, personally i prefer Watchman/Anni for PvP, though i just started my Sentnel because i deleted that carnage Mara. and it will be a PvP Watchman, it will be tough to pull off, but i think i can do it!




Watchman is absolutely horrendous for PvP. Our dots can be dispelled, so as soon as you face anyone who can use their opposable thumbs, your damage will be cut in half. Also, Watchman has next to no burst damage, which is what is key in this games PvP. If you don't like Combat / Carnage, you would be better off going for Focus / Rage. Watchman will make you die inside.

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I had a carnage mara for a time and it absolutely sucked for PvP because you had to have the lunar cycle JUST right in order to kill anyone, otherwise you were just hitting like a wet noodle, personally i prefer Watchman/Anni for PvP, though i just started my Sentnel because i deleted that carnage Mara. and it will be a PvP Watchman, it will be tough to pull off, but i think i can do it!


Carnage/combat is very strong in PvP and the killing power is fantastic if played well. Just realize it is a difficult spec to get good with. You have a counter or perfect ability for every situation, but you have to have great anticipation and situational awareness and use your abilities just right to get a good outcome.


This is the current most effective PvP build the class has: 5-41-0




Just be sure you are using precision slash after your target has burned a CC or two. Only use master strike when you are pretty sure you will not eat a CC. Use transcendence when an opponent is trying to kite you, and zen when you need to bring the pain. Primary burst cycle with no proc's up is precision slash followed by 3 blade rush stikes. Use Blade storm when oppurtune attack proc's and never without it (and in a PS window whenever possible). And use Dispatch after precision slash unless it will kill the target anyways.


Never use slash, and use your focus builders outside of precision slash windows so you can burn hard when you pop precision slash.


Also do not be afraid to use blade rush without precision slash. It will trigger extra Ataru strikes and opponents frequently mistake it for PS causing them to CC you. If you ever get full resolve with precision slash available you will see the definition of fun in this game as almost any target becomes an instant free kill. The only thing that can stop you at that point is running out of health.

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I agree that Carnage/Combat is very strong in PvP, but I tend to run just as well or better with the following Spec:


Watchman/Combathybrid: 20 / 23/ 3


I will not go much into details, but it tends to do better than Combat for me and I am not a great PvPer. Its more about skills that most people got somewhere deep under dust without a hotkey, if you know how to use stuff like pacify, interrupt and crippling throw offensivly manage to keep your dots up push zen in the right moment and to time your precision slash burst right, this spec is for you. If you just want to burst dps got for Combat, it took me 4 Month to perfect tree setup and "rotation";-)


I will share details if you join me on my homeserver, but elsewhise find out for yourself, its a great spec but requires lots of foresight and ability to adapt to play right.^^

Edited by Atlanis
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Also remember in just over a months time, when 2.8 goes live, Watchman Spec is getting uncleansable DoTs, so if you can get to 4 stacks of Merciless (a stacking buff from using Merciless Slash that reduces its cooldown, caps at 4 stacks which is 6 seconds), you will be completely unstoppable.


However, Watchman is currently the worst PvP spec, tied with Balance Shadows (which are also being massively buffed in 2.8)

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Also remember in just over a months time, when 2.8 goes live, Watchman Spec is getting uncleansable DoTs, so if you can get to 4 stacks of Merciless (a stacking buff from using Merciless Slash that reduces its cooldown, caps at 4 stacks which is 6 seconds), you will be completely unstoppable.


However, Watchman is currently the worst PvP spec, tied with Balance Shadows (which are also being massively buffed in 2.8)


Yep, it will finally be time for the DoT specs to shine! my 55 Sin Tank will become a Madness DPS! (already have a PT tank which is much less hair pullingly frustrating to tank with.)

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