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Is SWTOR still canon?


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Can you guys just make sense here and just read into why they did these changes? They did the changes to Star Wars EU because of the direction of the new movies. The reason why SWTOR remains Star Wars, meaning canon, is because they are always talking with LucasArts and company to see what is fine and want to maintain what Star Wars is.


I wish some people used common sense. They didn't write off the whole EU because they were somehow pissed at the people for making all these stories, they wrote it off because it probably heavily conflicted with what the direction of the new movies are.


The Old Republic Era has NOTHING to do with the direction of the new movies. This is before that time. It has no effect on the direction of the new trilogy/movies therefore until they say "SWTOR is not canon at all" taking from what I have done research on this, and talking to the people I have talked to, it most likely is in fact canon.

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Star Wars LA 2014 Cantina Tour:


Question: How will Disney’s takeover of the rights to Star Wars affect SWTOR’s lore?


Answer: SWTOR is not canon. It is part of the extended universe. It will not be affected in anyway. The only thing that can affect SWTOR is Lucas Arts. As in Sith will not be running around on unicorn mounts.






Even so, I reckon it is a pointless endeavor, even if the people behind the game itself(!!!) say it over and over again.




I would also like to point out that the poster above me intentionally twisted what Eric said in the Twitch stream posted above, as seen here.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Stop harassing me please. Is it your mission to go around to every post I make and passive aggressively say something about it not directly quoting me? Some type of weird thing in your head? Sure seems like it Wicked. Again, please stop harassing me and trying to cause an issue. It's not welcome here. Thank you :) Edited by Sarfux
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Stop harassing me please. Is it your mission to go around to every post I make and passive aggressively say something about it not directly quoting me? Some type of weird thing in your head? Sure seems like it Wicked. Again, please stop harassing me and trying to cause an issue. It's not welcome here. Thank you :)


Disagreeing and pointing out the obvious is not the same as harassing last I checked. :rolleyes:

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Can you guys just make sense here and just read into why they did these changes? They did the changes to Star Wars EU because of the direction of the new movies. The reason why SWTOR remains Star Wars, meaning canon, is because they are always talking with LucasArts and company to see what is fine and want to maintain what Star Wars is.


I wish some people used common sense. They didn't write off the whole EU because they were somehow pissed at the people for making all these stories, they wrote it off because it probably heavily conflicted with what the direction of the new movies are.


The Old Republic Era has NOTHING to do with the direction of the new movies. This is before that time. It has no effect on the direction of the new trilogy/movies therefore until they say "SWTOR is not canon at all" taking from what I have done research on this, and talking to the people I have talked to, it most likely is in fact canon.


hate to break it to ya bub but swtor aint canon... it has been said many different ways and many different times. just accept it

Edited by Edzew
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Quick note from OP, since my topic was necro-ed: now I know SWTOR is not canon, and a part of Legends, but that is OK, I like EU more than the movies, and at the moment this game is the only EU that is still developed. Yes, as a fan I'm hyped for new Episodes, but I also hope BioWare will make some crossovers with new Canon stuff.


Still, it's annoying that we didn't got any official statement from BioWare. They are still afraid to admit they are making Legends now. The only thing they say now is that they are "consulting with LucasArts" (I don't understand why they don't say "Lucasfilm", but whatever), with some PR bull*** about "creating true Star Wars stories". As a customer I feel cheated.

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No they don't. You'd be surprised what some people don't know.


Well of course I'm using hyperbole. People in Africa likely don't know about it. But I would say most of the people on these forums that have heard that the EU is no longer considered canon would realize that it's so they don't have to stick to the books when making the movies. Among some other possible reasons. That being the most important.


But what about making the EU not canon because of the direction of the movie makes you think swtor is canon? Or are those unrelated points?

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Well of course I'm using hyperbole. People in Africa likely don't know about it. But I would say most of the people on these forums that have heard that the EU is no longer considered canon would realize that it's so they don't have to stick to the books when making the movies. Among some other possible reasons. That being the most important.


But what about making the EU not canon because of the direction of the movie makes you think swtor is canon? Or are those unrelated points?


Believe what you want to believe :)

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Can you guys just make sense here and just read into why they did these changes? They did the changes to Star Wars EU because of the direction of the new movies. The reason why SWTOR remains Star Wars, meaning canon, is because they are always talking with LucasArts and company to see what is fine and want to maintain what Star Wars is.


I wish some people used common sense. They didn't write off the whole EU because they were somehow pissed at the people for making all these stories, they wrote it off because it probably heavily conflicted with what the direction of the new movies are.


The Old Republic Era has NOTHING to do with the direction of the new movies. This is before that time. It has no effect on the direction of the new trilogy/movies therefore until they say "SWTOR is not canon at all" taking from what I have done research on this, and talking to the people I have talked to, it most likely is in fact canon.


I think its time you come to terms with this. SWTOR is not movie canon. Its IP with the name. That's it. They work with Lucas Arts to make sure its stays within the confines of the traditional SW universe (aka No one is riding a unicorn) but it is not connected with ANY of the movies in any way shape or form.


You need to accept this and move on. I'm sorry man. Its like a breakup. At some point you need to accept it and move on.

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its all fiction.


why would anyone think "canon" makes a difference or not.


how "real" do you need your fiction to be? oh no, this fiction is too fictiony!


And this. Some folks have WAY too much emotional stake in what can all be summed up as fiction.

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I'm still saying they did the EU changes because of the direction of the new movies. I'll keep it at that.


i don't think anyone is arguing that with you at all. but the fact is SWTOR is NOT canon nor is the EU anymore. it is all garbage for right now until we find out what bits and peaces they decided to pick out of the corpse and say "ok we will keep these parts! flush the rest!"

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I wish some people used common sense. They didn't write off the whole EU because they were somehow pissed at the people for making all these stories, they wrote it off because it probably heavily conflicted with what the direction of the new movies are.

Which, given their heavy-handedness tells you just how much their new direction will **** everything up.


Let's be real about one thing. Nuking the entire EU for "creative freedom" was never necessary. Believe it or not there was actually a gap they could've slotted the new movies in without changing anything (basically between Thrawn and the whole NJO business) that wouldn't have required any adaptation of previous material and wouldn't have been too far removed time-wise from the end of Ep6.


But if even that's too much to deal with, fine. I understand progress (and really, money) must be made and Disney wants the gazillion dollars from new movies over a few thousand from reprinted books. Great. Why not say "all EU material post Ep6 only is now non-canon as we're remaking it with the new movies (but we may still use old material as reference etc. basically all the ******** they're feeding us now.)? What's their beef with pre-prequel stuff?


Or even better, a more flexible dynamic statement like: "There is one canon now, which is comprised of the movies, the show, and all books and games and licensed things. However, any new movie made will automatically overwrite any existing content formerly classed as "EU" that conflicts with it." Meaning if and only if the new movies contradict Thrawn, then Thrawn is out.. Of course that will mean some later works will also have inconsistencies if they're dependent on Thrawn or make reference to it but to that I say a) If they're just barreling through, chances are that stuff will be overwritten eventually anyway and b) some stuff if minor could just be ignored. People still enjoy Heir to the Empire without losing their **** whenever the "mountains of Coruscant" are mentioned or the Clone Wars dates don't align. You might even get the authors/editors on board to rewrite and re-release new versions of the stories that update and fix that stuff- ultimately raking in even more money.


Throwing out all of it means they plan on messing with everything, Old Republic era stuff included, most likely through changing the origin of things. And that has already begun. Go to Wookiepedia and check out the page on Darth Bane (specifically the "canon" crap they did in the Clone Wars"). Throwing it all out means they could say "Jedi and Sith are only a thousand years old, came from Tatooine and were gay together every New Years" and there's nothing anyone can do about it.


Oh and don't kid yourself. The EU is gone. "It's there for reference" means nothing. It's an empty platitude. Of course it's there for reference. The books and **** still physically exist, it's not like they can go back in time and stop them from being made. And LucasFilm or whatever it is now holds the license so they can use whatever they want. But they could do that anyway, it's no favor or special treatment to us.


Star Wars is dead. And Disney killed it. Whatever "Mickey Mouse presents" **** comes next is going to be something different.

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its all fiction.


why would anyone think "canon" makes a difference or not.


how "real" do you need your fiction to be? oh no, this fiction is too fictiony!


for some people "like me" the canon issues determines if the last few years was all a big waist of time and money. for me my collection of every star wars novel (post han solo trilogy) is basically garbage... were they good storys?? yes! but they no longer matter to the world of Star Wars and for the most part they never actually existed so the past 15 years of collecting and reading was for the most part a waist of time and money

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its all fiction.


why would anyone think "canon" makes a difference or not.


how "real" do you need your fiction to be? oh no, this fiction is too fictiony!


It has nothing to do with being "real" and everything to do with being unified. Lucas' inconsistent views aside, the Star Wars universe was always more or less one big multimedia realm of fiction encompassing movies, books, games and TV shows. Everything fit together (more or less) and you had 5000+ years of history to play with. Want to explore the universe but don't want to deal with Skywalker, Vader or Solo? Fine. Find a time period that hasn't been filled in yet and go nuts.


No other franchise (to my knowledge) had such a rich creative environment, and if they did, they certainly didn't have the cultural reach and impact of Star Wars. The only thing that comes close is comic universes (specifically the big ones, Marvel and DC). But with comics you have endless reboots and re-imaginings and re-updating of stories from 30-40 years ago that it become downright impossible to keep a single continuity. The comics answer is a multiverse, just chalk everything up to parallel universes. Which works for them. But for Star Wars, part of the appeal was that it was ONE continuity, and that other characters we knew and loved and perhaps( if we were among the lucky chosen) got to create, inhabited the same space, if not time, as iconic characters like Darth Vader and Han Solo. Prior to Disney *********** it up my Jedi walked the streets of Coruscant that would potentially be walked by Anakin Skywalker or Mace Windu, three millenia later.


Except now Mickey just nuked it all.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Star Wars is dead. And Disney killed it. Whatever "Mickey Mouse presents" **** comes next is going to be something different.


i agree with everything you said except this last bit... Disney didn't kill it, George Lucas killed it, Disney just hammered in the nails of the coffin! B^P o and thew the dirt in and filled in the hole :(

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i agree with everything you said except this last bit... Disney didn't kill it, George Lucas killed it, Disney just hammered in the nails of the coffin! B^P o and thew the dirt in and filled in the hole :(

Say what you will about the prequels but ****** story aside they did still inspire plenty of innovation in the world building that the EU would be responsible for. Can you count the number of things lifted directly from the prequels that have positively impacted games like KOTOR, TOR and Force Unleashed?


And I'll take the apathetic Lucas of the past eight years over what Disney's doing now. You were right George, Star Wars need to grow beyond you. But what you didn't understand was that it already had. It just wasn't raking in enough in royalties I guess...

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for some people "like me" the canon issues determines if the last few years was all a big waist of time and money. for me my collection of every star wars novel (post han solo trilogy) is basically garbage... were they good storys?? yes! but they no longer matter to the world of Star Wars and for the most part they never actually existed so the past 15 years of collecting and reading was for the most part a waist of time and money

why on earth are they garbage?


did you enjoy them?


their sole existence is to entertain you. whether or not they are "canon" they are all fictional. none of it is real. none of it ever happened. caring whether or not they are part of an "approved fictional storyline" is completely irrational.


they do exist, they are on your shelf.

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why on earth are they garbage?


did you enjoy them?


their sole existence is to entertain you. whether or not they are "canon" they are all fictional. none of it is real. none of it ever happened. caring whether or not they are part of an "approved fictional storyline" is completely irrational.


they do exist, they are on your shelf.

Did you read my post? No one's debating fiction/non fiction.


The issue is unity and continuity in a large, culturally impactful franchise that we had more of a stake in than watching a movie or two. We had it, it no longer exists. It is not irrational to criticize that or even to feel a sense of loss.

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Say what you will about the prequels but ****** story aside they did still inspire plenty of innovation in the world building that the EU would be responsible for. Can you count the number of things lifted directly from the prequels that have positively impacted games like KOTOR, TOR and Force Unleashed?


And I'll take the apathetic Lucas of the past eight years over what Disney's doing now. You were right George, Star Wars need to grow beyond you. But what you didn't understand was that it already had. It just wasn't raking in enough in royalties I guess...


that's not what i meant at all, it was more of the fact that he sold it B^P well that and he kept changing things like with Han shooting first B^P

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Did you read my post? No one's debating fiction/non fiction.


The issue is unity and continuity in a large, culturally impactful franchise that we had more of a stake in than watching a movie or two. We had it, it no longer exists. It is not irrational to criticize that or even to feel a sense of loss.

what stake do you have in entertainment material?


continuity is a luxury and if you want it so badly, you certainly have it; until this year.


now you'll get a new continuity.


basing your entertainment value on whether or not it matches some different fictional "consistency" baseline is complete irrational. if you liked the stories, like them.


otherwise, youre literally getting upset over how fictiony your fiction is. seriously now...

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Did you read my post? No one's debating fiction/non fiction.


The issue is unity and continuity in a large, culturally impactful franchise that we had more of a stake in than watching a movie or two. We had it, it no longer exists. It is not irrational to criticize that or even to feel a sense of loss.


thank you!!

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