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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This Crap Needs to go... NOW!


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Hitting =/= acting. A kiter still has to deal with him taking actions like Force Leap, snares of his own, etc.


Circle Strafing doesn't have a "cc breaker".


Of course it does, its called cc. Knock back, root, stun, mez, you name it, anything of that will stop the circle strafing immediately and allow you to return to range. Indeed, just running in a straight line will break circle strafing. Melee characters can't circle strafe you unless you just stand there within melee range.


Oh . . . I see . . . you want to be able to "out melee" the melee guy by just standing there shooting at him from point blank range.

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Whats up with this crap? range automatically face their target no matter what? you cant even work as a mellee because no matter what you do your just gonna get stomped on by the superior DPS/Survival skills that the ranged have... Give me back my ability to work around a toon. plskthnxbai




...and if you remove our ability to auto-face, I want some things to make up for that:


1. increased range, since melee can hit me from 20m away (lag may be a part of that) I also want 5 times longer range (175m ftw).


2. be able to do decent dmg on the move, no need to sit in the same spot for ages...Ambush/Snipe on the run, yay


3. removal of lag so we actually can aim at the person we're shooting at, not where the game claims they are (actually, I want removal of the server-side lag even if we keep auto-face)

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Hmm I don't know what the hell all the ************ is about seems everytime a Melee gets within striking distance of me they seem to eat my lunch unless I can create some seperation....No a ranged class is just that Ranged that is where our damage comes in...I have to either be in cover or at a distance for any real damage.....I have never seen my character auto face unless I have been hit by some one and if that person is to my left or right the ranged should be able to get a snap shot off at you but most of the time I get you must be FACEING YOUR TARGET.
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Awww, running circles in pvp doesn't do anything in this game.

Guess the "teleporting" sprint+lag rogues won't make an appearance in this game.


Assuming it was indeed sprint+lag and not the CPU clock 3rd party exploit that the cool pvp kids used to do so they move at great speed and the game graphic engine doesn't keep up, so they just keep disappearing and popping up all over the place and make it really hard to target them.

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Melee is fine, ranged is fine - stop sucking so much. Seriously, Juggs/Marauders melt face in PvP. Yes, my main is a marauder.


Tired of everyone QQing that because they get owned in PvP occasionally, the class that beat them is OP. Warriors/Knights have great mobility, survivability and utility in PvP. Simples.

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Whats up with this crap? range automatically face their target no matter what? you cant even work as a mellee because no matter what you do your just gonna get stomped on by the superior DPS/Survival skills that the ranged have... Give me back my ability to work around a toon. plskthnxbai


I'm sorry, but I completely disagree. This is the #1 reason I didn't like pvp in WoW. Some rouge standing on top of you constantly moving around and my mage was helpless (early WoW).



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Circle stafing is not a rule.. it is an exploit. Your are basically admitting that your skill is lacking and you need to take advantage of a targeting flaw

Apparantly Scoundrels, Operatives, Shadows and Assassins aren't legitimate classes after all.

Circle Strafing is intended AND necessary for above-mentioned classes.


Auto-targeting doesn't just remove a tactical feature, it outright cripples classes that rely on avoidance and swiftness.

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I wrote this yesterday but noone has payed any attention to it.




If a melee is hitting someone in the face, and the enemy uses a channeled spell, running through the caster would work as an interrupt.


I'm not sure, but wouldn´t that be even a bigger problem?



Edited by Birdflew
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If a melee is hitting someone in the face, and the enemy uses a channeled spell, running through the caster would work as an interrupt.


I'm not sure, but wouldn´t that be even a bigger problem?



Auto-turning on active channeled spells is not the issue, and fine.

But on queued instant-spells and cast spells, it is not. And that's the problem.

Edited by Filo
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Auto-turning on active channeled spells is not the issue, and fine.

But on queued instant-spells and cast spells, it is not. And that's the issue.




I play a Sage, and I do not think this applies to that class.

But not sure. Maybe I'm used to turn my char facing the opponent at all times and just haven't noticed it does that automatically..



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OP is a fool. Ranged classes only auto-aim when channeling or using cast time abilities.

If you have a problem with it, interrupt them.


Being able to jump THROUGH a caster in other MMOs and render them completely unable to cast on you was a massive design flaw, not 'the way it should be'. I bet you also complained and called casters skilless when they ran around spamming instants at you because they were forced to.


Bunny hopping around like a deficient != skill.


If you rely on your opponent being unable to use any of their abilities because you're jumping through them like a halfwit, then you are an appalling PvPer. My Marauder destroys auto-aimers quite nicely thank you very much. Lrn2play in a system that isn't broken in your favour...

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Umm yeah melee can do the same thing. They are running through ranged and pretty much attacking backwards as long as they are in melee ranged.


And yeah thats all I see melee do is bunny hop, run through and in circles to avoid being shot. It does work as well for some abilities.


I dont see it as a problem. Maybe melee should try using stuns and interupts instead of mashing 1 1 1 1 1.

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anyone more than me who thinks pvp is way to easy? i can mess upp have time read what my ability do and still gett the kill [ it really happend] anyone think this going to change? I REALLY love challenge thats why i love pvp. i love whatch peopol on youtube that are better then me to learn. i really like pvp in wow there is always space to grow and be better.



is there anyone more then me who thinks you cant be creativ in pvp?

and why do you think it is that way?

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anyone who thinks there's real "skill" involved in mmo pvp needs to get a clue


plenty of fps games to test skill in pvp not some mmo game with nerds raging and screaming for nerfs


You're right. In Mmo's there is only makebelieve skill.


*Force pushes Troll back into cave*




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ITT - scrub melee players crying they can no longer run around jumping and win. If you can't kill a sniper who's standing still in cover you're just plain terrible and should quit playing games like this. If you had ever actually played a ranged class you'd realize it really is not a big advantage at all, with or without it I'll hit you with all my abilities no matter how much you run around me. I'll repeat - just too many scrubs in here.
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I agree, I jsut dueled my brother his playing a abounty hunter. And when i got in range i tried circle around as any meele class would do. He isnt familiar with this kind of game.


so i was thinkin *** his movments is akwards he is targeting me wherever i go. Then i found he just needs to press his key and his target follow me.. *** IS THIS? wORTHLESS PVP FIX OR I QUIT SIMPLE AS THAT.


IF THIS GAME is gonna get anywear near serious adress this for love of god.

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