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If you could live...


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I am going to be hated for this but I would love to live on Taris.

Hey, would-be neighbor! :)


I would love to live on Republic Taris, and Ord Mantell. The stories, and vistas, of these two planets have me completely charmed. Finding a Rakghoul-free spot, and tilting my view upwards in the multi-level ruins is breath-taking to me. I think I would enjoy homesteading on Taris.


Based solely on the views, Dromund Kaas has great possibilities. Views that encompass the city, jungle, and perpetual storms would be great. And, Hoth. Maybe something with an Old Republic version of a fireplace, while the wind whips the snow outside. Like the view in Coldstone Canyon.


I'm looking forward to Nar Shaddaa, too.

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If I could pick only one planet -it would have to be Alderaan. My BH promissed Mako vacation there ;)

Beautiful mountains to hike, great sea view, majestic buildings.


That being said...

if you want great views DK can be breathtaking. But the neighbours are awful there...

If you wanna be a hermit, the Obi-Wan's path on Tattoine awaits, but it is hot and dry out there.

Voss would be great substitute, and one could learnn from the pilgrims and mystics there.


Ord Mantell and Balmorra have strange appeal (is it the lighting?) Somewhat rough, but also romantic -many lives thrown for 'the cause', good none- industrial scenery...


Nar Shaddaa for a bachelor's night of course.


Belsavis -only if you' have a long sentence to serve

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Well in the real world I wouldn't be able to get an infinite supply of medical probes that bring me back from the dead for only 15 credits a month. So I'd want to avoid most planets we visit in the game. Dantooine seems a nice choice. It's pretty and I haven't heard much about it during this time period (~3640 BBY). Hopefully they've been able to get a handle on the kath hound / kinrath problems.
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Hey, would-be neighbor! :)


I would love to live on Republic Taris, and Ord Mantell. The stories, and vistas, of these two planets have me completely charmed. Finding a Rakghoul-free spot, and tilting my view upwards in the multi-level ruins is breath-taking to me. I think I would enjoy homesteading on Taris.


Based solely on the views, Dromund Kaas has great possibilities. Views that encompass the city, jungle, and perpetual storms would be great. And, Hoth. Maybe something with an Old Republic version of a fireplace, while the wind whips the snow outside. Like the view in Coldstone Canyon.


I'm looking forward to Nar Shaddaa, too.


Lol hey there.


I am glad their are others who would live on Taris as well. Personally, I would choose Imperial Taris, but just being there would be enough for me. See I have always found Taris unbelievably aesthetically pleasing and I really can imagine making a sort of out in the open metal like homstead for either my BH's or Agents.


For my Sith, I agree with you completely, that living on DK would be perfect. I think that my main (Guardian) would be very comfy on Tython but in this case Coresaunt would have to do for now.


Hopefully see you on Taris neighbour.

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Won't hate on you :) But I gotta ask...why Taris, for those of you who actually want to live there...


You find rakghouls cuddly or something? ;D


I find it beautiful. The ruins, the grass and the sky are simply gorgeous to me. Funnily enough, when it comes to rakghous I would design my house in such a way that they would not bother me nor I them.

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Balmorra for my Consular and Smuggler. Rubble, rockets and romance. That planet without contest produces the hottest males in the Galaxy. And in huge quantities. With no other female in sight. Awesome!


I love Drommund Kaas the most so far for the Imperial characters.


Yes, yes it does produce the most amazing males. I've always had a soft spot for Balmorra. The men, and the music when you arrive...are awesome. :D

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I find it beautiful. The ruins, the grass and the sky are simply gorgeous to me. Funnily enough, when it comes to rakghous I would design my house in such a way that they would not bother me nor I them.


You know, the destruction and toxic mess aside, it is a nice enough planet. Same with Belsavis...it's nice, but the prison and all. Funny how they ruined some nice planets that way.

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Yes, yes it does produce the most amazing males. I've always had a soft spot for Balmorra. The men, and the music when you arrive...are awesome.


I have to ask... does She-Trooper gets her very own from the Balmorra Resistance stable, or is she the only one bypassed?


From the non-included planets, I'd pick Telos. Because Bao-Dur is still the best.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I have to ask... does She-Trooper gets her very own from the Balmorra Resistance stable, or is she the only one bypassed?


From the non-included planets, I'd pick Telos. Because Bao-Dur is still the best.


Regrettably, I don't think she gets anyone from Balmorra. She's stuck with cat dude. Or like mine, not stuck with anyone, and really hoping to perv on Jonas Balker.


Hey bioware....give Jonas to Lady Trooper as a romanceable companion. That would make me actually want to play her. I did after all suffer through that storyline to 51 (planning her to be my 13th 55. tho)

Edited by Lunafox
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Of the planets in game? Alderaan! My 'Baroness' could annoy the nobles by parading around her sham title. Tython would be lovely too, I really enjoyed the views in the forge area, I wish you could go back and revisit the forge anyway. If it were on any Star Wars planet it would be Naboo or Dantooine.


In SWG my characters lived on Naboo, and my trader had a shop on Tatooine. I think Tatooine is much prettier in SWTOR so I may enjoy having a character or two share a hideout there. (I just wish it was more explorable, but that's a different thread.)

Edited by Jessabeans
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Star wars universe is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there, no matter how beautiful the planets are. the war, the struggle, people as bounties, people as commodities, people as chess pieces - it would be like living in one of the third world countries, even if I were a rich person with power - that carries a whole new set of dangers with it. not even Voss is safe.


maybe Naboo, somewhere out of the way?

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You know, the destruction and toxic mess aside, it is a nice enough planet. Same with Belsavis...it's nice, but the prison and all. Funny how they ruined some nice planets that way.


Their isn't so much destruction anymore but just ruins of the past and the toxic mess? Well one can get used to anything given enough time.

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In game planets, probably Tython (learn ancient Jedi secrets and get a great view!) or the upper levels (can't stress that part enough) of Coruscant (not that I could afford it). Stuff currently not in game: I'd love a quiet wind-swept farm in the fields of Dantooine or a place on Naboo--gorgeous city.


That said I'm really looking forward to the stronghold on Tatooine for some reason. Homestead conjures images of Owen's moisture farm, which would be kinda nice. Stronghold kinda implies something more along the lines of Jabba's palace--which a couple of my characters would also be quite happy with. I have no idea which direction Bioware's taking it, but either way I'm looking forward to it.

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Regrettably, I don't think she gets anyone from Balmorra. She's stuck with cat dude. Or like mine, not stuck with anyone, and really hoping to perv on Jonas Balker.


Aww, poor She-Trooper. Stuck with the only ugly Cathar in the Galaxy and nobody from Balmorra to moon after.... I guess the Trooper will have to find another accommodation.

Edited by DomiSotto
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