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If you could live...


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...on any planet you wanted, where would you choose to live?


In SWG, I lived on Corellia, because I had friends who lived there, and wanted to be near them. Naboo was also an amazing planet, and I probably would have moved there, if left to my own devices.


So, in this game, with the planets we have...where would you choose to live?


I love the idea of living in DK, and I hope we have a lovely view of all the amazing lightning storms. That's my first choice.

Next, I think I'd enjoy living on Korriban, I love the pinkish sky and all the amazing statues.


On the republic side, I think a home on Tython or Tattoine would be cool.


I would love it, if Naboo existed here, so we could live there. :)

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...on any planet you wanted, where would you choose to live?


In SWG, I lived on Corellia, because I had friends who lived there, and wanted to be near them. Naboo was also an amazing planet, and I probably would have moved there, if left to my own devices.


So, in this game, with the planets we have...where would you choose to live?


I love the idea of living in DK, and I hope we have a lovely view of all the amazing lightning storms. That's my first choice.

Next, I think I'd enjoy living on Korriban, I love the pinkish sky and all the amazing statues.


On the republic side, I think a home on Tython or Tattoine would be cool.


I would love it, if Naboo existed here, so we could live there. :)


I am going to be hated for this but I would love to live on Taris.

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Nar Shaddaa. No, seriously. Very strange coincidence that we will have pads on Nar Shaddaa. That is my all time favorite planet in Star Wars. It's very..unique. Lots of different types of places, people, black market etc. I can roleplay very, very well there. I also love Tatooine! Wait...another one we can live on! Maybe I should say "can we live on Balmorra or Voss?" and then in time get those ;) I'm sure in time we will though
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I'm a city dweller at heart (moving to NYC felt like coming home even though I'd never lived here before), so I'd probably go with Coruscant. A "summer home" on Alderaan would be nice if I were rolling in credits, too.


Oooo I like your way of thinking!

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Just one house? No way.


I need a house on Corellia, though, in addition to all the places they already said we could have houses on. Aside from that, I think I also want a farm on Balmorra. My bestie wants a place on Voss, I need a house there too.

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Hm.. even with imperial main I'd choose Tython as first place. Build a hi tech house in the forest with 1 ground floor and 4-5 underground. And a garden to meditate near river from mountains. Of course one of underground floors should be full of battle droids and some HK

As second I'd like Nar Shaddaa. But only if I can get good noise reduction in my apartment.

Edited by Comdriver
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Hm.. even with imperial main I'd choose Tython as first place. Build a hi tech house in the forest with 1 ground floor and 4-5 underground. And a garden to meditate near river from mountains. Of course one of underground floors should be full of battle droids and some HK

As second I'd like Nar Shaddaa. But only if I can get good noise reduction in my apartment.


You know, that actually sounds pretty cool. I wouldn't mind something like that in real life :D

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Crap... I didn't think I would need more than one stronghold, but I guess I will.


If I could live anywhere? Most of my toons would choose Nar. But... my main Jedi would choose Tat as it is more his speed and he could help people in need.


In general, my fave planet is Alderann. But... I wouldn't want to live there. I got a bad feeling about that place. Lol

Edited by Rafaman
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I really looking forward to Nar Shaddaa, that would have been of the worlds in SWTOR my favourite pick. Maybe with a summer house on Voss as second. Would like to have a farm on Dantooine too, but only if it really is a farm with some kind of farming minigame, but that world is not even in SWTOR, so I don't mind that I don't get that (for now, but really BioWare make that happen!).
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As a mad Sith Lord, I always wanted an underground Volcano base, as befits an evil and insane mastermind. So maybe those separatists on Ord Mantell would be willing to sell me theirs?


Failing that, Oricon is quite Volcano-y. Now the Dread Masters have been turfed out, maybe the Dread Palace will come on the market. But that's perhaps a bit big for little old me to rattle around in. I'd be quite happy in the watchtower.

Edited by PLynkes
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Crap... I didn't think I would need more than one stronghold, but I guess I will.


If I could live anywhere? Most of my toons would choose Nar. But... my main Jedi would choose Tat as it is more his speed and he could help people in need.


In general, my fave planet is Alderann. But... I wouldn't want to live there. I got a bad feeling about that place. Lol


Funny, I have a bad feeling about it too. Even though it doesn't happen for a long time, I'm just not jazzed about living there, because of that, and of course the slight bug problem :D

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Balmorra for my Consular and Smuggler. Rubble, rockets and romance. That planet without contest produces the hottest males in the Galaxy. And in huge quantities. With no other female in sight. Awesome!


I love Drommund Kaas the most so far for the Imperial characters.

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