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Strongholds are legacy wide...


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You won't be able to buy a house on the other factions Capital planet, so if you only have all Republic or all Sith characters then yes you can buy 3 strongholds, but if you have at least 1 character in both factions then it's 4.


I'm confused.


Have they confirmed that players with Republic characters can visit the Dromund Kaas stronghold and Imperial characters can visit the one on Coruscant?


Because if such is not the case, what I've said remains: At any given point, regardless of your faction, Republic and Imperial characters have access to three strongholds max, not four.

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yes their legacy wide but in case you have forgotten the family tree many players have one character married to another (not their companion) i love this idea it means that my knight and smuggler while may be seen in the same place can have a home together.


and since 2 of the places are DK and cour its not like your warrior can pop onto courcant and mess things up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why would you not want it to be legacy wide? That is just dumb. With all the toons that we all have now and all the different items that we have scattered amongst all our toons, it would be a huge headache if the strongholds were not legacy wide. If it is such a big deal for someone to have their own house for each character, just buy another house. Problem solved.
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I was really looking forward to make customized living quarters to all of my characters, I was already planning to go do OPs and whatever else drops achievement trophies to furnish each's individual house, now? Well it's retroactive so no need to do anything ,a lot of people would have done extra OPs/FPs on alts to furnish their homes it would have really helped with queue and what not.


Just because a stronghold is legacy wide DOES NOT mean you cannot have multiple strongholds, one for each fractional and "imaginary" legacy breakdown you have created. ;)


NOW... if strongholds were character only (not legacy wide) I'm sure there would be way more complaining about it.

Edited by Andryah
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I would much prefer if there were an option to buy additional Strongholds, if only because my chars are so disparate and different and numerous that even 3 Strongholds aren't enough to fully satisfy my needs.


So, let me buy an additional one on DK if only for my new Juggernaut tank.

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I would much prefer if there were an option to buy additional Strongholds, if only because my chars are so disparate and different and numerous that even 3 Strongholds aren't enough to fully satisfy my needs.


So, let me buy an additional one on DK if only for my new Juggernaut tank.


Agreed. Legacy wide is great, but don't limit the player. If all my characters want their own private (and different!) Dromund Kaas headquarters/Sith Temple, by all means let me spend more money! :D

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Agreed. Legacy wide is great, but don't limit the player. If all my characters want their own private (and different!) Dromund Kaas headquarters/Sith Temple, by all means let me spend more money! :D


Too challenging to implement, from a technical perspective. Have I mentioned it is a challenge already? :o

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Agreed. Legacy wide is great, but don't limit the player. If all my characters want their own private (and different!) Dromund Kaas headquarters/Sith Temple, by all means let me spend more money! :D


1) We do not actually know the boundaries on ownerships yet.


2) As with most things in MMO (including this one)... how about we have some fun with what launches, and see what additional features and content they add later on..... like more strongholds, more options, more features for them in general, etc.

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While I'd be OK with them making them only show the decor of a specific character you are on, I would highly oppose having the purchase be removed from legacy. These things will literally cost Millions of credits to fully open, I don't want to pay that multiple times, and honestly, RP community isn't large enough to justify screwing everyone else over at this price point.
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